[FNZ] Role Madness Round 08: Tokyo Ghoul

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The above post is after you called for Ha and don Lynch. You are willing to Lynch ha regardless of whether he is neutral for you or not just because he haven't done anything to this point.

A townie simply doesn't call for a neutral player Lynch

Now look at this post - when HA questioned you that why you put him for lynch over NW whom you think is bad you replied" lynching doesn't mean other people aren't sus anymore"

But now you are saying that after talking to neutral your sus got lessened? Huh? When did that talk happened?

Problem is that you are inconsistent which reflect you really don't have a case on HA yet you tried to push his case real hard.....
You kept pushing the word neutral I said I am fine with lynching any of them cuz I am susing them

Do you think that HA is town ? Did he make anything that made him sound like town in your opinion?

U want me to quote it ? Alright


You can't win
@Bogard @TheAncientCenturion why you guys took the back seat after going after each other on First half of day one?
Well i was active for hours, waiting for @TheAncientCenturion 's reply as to why he continuously tried to paint me as liar even after i clarified what i meant, but he didn't. After that, it was night time for me, so went to sleep. Have to read the thread now to see if there are anything new


Vote Lynch Celestia

Nothing changed so far and I'm picking her as my lynch right now in that her case is particularly appalling. Her points are too illogical in that she accused HA001 to relentlessly post fluff from the very game start and yet she also stated he was neutral and not bad. In an occasion she even stated he wasn't behaving randomly when her final reason on him was that much.

@TheAncientCenturion considers her leaning town which is an interest aspect despite her faultiness in logic.

@Queen not sure if yours is an attempt to frame me or what. I played countless townie games in which my behaviour was overall chill and I was observing players and even make calculative posts, like The Bachelor, and some where I claimed immediately and went very very berserk on players, like Dressrosa game. My style is not always going hard on players, you will often find me observing and making my mind, sometimes even writing calculative posts, expecially in no claims games. Not to mention that last game I didn't go Berserk at all when playing Survivor. My demeanor was chillier.
How are my points are illogical
His posting his reaction to my lynch
I don't think he is town
Y'all gonna base my lynch on a word ??
Then u gonna have to explain yourself good on day 2 after I flip town :)


I explained before to you why cuz you were quiet
Doesn't make sense. other players were also quiet. Didn't you read why Reborn lean more toward Seraphoenix for being a scum?

Seraphoenix said Bogard pushed a bit too far with his lynch and yet Seraphoenix did the same thing to me. A consistency here.

Seraphoenix also said in his first post regarding me"Has Neutral sus Bograd?" which I replied with "Why are you thinking that I sus Bogard?" and his reaction was he accused me of lying. How come I was the one who was sus?

Does it make sense that I was accused of lying for questioning him why he asked that me has sus Bogard?


Doesn't make sense. other players were also quiet. Didn't you read why Reborn lean more toward Seraphoenix for being a scum?

Seraphoenix said Bogard pushed a bit too far with his lynch and yet Seraphoenix did the same thing to me. A consistency here.

Seraphoenix also said in his first post regarding me"Has Neutral sus Bograd?" which I replied with "Why are you thinking that I sus Bogard?" and his reaction was he accused me of lying. How come I was the one who was sus?

Does it make sense that I was accused of lying for questioning him why he asked that me has sus Bogard?
My post was old anyway before you both started arguing much


Zoro Worshipper
How are my points are illogical
His posting his reaction to my lynch
I don't think he is town
Y'all gonna base my lynch on a word ??
Then u gonna have to explain yourself good on day 2 after I flip town :)
The issue is within your demeanor of not pushing your biggest sus, since HA001 wasn't one of them by your reads. You wouldn't pick a neutral read on someone you think is leaning scum, whilst at the same time you did that with different other people, not even just one, labeling them anti-town.

Also you are ignoring the fact that you voted HA001 by asserting he was fluffing since the very start of the game and not contributing to town, and yet you didn't even label him anti-town at first. This change seems too disingenous to be trustful since he sticked with his line all the time.

You even once stated that he wasn't behaving randomly when that's what fluffing is about.


