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I mean, I explained how it should work as I was going too. Pretty clear really. I don't know who wanted the lie detect to be used on Flower, I actually don't think it was a waste because of how much discussion had been had around it.
I remember. What i'm saying is that they tried to push narrative saying it's flower trying to bend the truth while it's wording itself wasn't even her idea


The End and the Beginning
I am town and i even used my Stand Guard ability on you earlier, which protects from rolecrushes. It appeared in writeup more than once.

I am also a watcher, this is why i am suss of @AL sama apparently having double watcher ability, which may be indicative of scum watcher.
Oh, you claimed. I'm actually already immune to role crushes, so I don't give you much credit for that (a rolecop probably would have told scum this). Results on the watcher?


The End and the Beginning
And, up to date.

Melkor needs to claim targets.

Next in line would be Baki and Mango. Will give Worst today to catch himself up, if he has an explanation for surviving Night 1 that would also help.

I like Apollo, I think. Indigo needs to claim his new wincon. Not sure what is going on with Muugen/Indigo, but given that one has lied and openly expressed disinterest in the game once Flower leaves I'm not willing to read too much into it on his word. Not sure why scum Muugen would kill those two either when scum benefit from their presence absorbing attention.

Nothing else at the forefront. Not sure I see X's reasoning on Pelosi, their interaction was weirdly emotional. Otherwise I see them both being town here.


The End and the Beginning
All 3 claimed watcher roles, Naomi is the only one who put in work for town, from melkor and Al who do you think is scum? or do you think that there may be 3 watchers roles for town(probably unlikely)?
Naomi claimed tracker, no? I can't and won't get into too much setup spec in super role madness, most suspicious there is Mslkor, then Al, Naomi probably just Town.


You are a fraud, you spited Flower for 3 cycles, enforcing all attention of the day play towards a single player. Also don't come at me with activity bias. Lol
“sPiTeD fLoWeR” I targeted an nonhonest duo who kept changing their story and contradicting themselves and each other everytime they talked. Wild I forgot I questioned and discussed many other players and engaged with just about everyone else in that same time span.

please rej tell what you’ve actually done this game so far?
I am not fully caught buf if @AL sama does not have any info with double watcher ability this looks pretty bad to me.
I’d worry more about Ratchet - Al’s been open sharing his info as it comes.
i have over 100 posts, how it is a low presence?
100 oat has nothing to do with presence, you’ve been abysmal and I forgot you were even in the game. meaning you haven’t posted anything of substance that I’ve noticed.
Sallucion is coasting hard, i would not mind offing him.

Not sure about Apollo, he gave me honest vibe.
he’s making some random push my way, dishonestly.
Ekko suggested in neighbour chat that he could link two people. If it was a watch, he could easily have linked mono to say, Flower, which wouldn't be scum indicative. As he was tracked, and only targeted Mono, then there was no defence.
didn’t I call out the neighbor chat as being a potential scum ability on D1?

well what else did he share with you? what was the n2 you didn’t want to share after Naomi outed ekko? I don’t want to hear any of your hypothesis here.
MUUGEN/TAC- Scum at the same team, most likely red scum- look at these guys at the very start of D2 :saden:

Day phase barely started and they jump someone confirmed town, no doubt they agreed on this during their scum chats. They decided to go after flower DESPITE the fact we had confirmed lynch on Ekko. They didn't even bother voting tree stump throughout the day, only tried to derail the confirmed scum:

Some big mistake they made and quite amateurish, but watch out!

TAC does it yet again at the start of Day 3! Some scummate should tell him not to get people's eyes on him.

Its funny too, because if memory serves me Muugen jumped at Flowa and Reloaded voting in a close amount of time too during D2 only for him not to notice this happened

I say we lynch Muugen as he most likely has the killshots according to what Flowa said. Then if anyone has killshots shoot TAC.

@Indigo make those invests tonight. I have a few more suspicions I would like to confirm.
is this really the best you could do for iso?

yeah I voted flower never changed my votes I didn’t even push her til end of the day maki jg her the second wagon while maintaining ekko as the main lynch. so really where are you trying to go here?

flower was never confirmed until she shared her rolesheet and was modkilled which was today on d3 so try again.

derailed ekkos lynch - hmm point out where I attempted to do such a thing, cause I never once said not to vote kekko. but you can keep make up false narratives.
“jUMpeD aT reloaded & flower wild I never used that as any part to press either one of them. I’ve brought it up once today asking why she was randomly voting TAC & not Rayan today after hard scum reading him.
but nice try, honestly this was cute.

you can invest me that’s fine, I’ve even asked to check previously so nbd
Not to mention muugen's OMGUS so far, he is desperate right now trying to start any other wagon. TAC gave up, you should too. Accept your fate and let your flip determine who is truly town.
oh oMGuS you sure even know what that means. you don’t know what starting a wagon is. It’s what I did to your precious little flower 2 days in a row which wouldn’t even had happen if she didn’t play like scum and get the consensus to follow me. I don’t feel sorry one bit for her for how bad she played.

you obviously don’t know me, but you are too early for this stage. you’ve bitten off more than you can chew boy.
You can't even pretend you don't know what happened at night since you saw me spending 1/2 of the night questioning her. And how am i supposed to town read you?
if you think I was involved in reading any part of night chatter in discord you are sorely mistaken I’ve said this multiple times. Naomi didn’t mention you and this but when asked about anything important so I never saw it.

