Its really not gonna be the same around here without her here, she is gonna be so dearly missed.

I've got this on loop right now and it feels so appropriate somehow? Kinda feels like the heavens are falling down or weeping too? It did rain a lot today too...
Destiny is mine
My fear won't bother me
That never-ending flow of love of that is in my heart
Shoot a thread of light
I feel no pain
The one has come with the rain
My heart and soul are sharpened by
That the brightest light of all (Brightest light)
Falling, then I hear your voice
Your voice will guide me as in my fate
So I swear to the shining ocean now
"Guide me through, I will survive and show you that someday
The reason that we're here"
Heaven's falling down, the sky is breaking down
But I know I will survive, until the end of time
Destiny is mine, my fear won't bother me
That never-ending flow of love of that is in my heart
Shoot us where we lie
I chose my fate
No one can take it away
The wings of hope and freedom will
Always be right all by my side (All by my side)
[Verse 4]
I see fading lights ahead
And I can hear a prayer in my heart
I believe this war is worth fighting for
Stay with me, I need you by my side
No matter how, how hard it might be
Thank you for being a part of our lives
@KiriNigiri, blessing and enriching us. I haven't cried this much in a long time, I just can't stop. I numbed myself to try to "grow up" and not be such a crybaby, to be more "stoic/emotionally resilient" despite my ironic meltdowns on here and elsewhere and now all I can do is just shed tears uncontrollably right now.
Kiri was a real gift to us, but sadly all good things must come to an end, the only thing permanent in life is death as far as we know and everything else is temporary, fleeting hence we must make the most of and cherish who we have in our lives and the time we have with them before it's too late.
I'm absolutely terrified of the day I lose my grandparents and especially my mother, I know I will fall apart, I will break and maybe I will be reborn, I will survive somehow for their sake especially, for their sacrifices to raise me and keep me going/alive too.
I feel like I've lost not only just a friend here but a sister too somehow. I'll never the wonderful, funny times we had gossiping about Zoro and Tashigi on OJ and I regret I didn't spend more time chatting to her on here and reigniting our friendship from back on OJ too.
I never like to let myself forget the people who bring me joy, bring me happiness especially with such a difficult, painful life I've led and despite how painful it is to lose them, because that pain reminds me us they were part of our lives too, they were real and we cannot let ourselves forget them for their sake, we must endure the pain because it keeps the memory of them alive too.
I'm gonna tribute some songs to you now Kiri, I hope there are angels taking care of you now and you are suffering no longer, I hope you no longer have to feel pain or helpless and that there is a Heaven out there for you:
God bless your family too Kiri, for bringing you into this world, raising you and thus ultimately leading you to be part of our communities and lives too.