The issue is within your demeanor of not pushing your biggest sus, since HA001 wasn't one of them by your reads. You wouldn't pick a neutral read on someone you think is leaning scum, whilst at the same time you did that with different other people, not even just one, labeling them anti-town.

Also you are ignoring the fact that you voted HA001 by asserting he was fluffing since the very start of the game and not contributing to town, and yet you didn't even label him anti-town at first. This change seems too disingenous to be trustful since he sticked with his line all the time.

You even once stated that he wasn't behaving randomly when that's what fluffing is about.
It is up to me ppl who I didn't lable town aren't clear to me
I told Reborn in my first post Iprefer lynching soneone who is active and not inactive to see who they interacted with that's why I said we deal with Red And Rej with night actions and everyone seemed to ignore that part
And before that me and neutral talked a little and after that my sus on him lessened Idk why me choosing Ha or Don makes me scum while u gonna throw in the garbage every other posts I made

I still got pages to catch up to
Read this post that's why I said I am fine with don or ha it seems you all love ignoring and just wanna see what fits your narrative
In that game your reasoning was me not minding a D1 lynch. Now you are changing the story.

Vote Lynch NeutralWatcher
I initially leaned towards Town on you when you watched few eps to get an idea of the show.
Bt i think you went in personal on this from start, targeting Neutral based on last game, before you had even read anything on.

The whole deal betwern you guys on surface appears to be misunderstanding, really no solid basis to go on for so long. Neutral in previous game wasn't sure of your alignment since yoi visited both Reborn n Lanji, and both ended up dead. Then he also view you not stopping D1 lynch, so he considered that together with Night activity a reason sus you.
I can understand you misunderstanding that, bt what i dont get is, you also sus Bogard n Dragomir, bt hasn't tried bit to find anything on em. That's why i am leaning towards you being Scum.

I know you are good player n can help much in the game, bt if you are Mafia more reason to be wary of you.
If there's Investigator, i would ask him to chck his alignment.

As for Bogard, i read through it all, damn they really did piece of work, on something like 48 hours, that just should be punished for extended the mental labour. Lol
I think i am ambiguous on him, some things certainly don't add up bt it also don't make sense a scum would do this first thing in the game. Its definitely risky and only way i can see you doing it is if you are Investigator free. So i wouldn't suggest town to waste that on him, let's just go through him more, if he had slipped. You pushed a lot more than you have with Tac, and given how frequently he causes such blunder, i am surprised you took seriously on that. Plus your own post suggest you were going to target Tac anyway, starting the game coulf be your strategy bt also pushing an lynch and causing unnecessary confusion, which can lead to mislynch.
I agree with Reborn, doing nothing and don´t voting in the first day means we losing the chance to get more details(vote details) and also the better perspective to find the scums. Yes if we don´t vote anyone we probably don´t most like losing a townie, but if we don´t do that now today we also gonna have problems later. We need reactions/vote details and also better perspetive. I my thoughs I still not have a clear opinion which I should vote then(the discussing between Neutral and Sera are very suspect in my eyes, for some reason they can´t stop attacking each other).
Agree types are also usually the ones scums. And later on you tries to deflect it on Nuetral vs Sera, while not giving any clear opinion on either. That's scummy.

Careful there, my first opinion on you isn't good Playa.

What are your reads on others? N Pls avoid one liners.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Here is my take on @Bogard vs @TheAncientCenturion

I will not go into details of their argument as we all know what happened

However, I would like to make few things clear consider that the shit happened right at the beginning of day one.

Let's assume Bogard is scum.

1)tac is town - that's very risky from scum point of view because scums Know who are possibly townie. So pushing lynch on townie on beginning of day one would put Bogard on risk of getting Lynched on day two as reasons for his tac misLynch are quite weak. So, possibility of this situation is negligible.

2)tac is scum belonging to same faction as that of bogard - not possible. I have played games with both of them and both Bogard and tac won't raise sus on each other to such extent so early on.

