Let's say I won't question your alignament and you are town. I am not sure because it's just a vibe and tone level read.
Why on Earth you're not talking things with your fellow townies?
Teamwork and brainstorming are the reasons for town wins.
Already covered this, I have a bad habit of being too reserved when I'm town with a utility power-role; had this happened before in a more recent game when I was again healer; town cop got poisoned/bleeded even though though they won the duel against another town player, and then scum role-blocked me because half of the town team thought the healer was actually a scum/hostile indie role.
Ultra confirmed I healed him when he visited me and he could post again after going to me in night 2.
Des wasn't able to visit me so I wasn't able to passively heal him as well.
My role also doesn't counter the Transfiguration ability anyway since its temporary and therefore not a priority unlike say a watcher or vig.