huh how are you supposed to town read me? idc if or how you do. that’s on you not me. you’ve been paying attention to the game but have been nonchalant for the majority of it.

what is your current read on me and the rest of the players?
You said you will take care of her spot yourself or something. Then lighting action failed (i guess lie detect). My bet is that she thought you tried to kill her
wrong. I said not to waste lie detector on indigo and that I’ll clear his slot. “she thought I tried to kill her” that’s her own fault and problem once again. I’ve pointed out and questioned her when she said she was sent a superkill on d2 and how she would know this info without being notified of a killshot sent her way, she continuously stated onii doesn’t share this information, yet kept insisting she 100% knew a killshot was sent her way she didn’t again d3 saying another killshot was sent at her my ability never had inclination of this in wu I can confirm this. Indigo then doubled down in it and said it was me who sent a killshot at her which was false and incorrect which is why I have questioned the validity of said claim.

that duo has played dishonestly and untrustworthy from the start and they met their own demise by playing so sluggish and foolishly.
Oh sh** that fucking does it!

@MUUGEN , @TheAncientCenturion i don't want to do this guys! ( well i do actually ) So give me a reason not to do it!

And by reasons i mean claims! or....OR! Berries! I'm open for business that's all i'm saying!
you can be the idiot who shoots someone based off one persons read while I’ve been predominantly town read - Naomi the one player who is “borderline” confirmed town at this point based off of actions and catching ekko as scum has me as one of her top town reads it’s not coincidence so if anything you should get your info from someone else.

& no I’m not claiming I’ve shared info but no I won’t claim.
You can catch up and read the game.
And, up to date.

Melkor needs to claim targets.

Next in line would be Baki and Mango. Will give Worst today to catch himself up, if he has an explanation for surviving Night 1 that would also help.

I like Apollo, I think. Indigo needs to claim his new wincon. Not sure what is going on with Muugen/Indigo, but given that one has lied and openly expressed disinterest in the game once Flower leaves I'm not willing to read too much into it on his word. Not sure why scum Muugen would kill those two either when scum benefit from their presence absorbing attention.

Nothing else at the forefront. Not sure I see X's reasoning on Pelosi, their interaction was weirdly emotional. Otherwise I see them both being town here.
I targeted only myself so far


Custom title
you can be the idiot who shoots someone based off one persons read while I’ve been predominantly town read - Naomi the one player who is “borderline” confirmed town at this point based off of actions and catching ekko as scum has me as one of her top town reads it’s not coincidence so if anything you should get your info from someone else.

& no I’m not claiming I’ve shared info but no I won’t claim.
You can catch up and read the game.

dw sir Muugen i only shoot if i'm 100% sure i'm killing a scum!


The End and the Beginning
didn’t I call out the neighbor chat as being a potential scum ability on D1?
I don't recall. I claimed it before Ekko flipped, but I only mentioned it from Day 2. Like I said when I claimed it, I was given the option to continue the chat, and I refused it. So after Day 1, it was gone.
well what else did he share with you? what was the n2 you didn’t want to share after Naomi outed ekko? I don’t want to hear any of your hypothesis here.
What info are you referring to? I claimed my shot on Rhea N1, which is why I said I had some reservations around Flower. As for what else Ekko shared, not much. He said he had a scum read on T Pein, and thought Prof was likely Indie, but he was largely quiet compared to his usual presence. In terms of why I wanted to know whether it was a track or a watch - like I just said, if it was a watch I would have thought it was the linking thing he talked about. If it was a track, then the link thing would have showed two targets - if he only had one, then it can't have been that, hence my position that the watch could be defendable, and the track would not be.


Day 3, Vote Count #1

as of post #7453

TheAncientCenturion - 4
T-Pein - 4
Lord Melkor - 2

MangoSenpai - 1
Dr. Watson - 1
AL Sama - 1

TheAncientCenturion: Flower -> MangoSenpai
Flower: TheAncientCenturion
Naomi: TheAncientCenturion -> Unvote -> TheAncientCenturion -> T-Pein
Indigo: MUUGEN -> TheAncientCenturion
Apollo: MUUGEN
Charlie: TheAncientCenturion
Lord Melkor: RayanOO -> TheAncientCenturion
Destroya: Dr. Watson
oddoddfruit: T-Pein
Dr. Watson: T-Pein
T-Pein: TheAncientCenturion
MUUGEN: T-Pein -> Apollo -> T-Pein
Ratchet: Lord Melkor
MangoSenpai: Lord Melkor
BakiDou: AL Sama

Votes may not reflect their actual values.

Tell me if i missed anything!



The End and the Beginning
kill me already mate, i don't have this information

i have no new wincon, all i know is that Fuji is trying to think of something

but right now i trully have no new wincon
I am telling you, you have until end of today to get that new wincon from Fuji. It's enough time honestly. Can include the night too provided the discord are open. After that I would be more suspect of it, because there is no reason why you'd be left wincon-less for a full cycle.


because there is no reason why you'd be left wincon-less for a full cycle.
Well, there's the reason i'm role crushed for the entire cycle, so i can't really do anything

and since my old wincon just died, i also don't have a side

so all i can do is coast right now

or thankfully somebody sends a kill shot my way and i get to taken from the game
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