3)tac is scum but belongs to different faction (like one is indie and other is mafia but obviously they are unaware of each other identity) - now this situation is possible. But only problem is if Bogard is scum regardless of which faction he belongs it doesn't make sense that he would push case so hard because it's like highlighting himself in front of twonie.

Now let's assume Bogard is townie

1)tac is townie - could happen but Bogard push on tac is so hard which I have never seen townie Bogard doing it unless he is sure that he caught scum

2)tac is scum - another possibility because Bogard believes he caught scum

In short, Bogard being Townie make more sense than Bogard being scum.

Tac can flip either as townie or scum.


Holy Simp
2 possibilities :

if we no lynch : during night 1 the town will be weaker because people won't really know who to target or help. But for day 2 : giving who died, former interactions and new reactions we will be able to have informations.

The disadvantage of lynching one is the mislynch. Killing a townie for free. And the disadvantage of no lynch is during night 1 town will be at a disadvantage.

If we lynch : if there is a lynch, the death will give us informations about the game and we will be able to read former interactions better and so during night one people will be able to act in a better way. But there is a risk of mislynch.

I think giving it is the begining we can wait day 2 to have a real opinion and avoid the myslynch. But I am still open to debate.

a no lynch as town is a no go except its in the latter phases

anyway I am back and I dont know who is scum
yes I am experienced but I hate 20 player games with fast pace, I will take the backseat here, I hosted tons of games where people took the backseat, I wanna be one of those now

if anyone worries about my alignment please put investigative roles to screen me

I'd like to pinpoint scum while I naturally get into the game

If noone can use me in this game then I pled for mafia or serial killer to kill me.


You can't win
Ok, after a quick read, there is something i didn't like about the way TAC built up his format to identify the possible factions of the game.

This is what he says
So; For Mafia I have a bit of a more gradient style view on scum and how I pursue them. Let me just give you the quick legend.
Ok fine, let's see

100% Townie
I have proof they are a townie or the logic behind them being anything else is beyond the pale
Ok so basically you give a general perspective from what you view as proof of being a townie, but not telling what that proof actually is?

Someone who's game play strongly reflects a townie for me. But I am not willing to overlook odd things about them.
Here you give a general perspective from what you view as a gameplay strongly reflecting a townie, but without telling what that gameplay actually is?

Leaning Town
Neutral-ish positive. Players who I have no reason to sus as bad based on their limited actions, and I presume to be town for the time being. But it's a weak thought.
Here you give a general perspective of who you view as a player you have no reason to sus based on limited actions, but what do you mean by limited actions exactly? Because if you mean activity, @Reborn has been one of the most active players thus far, yet somehow fits in this critera of yours? And if it's not activity, mind explaining what the limited action critera is in this case?

Leaning Scum
Neutral-ish negative. Someone who I think is suspicious for one reason or another. I have no immediate good reason to vote them or to build a case, but I keep my eye on them

Here you give another general perspective about who you think is suspicious in your eyes for one reason or another, but without explaining why that person is suspicious?

Suspicious Player
Someone who I am fairly certain is scum of some variety. I would be happy to vote them off if I had no better options. Not someone I'd immediately go to TO vote off though.
Here you give another general perspective of who you are fairly certain to be scum, but without explaining why that person is so certain to be scum from your perspective?

Basically someone whose actions are so blatant there is no other reason to them.

And here as well, giving a general perspective of actions so blatant to be considered as scum, but which actions exactly you view as something identifying them as scum is missing?

Now onto your reads

My Reads:


Yo Tan Wan

Jew D. Boy



All Red
Neutral Watcher


That's it? I expected that after giving a general perspective of the way you were viewing things, you'd go into details as to why you ranged them this way, but you didn't?

