Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoilers Discussion

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Luffy future sight in Udon

Luffy in Onigishma

To me it's more like false tension oda is trying to create here.

And, to use Fs one has to remain calm. It's quite challenging for luffy to maintain calm considering his nature. And, if I remember well then he was angry about somethin implying he was in not in state of mind to use FS.

So I don't think there is any need to question Luffy capability to use FS nor it hypes Apoo much.
Well there is no concrete answer as Apoo had such little panel time but I think I have already explained why I think CoO user should have no issue dodging sound waves from Apoo

First let me establish how sound waves work as both light and sound either originate from matter or occur as a result of the interactions and movements of matter.

Which is basically saying sound waves travel in matter the same way light waves do, only at much much slower speed.
If you try to stare at light wave, it would blind your vision like Kizaru blinded Hawkins pre TS with his light. So how does CoO users dodge that attack?

By using basic property of observation Haki precognition or knowing where the attack would land before it even lands. Apoo's sound waves also travel in a path and cover limited amount of area, not infinite amount of else Zoro would have taken damage from the same explosion Luffy took and Luffy would have taken damage from same slash Zoro did.

So Luffy had to use his enhanced precognition (future sight) and see where attack would (or where the explosion would happen) and move away from that area before explosion even happens.

Its as simple as it gets.
But there was no explosion anywhere else but Luffy.. no cut anywhere but Zoro so it ha to hit a target so if Luff moved away the explosion would have hit regardless...
When Shakky and Brownbeard talked about the SN, they specifically mentioned Law, Kid, Drake and Hawkins, they didn’t mention Apoo. To me, this suggests Hawkins is probably stronger than Apoo.
They were mentioning the ones with the 5 highest bounties. Apoo’s bounty surpassed Hawkins over the TS
This is why when Shiliew got his DF, I was shocked at people calling it useless! Cause it's not

Having observation doesn't guarantee you to dodge the attack correctly in the right timing even!

You need to have great observation, speed, FAST reflexes and reaction all to dodge JUST one single attack!

How about a fake attack, or consecutive attacks, or a barrage of attacks! It is a very taxing mission, very exhausting, where your sixth sense need to be on point throuhout the duration of the fight!

I'm happy Oda proved it this chapter, so that people stop shitting on Shiliew's DF or Sanji's invisibility saying "it's useless with observation"

Cause it's quite the opposite, observation is useless if it was NOT good, and your reaction and speed on freaking point all the time
It’s still not a great DF... it only made him tricky to fight not stronger per say.... with this DF I’m more than certain that Shiliew is bound to stay as a high tier and nothing more... plus Apoo’s ability and Shiliew’s don’t work the same. Apoo’s attacks are not invisible, they were differently.
Luffy future sight in Udon

Luffy in Onigashima

As I said before, it could mean three points why Luffy couldn´t use Fs in that scene(he should see the explosion coming).
-plot device of Oda to hype up Apoo
-Luffy wasn´t calm and more in rage, without beeing calm you can´t take your focus as Kata said, I remember people in Wci already said that Luffy biggest problem with FS gonna be his rage, he can´t be calm when he is angry and Luffy character is based on happy and angry in battles.
- Apoo sound ability disturbs Fs and overall CoO, it would make sense then why Zoro, Luffy or even Kizaru couldn´t see the attacking coming against them.
Let's see how long it will take for the rest of the alliance already present on Onigashima to be discovered, and for the BMP to arrive to Onigashima.
By the way, this is actually the plan... they are the decoy and supposed to be discovered anyway!
It's Law's group that is supposed to enter the place

However, I'm expecting them to get fucked so hard when they arrive! Lol
Been thinking this since that shadowy figure was revealed behind Robin and Jinbe, but let's assume that the silhouette was Yamato. Do y'all think we could potentially see him being used as a hostage/bargaining chip to get back Luffy, Zoro & Kidd in the case that they get captured? Or do y'all think the SHs are a bit to pure to do that...lolz

Plus Jinbe is now part of the crew and he's willing to get his hands dirty if it'd mean it'd get shit done. For example, on WCI he decided to ally with Capone even tho he hurt Pekoms. Also, Jinbe was telling Robin that he'd like to be of some help to the alliance in someway so, yamato being used as some sort of hostage is a possibility imo but not sure Oda would have the SHs do sumin like that tho :p
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