Who will be the next SH?

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I want to go into detail as to why I still think Stussy is the most likely candidate.

It's not so much what she has, but the potential for what she could have. The most telling aspect that a character is a strawhat is a dream and role which are thematically connected and a fighting style that relates to them. For example, Franky is a shipwright with a dream to build a dream ship and he fights by turning himself into the latest battle franky. Sanji is a chef with a dream to find the chefs paradise, all blue, and fights by only kicking because he needs his hands for cooking.

Stussy is almost certainly a scientist. She was created by Vegapunk, presumably raised by MADS, and is a clone of a MADS scientist. Furthermore, she apparantly grew up on eggheaf. No way is she not a scientist. Perfect strawhat role.

Vegapunk has some major death flags. If he dies or retires, Stussy is the closest thing to his progeny and will likely inherit his dream. The dream to find the eternal energy source. A scientist's dream if there ever was one, and the most strawhat-ass dream I've ever heard.

As for fighting style, we don't really know yet, but if she has some kind of artificial devil fruit abilities, or if her powers are genes spliced into her dna or something, then it fits perfectly.

This much is already a crap ton of potential. But also consider she's connected to Weevil and Rocks. This could be the catalyst to bring them into the strawhat's plot. She's clearly an outcast like the rest of the strawhats given Vegapunk's words implying the world doesn't see her as human. She was also introduced as an enemy like all female strawhats including Vivi.

This one is small, but Oda specifically designed each strawhat with a realworld nationality in mind, and each of them are different. They are usually pretty obvious like Franky being American, Sanji being French, and Chopper being Canadian. Buckingham is as british of a name you can have, and her appearance is that of a traditional british lady. Having a clear real world nationality is just another thing that fits, even if it means nothing on its own.

Most of the strawhats come from a group that specializes in their role. Sanji from the ship of fighting cooks, Chopper from the island of doctors, Brook from the singing rumbar pirates, Franky from the island known for shiprwights. Is it just a coincidence that Stussy is from egghead, the island of science, and also likely from MADS?

As far as tragic backstory, she clearly has one based on Vegapunk's comment about the world not accepting her. And Kizaru might just be her personal villain since we know she didn't join the marines to be a double agent, something along the way resulted in that situation. Something clearly happened to her to result in her joining cipher poll.

She also has nowhere to go, no conflicting loyalties, a perfect foil in the BB pirates with Lafite, and an invite to sail on the Sunny.

The point is that all of the right pins have been set up. I'm only giving her around a 50/50 shot since none of them have been knocked down. But you can't deny that that's way more potential than any of the other candidates regarding the things that actually matter.
Completely agree. I still think that the chance that someone joins is only 5% and 95% change that no one will join. But right now if anyone has a chance it is Stussy. I also give her a 50/50 chance. Either she joins or she doesn’t. It’s 50/50
@Rambles you still thinks stussy is an enemy?
Unfortunately, yes. Her actions (calling Akainu proactively and not informing the others about the traitor amongst them, when there was a clear chance) force me to put her in the traitor-category. (I am sorry Devilbat.).
And then there are so many little plot-bumbs everywhere in the story, which i can no longer ignore and that are underlining her being not on Vegapunk's side.


But I do like the the analytic way with which Sigran approaches here. It is well thought through.
Unfortunately, yes. Her actions (calling Akainu proactively and not informing the others about the traitor amongst them, when there was a clear chance) force me to put her in the traitor-category. (I am sorry Devilbat.).
And then there are so many little plot-bumbs everywhere in the story, which i can no longer ignore and that are underlining her being not on Vegapunk's side.


But I do like the the analytic way with which Sigran approaches here. It is well thought through.
What I think is: Stussy not knowing who leaks vegapunk research can be be explained if cp0 was not informed about york. Shaka knew he would die, and stella asked luffy to take him away from egg head before cp0 arrive at the island (chapter 1067). How they know about it? This can be only explained if stussy warned them. York didnt tell that stussy is loyal to vegapunk is the only thing that still need an explanation.
What I think is: Stussy not knowing who leaks vegapunk research can be be explained if cp0 was not informed about york. Shaka knew he would die, and stella asked luffy to take him away from egg head before cp0 arrive at the island (chapter 1067). How they know about it? This can be only explained if stussy warned them. York didnt tell that stussy is loyal to vegapunk is the only thing that still need an explanation.
I agree: The whole of CP0 could have not known about York. But the WG would have been dumb to not inform them, because this could maybe even jeopardize their mission if the intell was left hidden. But maybe they did not inform them ... .

