ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 π•š 𝕖 𝕀 ✧ ✯
[Archangel's Judgement] has been used on [???]
I used it btw, I had to choose between these

Alwaysmind, Random Asshole, Destroya

it was said that one of them killed one of weebs, I chose AM... :kriwhat:


Lead them to paradise.
Vote count as of post 8641

AlwaysMind: Kagurashii > Random Asshole > Charlie
Random Asshole: Kagurashii > AlwaysMind
Underworld Broker: Kagurashii
Kagurashii: Random Asshole
T-Pein: Kagurashii > AlwaysMind > AlwaysMind
Charlie: AlwaysMind
Ultra: AlwaysMind > Kagurashii
Rottkins: AlwaysMind

AlwaysMind: 4
Kagurashii: 2
Charlie/Random Asshole: 1

vote lynch Kagurashii

If this was a one-shot unlynchable, you might be vulnerable this time.
[Vote Lynch Kagurashii]
Change vote lynch Random Asshole
It is clearly mentioned that it's due to my shield. I didn't buy anything from the store lol

So we are voting Random Asshole today. Another day to live for AM... My God this guy is hella lucky :suresure:

Vote Lynch Random Asshole

[Vote Lynch Kagurashii]
[Vote Lynch Alwaysmind]
we need to lynch scum.

vote lynch Always Mind

so, apparently abilities show up in WUs, even if you'd be roleblocked or rolecrushed (they would fail, but they will appear if you submitted them)

do you want to comment on that?

meanwhile i wait for answer

Vote Lynch Alwaysmind
[Vote lynch Alwaysmind]
I don’t believe Charlie, plate armour is my ability. Highly unlikely you also have it.

Vote lynch Charlie.

[Vote lynch Kagura]
[Vote Lynch AlwaysMind]

@Mashiro Blue [Joe Biden][Superkilled N3]
@Random Asshole
@Ariess [Oliver "Ladykiller" Biscuit][Modkilled D3]
@MonochromeYoru @Worst [Daemon Targaryen][Killed N3]
@Naomi @Ultra
@Lord Evil @Worst [Sesshomaru][Killed N1]
@Gambit @Adam 🍎 [Caine][Superkilled D5]
@MangoSenpai @Dr. Watson [Shadows House][Killed N1]
@Zolo @Adam 🍎 [Random Super Powers][Killed N2]
@oddoddfruit [???][Superkilled N5]
@Fujishiro @Apollo [The Nakano Quintuplets][Lynched D2]
@AL sama @Reborn
@MUUGEN [Conan Edogawa][Lynched D3]
@SoulKiller [Munsu][Superkilled N3]
@Indigo @Flower @Kobe
@Udell [???][Killed N5]
@Lord Tentei [Jigen][Lynched D1]
@BakiDou [???][Superkilled D2]---[Revived D2]---[Superkilled D6]
@Xlaw @Midnight Delight
@Underworld Broker [Bonehilda][Superkilled D4]---[Revived D4]
@MitchMatch @Psylocke [Greg Doucette][Won D5]
@Nessos [Raiden Shogun][Lynched D4]
@Ryu Kishi @Pot Goblin
Where did you suss me? You said what was up with me and that you could always read me as scum.
You you got some street cred apparently, so we'll have to book it for later.

For now I'm going to duke out the featherweight championship title with Kobe. 20 post count to a man, two shall enter the ring and only one will leave. Dat boi ain't townie, I've done more in a lazy day than he has since subbing in. I'm going to send his ass straight to the shadow realm.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Why are we voting Am over kagu?

Don't understand why are we not voting someone who survived two lynches so far.

Just kill AM and Lynch kagu.

Also, Juliet and Random asshole needs to be looked into
You you got some street cred apparently, so we'll have to book it for later.

For now I'm going to duke out the featherweight championship title with Kobe. 20 post count to a man, two shall enter the ring and only one will leave. Dat boi ain't townie, I've done more in a lazy day than he has since subbing in. I'm going to send his ass straight to the shadow realm.
I'm hosting a game at NF at the same time, you fluffy boob. As if you read 480 pages since you came in.

This is the only thing you can do? In that case,

[Activate: Millenium Eye] @Rej
Let's go over Kobe's resume here:

>408 pages


Flower left before giving me a recap. Any gent/lady who can fill me in with what is going on? I will try to skim through the thread in meanwhile.
Spoiler alert he never read shit. True town chads don't gotta read anyway.

Yeah new here, active @NF.

Dest = Destroya = Uzukage Lee from NF?
Filler, already knows the answer to this question.


How many players are in the game rn? 20 or 21? May need to update the OP if is the latter.
This ain't just your average filler, this is beyond filler, I've gotten more stimulation reading the phonebook.

Who is this oily face?

More empty posts about who is who and what is what.

This forum not having ratings other than like is kind of sad. :josad:
Oh no! Anyway,

I feel like only the scum would take their time to write a full PoE in D5 but what do I know
What the fuck is he talking about, here? Sincerely. This post REEKS.

”You scanned guilty, is there a reason why that would be the case?”

Are you scum, Pot?
Totally believable a guy who isn't paying attention for fuck all and just enters the game takes a random post from Pot and accused him as scum. Damn, wish Kobe could hook me up with that TMI.

