Powers & Abilities Definitive proof that Kuzan was using aCoC against Garp.



5) What about Kuzan then?

-Kuzan definitely used aCoC because as we can clearly see in his exchange with Garp, the haki streaks are both thick in the same fashion as the aCoC ones and are being projected into the sky even causing an explosion
That is Garp's alone.

Take also a look at Kuzan's fist, it is black and clearly coated in haki yet in the panel where he uses Ice Glove his fist is completely white
That means absolutely nothing. Haki is invisible and in the next panel his hand is black. You don't have a point here.

This indicates Kuzan hadn't even started coating his fist with haki at that point which debunks even further the argument that it isn't aCoC because we don't see a trail.
This is nonsense. As I said haki is invisible.
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Read Diamante's words
Their initial clash is affecting the whole arena due to CoC
I don't care. Oda didn't used streaks at the panel.
He never announced Yamato had it iirc
He did announce Yamato's CoC =>

Then we saw her imbuing CoC in her club before attacks =>

Actually even Garp may not have CoC 100% if we nitpick, no one has passed out, his fist looked like it was imbued closer to the Katakuri and Ulti armament streaks, just much larger.
Its actually possible that Garp didnt use CoC in the final attack, I dont see haki trails coming out of Garp's hand as well. The janitor's stab probably weaken him to the point he couldnt use AdCoC anymore :myman:

As I said, CoA attacks (not even clash between two strong CoA users) could be large depending on the user =>


The only one who can beat me is me
He did announce Yamato's CoC =>

Then we saw her imbuing CoC in her club before attacks =>

Its actually possible, I dont see haki trails coming out of Garp's hand as well. The janitor's stab probably weaken him to the point he couldnt use AdCoC anymore :myman:

As I said, CoA clashes could be large depending on the user =>
I'm talking about with galaxy impact.

We see streaks but the shape looks more like CoA with thicker lines.

If he has it though he definitely used it in the last exchange as the impact was drawn in a similar way. We just don't see him initiate the attack.

Either Kuzan has it or he's matching it with his df.
We are going to go over all the different type if lightning haki streaks that Oda has drawn in his manga

1) CoA streaks

-CoA streaks are characterized by two things, they are very thin and they are not very long.
-We have never seen CoA lightning being projected far away in the distance as a result of a clash or impact

Different examples of CoA streaks

2) Base CoC streaks

-Base CoC streaks are the result of two CoC users clashing with each other
-They are just as thin as CoA streaks but unlike CoA streaks they always end up being projected far away in the distance

Different examples of CoC streaks

3) ACoC streaks

-aCoC streaks are both much thicker than CoA streaks and can affect an area just as large as CoC streaks

Different examples of aCoC streaks

4) The trail and sfx

-While it is true that Oda has often used a haki trail before the attack connects and the zap sfx to depict aCoC, it is completely false that you cant use aCoC without it being shown.
-Likewise a trail before the attack and the zap sfx doesn't always indicate use of aCoC

5) What about Kuzan then?

-Kuzan definitely used aCoC because as we can clearly see in his exchange with Garp, the haki streaks are both thick in the same fashion as the aCoC ones and are being projected into the sky even causing an explosion

Take also a look at Kuzan's fist, it is black and clearly coated in haki yet in the panel where he uses Ice Glove his fist is completely white
This indicates Kuzan hadn't even started coating his fist with haki at that point which debunks even further the argument that it isn't aCoC because we don't see a trail.
I disagree, I don't need to post many panels because you did it for us, but we can clearly see the black lines during and after the clash aren't as thick as most ACoC ones.
We can also hear fodder screaming, indicating that they were not knocked out by the clash, thus it isn't CoC or ACoC.
Haki gets weaker at old age
Sure, but Garp was still obliterating a considerable area with a shockwave from distance. CoC infusion is a humongous powerup. Aokiji cannot equate Garp's CoA + CoC just using CoA, old age or not, the difference would be too high.

He used his devil fruit to compensate
I doubt an ice glove compensates for CoC infusion. Lmao.


The only one who can beat me is me
Admiral fans are desperate for feats the good old days when ACOC was "overrated" lol

That was COA
Desperate for what feats? The feat exists, Kuzan can clash with and eat top tier advCoC attacks for breakfast, everyone is just trying to analyze what exactly was used.

The end result doesn't change. It's either Kuzan is matching CoC with his df or with CoC. If I were you I'd push Kuzan is matching it with CoC because matching it with his df is bad news for CoC lovers.