He claimed Day 2 so he doesn't get the "but he didn't want to claim" defence.
You're telling me he had this info Night 3 but when asked for a PoE the best he has is putting his smoking gun caught scum in an ambiguous pile of three names he doesn't bother to further qualify?
Now you are being directly obstinate and I can see where the suspicion about your slot was coming from in day 3. You've disregarded my entire interaction with Prof, me stating I used my ability in night 3 to tell him about why I have Kiku along with Nika and Michelle in my main POE. My vote was on and only ever parked on Kiku.
You have disregarded the purpose of my role, how my healing works, the mechanics of it being confirmed with Ultra, and him surviving an extra cycle after visiting me night 2. I have given my rationale and logic on why Kiku is my priority and why she is the most suspicious and likely scummiest player here while Prof tied his own POE to being similar to mine but presenting his main focus being Michelle vs Kiku with mine. And I hinted the smoking gun earlier before I went to bed when talking with him.
Right now you aren't making much sense to misframe my interactions and posts.
This has nothing to do with what I asked?
That quote chain wasn't directed at you, dork.