@Underworld Broker

Could you sing Shakira - Waka Waka with similish?
More slop

No, I smell blood.

Uh huh.

I’m always wary of Mary Sue indies. I’m not sure what would be the purpose of just accumulating money in this game. Looking at the shop, the upper levels have some crazy abilities that would be a slap on the face if they were to be obtained by mafia. For precaution:

[Vote Lynch Kagurashii]
His first real push this game is INDIE HUNTING.

What is with the tease? Where did you disappear?

"Baiting kobe about what happened"

You see, Reborn in my chat did the same thing several times via Broki. I told them several times that I don't have my invest anymore as it was a one shot used on Muugen (Flower, not me) and they kept insisting that I have.

This is what Reborn asked me to do last night.

"Kobe target preventive wave

Ask host if you don't know what I said coz I will be sleeping"

which is very funny.

@Naomi, are you sure your results accurate? Do you have any proof isolated from N3?
Looks like my previous slot had him fucking stammering. Also, Flower had an invest? I must have missed that.

So about that chat last night,

@Midnight Delight

You were able to talk and why?
Man who cares?

I wouldn't know, you are the one implying that I had something to do with odd when I didn't. The burden of proof is on you.

"Odd told me broki wouldn't do that" isn't cutting it.
He sure sits up and salutes when he gets accused doesn't he? I'm gonna get him to wake up and smell the coffee. Then I'm going to drink all the coffee and run circles around his ass.

No, there was no visit whatsoever.

You see, I was not even a player in N3. It was Flower. I subbed in from D4. You can go back and check. I told the same thing to odd in Upper Six chat and he kept pressuring me so I trolled him a bit.

Only after Reborn started asking questions in our chat, claiming he has info via Broki that I checked the whole thing. And there was nothing.

What would be the implication here anyway? If I/Flower sus odd, it would be in the thread somewhere or it would be in the chat with Reborn. Why would I target odd all of a sudden? Let's assume that I'm scum and lying, what is the thing with Reborn then?

So my point is, the burden of proof is on you to prove that your results are 100% correct. There were 4 names in that list, as I remember?
Burden of proof my ass. You know what game we're playing? This is mafia motherfucker. I got a rope with your name on it, and you got jack and shit. I'm gonna make you start talking and explain exactly what it is you did, then we're going to see if it adds up. Because this ain't a democracy bitch, you're guilty until proven innocent.

Yes, I'm asking what this is. "Certain players" what?
"""Certain""" """""players""""""

Game had 400 pages when I subbed in. :giogio:

I have only caught up recently with the game mechanics, and how things work. This is my first time playing in a super role madness game. I read some posts here, iso'd charles' posts, etc. to get a feel of the game. Even Flower alone had 300 posts lol, not to mention this whole chat thing with Reborn...

I'm willing to do my part with day reads and contributing to the lynches. Yesterday I iso'd Kagurashii a bit and thought it was odd for a pro-town/indie role that accumulates money and lynchproof. And what do you know, the lynch failed again...
Poor Kobe, absolutely overwhelmed at the prospect of playing the game he signed up for. Better give him a solid week to start producing results.

I already said that I didn't. Flower didn't. No one did in my role PM. There is nothing, nil, zilch, none.
Post screenshots then?

Confirm Deez nuts, Kobe.


✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 π•š 𝕖 𝕀 ✧ ✯
Why are we voting Am over kagu?

Don't understand why are we not voting someone who survived two lynches so far.

Just kill AM and Lynch kagu.

Also, Juliet and Random asshole needs to be looked into
I used it btw, I had to choose between these

Alwaysmind, Random Asshole, Destroya

it was said that one of them killed one of weebs, I chose AM... :kriwhat:
that's the issue, normal kill didn't worked on AM and we couldn't Lynch kagu twice
the kill was from archangel's judgement from my side

list is of 3, it was said that one of them killed one of the weebs, destroya was cleared before but idk does that info that AM is the scum clears RA for sure
I'm hosting a game at NF at the same time, you fluffy boob. As if you read 480 pages since you came in.

This is the only thing you can do? In that case,

[Activate: Millenium Eye] @Rej
How many pathetic excuses are you going to give. "I'm hosting!" "I haven't caught up!" "I have a job!".

You are done. I'm going to break you and make you spill your guts out, and then you'll thank me for it, because I'm a town GOD and you will worship me!


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
that's the issue, normal kill didn't worked on AM and we couldn't Lynch kagu twice
the kill was from archangel's judgement from my side

list is of 3, it was said that one of them killed one of the weebs, destroya was cleared before but idk does that info that AM is the scum clears RA for sure
This is SRM

Normal kill generally wont work unless you rced the target before.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
You better get your boy, he's bitten off more than he can chew.
Who kobe?


We have bigger fishes on the plate to fry and kobe hasn't irked me yet.

The odd thing which broki brought up is something worth pondering but thing is Naomi saw Kobe visit Odd and Kobe said he didn't.

This could be because kobe got redirected and both of them are telling the truth.
Totally believable a guy who isn't paying attention for fuck all and just enters the game takes a random post from Pot and accused him as scum. Damn, wish Kobe could hook me up with that TMI.
That is Broki's post, actually. I translated from Similish to English because Pot seemed lost on that.

You are fluff like your avy, Ultra. :optimistic:
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