We do not know, how Shaka knew that he would die. There are a few ways he could have gotten the information and I too am very curious as to how he got it. (It could have been Stussy, informing him. Or he could have just put one and one together after first CP5, then CP7 and CP8 showed up.)

If Stussy works for the WG and York did indeed tell the WG of her, then there is no need for them to kill Stussy, because she is already on their side. But than, York could have not told them of her.

There are so many questionmarks as of now.

What I think is also interesting is the following: Right before Luffy freed Kaku and Lucci, he told Lucci not to go after the Vegapunks and his crew. He did leave out Stussy. So, techically Lucci is allowed to kill her if he met her. Because, her person is not part of his agreement with Luffy. I wonder why Oda did this, considering Shaka had just mentioned her just before he had thrown the cuff kays over to Luffy. And though, Luffy disregarded her safety none the less by not including her in the deal.

And than we have the reactions from Zolo and Brook, right after Stussy had put Kaku and Lucci to sleep. While Zolo seems more than a little suspicious of the whole situation, Brook somehow misses his cheeryness in this scene (This is just how I picked the mood up in the scene.). Both their reactions make me wonder of why Oda made them do this.

And than there is Stussy's constant smile - especially when she is going behind someone's back. Alone that makes her very suspicious to me. She is a little devil - but a beautiful and cunning devil. ;) :catlewd:

What is not clear to me yet is, who had knocked down the monitor snails throughout the Labo - the shadow was missing wings or the Sailor-moon-buns York wears. And the communication is down, too. Who was that? It could be York, but this is another big questionmark.
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How do you think York figured out that the WG was after her, too? Was it Lucci letting the Seraphim attack the Labo? Then it would be just a giant misunderstanding on her part, because this was against CP0's order to not destroy any of the inventory on the island.
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I agree: The whole of CP0 could have not known about York. But the WG would have been dumb to not inform them, because this could maybe even jeopardize their mission if the intell was left hidden. But maybe they did not inform them ... .

We do not know, how Shaka knew that he would die. There are a few ways he could have gotten the information and I too am very curious as to how he got it. (It could have been Stussy, informing him. Or he could have just put one and one together after first CP5, then CP7 and CP8 showed up.)

If Stussy works for the WG and York did indeed tell the WG of her, then there is no need for them to kill Stussy, because she is already on their side. But than, York could have not told them of her.

There are so many questionmarks as of now.

What I think is also interesting is the following: Right before Luffy freed Kaku and Lucci, he told Lucci not to go after the Vegapunks and his crew. He did leave out Stussy. So, techically Lucci is allowed to kill her if he met her. Because, her person is not part of his agreement with Luffy. I wonder why Oda did this, considering Shaka had just mentioned her just before he had thrown the cuff kays over to Luffy. And though, Luffy disregarded her safety none the less by not including her in the deal.

And than we have the reactions from Zolo and Brook, right after Stussy had put Kaku and Lucci to sleep. While Zolo seems more than a little suspicious of the whole situation, Brook somehow misses his cheeryness in this scene (This is just how I picked the mood up in the scene.). Both their reactions make me wonder of why Oda made them do this.

And than there is Stussy's constant smile - especially when she is going behind someone's back. Alone that makes her very suspicious to me. She is a little devil - but a beautiful and cunning devil. ;) :catlewd:

What is not clear to me yet is, who had knocked down the monitor snails throughout the Labo - the shadow was missing wings or the Sailor-moon-buns York wears. And the communication is down, too. Who was that? It could be York, but this is another big questionmark.
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How do you think York figured out that the WG was after her, too? Was it Lucci letting the Seraphim attack the Labo? Then it would be just a giant misunderstanding on her part, because this was against CP0's order to not destroy any of the inventory on the island.
I think you're reading way too much into this.