I'm on the fance for Queen/Final Beta. I guess you could swap them in either direction. Most of the Leaning Scum are inactives who I have no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt for. Better to start off skeptical. Neutral Watcher seems very off based on his exchange with Seraphoenix, Lanji's different play style and lack of any real views puts him there for me too. We all know why I want Bogard gone.
For me, it's fine since we had a continuous back and forth, with you still not replying to my question, but it's fine, i'd give it a pass. However, you are on a fence with Queen/Final beta, without having any problem if they were swapped in any direction, but ultimately without giving any reasons to why you think so. Similarly, you claim that Neutral Watcher is off based on his exchange with Seraphoenix, but without explaining why you find him off. Now i know you tried a read of him in a post above, but let's analyze properly what you did

- Here you give a read of NW being panicked, and that a good case could be built up on him, but ultimately without building that case in the end
Whether deliberate or otherwise, NW strikes me as more panicked / worried that Sera has them in his sights. And it's a good case build up too.
- Here you try to give Don a lesson on how to play, try a diplomatic approach on how you lean on him being in a negative light, but not going fully onto it
Don, if this is your true town play style, I think you need to be more proactive.

You give us nothing but talk constantly, so I need to automatically push you in a negative light. Not locking you in. But letting you know that you need to change it up for Day 2.
- Here with Lanji, you tried to explain how him "parroting you" and not giving important comment was sus, but without going full throttle on it
So the closest Lanji gets to an opinion on this matter is parroting me but doing so in a lackadaisical manner. "Oh well, Bogard said this about TAC and it wasn't true. HOW WEIRD." as if waiting to see if this line of thinking would gain more momentum. It doesn't help that the other comments up until this point are not... Important in the least?
And you add that he "AT BEST, lazily took your side to float the idea of me being scum"
Note: I quoted most but not all of Lanji's comments. So maybe I missed something that was slightly more pertinent to the game, but I don't believe I did. Early on, Lanji seems to talk to talk and "be there" and has no real major swing on Bogard and I's arguments. At best, he lazily takes my side to float the idea of Bogard being scum, but doesn't pursue it much.
Sounded like you tried to seperate yourself from him, which is weird.

So basically what i mean is what i already noted in a previous discussion with you. You try to make detailed long posts, but ultimately without really giving anything concrete, and diplomatic play like this doesn't help town, more like the contrary, it's what scum do to try to blend with town without being too contributive
Agree types are also usually the ones scums. And later on you tries to deflect it on Nuetral vs Sera, while not giv
Not really, the point of Reborn was simple but also important which I agree at most. Doing nothing and beeing quit are most like hints about a traitor. Their is no point to do nothing. Lynch voting are important, doing nothing only would cost as days and many informations, also in the night day we would lose users. Don't see anything wrong with me agree with Reborn, it was also my only agree to that point or did I going and accept other players opinion too?

Im not the only one who read bad vipe of Sera vs Neutral. Also no one of them even reply to my point which little proof my point.

What are your reads on others? N Pls avoid one liners.
I already do points to some other discussing here.


Zoro Worshipper
Here is my take on @Bogard vs @TheAncientCenturion

I will not go into details of their argument as we all know what happened

However, I would like to make few things clear consider that the shit happened right at the beginning of day one.

Let's assume Bogard is scum.

1)tac is town - that's very risky from scum point of view because scums Know who are possibly townie. So pushing lynch on townie on beginning of day one would put Bogard on risk of getting Lynched on day two as reasons for his tac misLynch are quite weak. So, possibility of this situation is negligible.

2)tac is scum belonging to same faction as that of bogard - not possible. I have played games with both of them and both Bogard and tac won't raise sus on each other to such extent so early on.

3)tac is scum but belongs to different faction (like one is indie and other is mafia but obviously they are unaware of each other identity) - now this situation is possible. But only problem is if Bogard is scum regardless of which faction he belongs it doesn't make sense that he would push case so hard because it's like highlighting himself in front of twonie.

Now let's assume Bogard is townie

1)tac is townie - could happen but Bogard push on tac is so hard which I have never seen townie Bogard doing it unless he is sure that he caught scum

2)tac is scum - another possibility because Bogard believes he caught scum

In short, Bogard being Townie make more sense than Bogard being scum.

Tac can flip either as townie or scum.
What do you feel about TAC misreading me?

He said I sus'ed only one person in the latest 24h but that's a lie.

Unless he misred my posts, I don't know what to believe about it except for a frame attempt or even more likely a wrong push which is a slip, similar to the one I had with Cinera last game.
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