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Player List:
1- @Mr. Reloaded - Null
Done nothing so far and seems list without Naomi and the memes. Is his play because of that? Don't know how we solve here.
3- @SakazOuki - Null-Town
This slot is a bit of a blur for me. While this slot hasn't pinged me, I do think a few players have read this slot town and I do wonder why? That's the only issue I really have but feel okay here.
4- @Lord Melkor - Null-Town
Expected Melkor to have done a bit more so far, but he was in another game with me. Haven't had anything ping me yet and I hope he can show more town traits as the game goes on.
5- @MitchMatch - Town
Kind of sounds like classic town mason here.
6- @Dr_Professor83 - Slight Town
Think his tone and thread play has been townie so far. Biggest thing against him is the hesitation around Ekko
7- @Pot Goblin - Null-Wolf
Still giving Pot some time to cook but I don't feel super confident so far about this slot. Feel like he's kind of just there.
8- @Kerkovian - Null-Wolf
Popped in and hasn't been around. Don't feel any benefit of the doubt for this slot.
9- @Dr. Watson - Slight Town
I do think I see traces of the classic town left titty here. Hoping she can be more active and actually play; haven't seen that for awhile.
10- @TheAncientCenturion - Slight Town
Stick by my earlier read of him, though I feel there's not a consistent effort right now from him.
11- @Destroya - LOCK Town
Slayer of the dreaded Ekko and town leader
13- @Joygirl - Town
Seems like obvious case of town mason.
14- @T-Pein™ - Slight Wolf
I got nothing but bad vibes around this slot again. Caught him easily as wolf in Pokemon.
15- @MonochromeYoru - Null-Town
Kind of another slot that hasn't registered that big of an impact. I think I liked some of his responses when he got pushed a bit (think Ekko was after him?).
16- @~UwU~ - Slight Wolf
Inactive JW is usually wolf JW.
17- @Natalija - Slight Wolf.
This is probably the slot I have the toughest time with. I think he confrontations have been townie, but they also seem to fizzle out. Didn't like how Ekko handled her slot compared to mine in regards to our reads of Tac. Called Nat wolf and me indie but still went after me.
18- @Kagu Nyan - LOCK Town
Innocent child.
19- @SamosaSombrero - Slight Town
Did go after Ekko but kind of flip flopped. Points for the Ekko flip but wary if Juice was showing hesitation like someone being unsure about a disconnected mate.
20- @ConquistadoR - Slight Wolf
I think Conq's activity and contribution is a bit of a concern. Still has some time, but my patience is running out. Days are twenty four hours and he seems to be missing a lot.
21- @RippedCal - Slight Wolf
His play and claim D1 sucked and he doesn't seem interested in solving.
22- @Peroroncino - Null-Town
This is more of a gun to head read. Not a lot from Pero but nothing really that pingy. Don't feel cozy with this slot, though.
23- @MUUGEN - Lean Town
My strongest town read. Think he's been proactive. Think he's ready to solve. Didn't show any hesitation towards Ekko (blowing right past any warning sign he may be disconnected mate).
24- @Flower - Light Town
Didn't like her play around Ekko EOD but hasn't shown any obvious wolf signs. Not confident here and last few games more used to stronger town signs from her.
You put me as the wolf for the last two mafia games, you were wrong. Third time isn't the charm either.
Alright I ISO’d everyone.

@Kerkovian - scum lean, I realize you said you hurt your neck but do you have any thoughts on the game or any way to make your a lot readable as Town?

T-Pein - scum lean, zero contributor just parked vote on Ekko. And gets no credit with Ekko detached flip.

@~UwU~ - lean scum, any new thoughts on the game?

@RippedCal - noticed he’s barley doing any contributing and most of his post are either around his claim or his bitch of it. Thoughts on who actual scum is? You don’t seem that invested in finding them

@MonochromeYoru - null, current thoughts?

Reloaded could still be anything to me. Everything scummy about him besides him shit posting less is in his town range and as pointed out Naomi isn’t here. If he doesn’t have anything to mechanically clear him he’s just gonna have to be flipped as an unsolvable at best

Pot - lean town, I see him proactively asking questions like he mentioned before and I think his solving/reads/tone come off as his town self so far. Just need to constantly being seeing progressing reads from his slot

Watson - town on energy/vibe

Melkor - slight town, feels genuine so far and I like his progression on me. Admit this could be a blind spot bc I’m terrible about Town reading people who town read me while being pushed and have been pocketed a few times. But between that and the progression on his other reads thing town.

Juice - still think town bc doesn’t seem to be struggling with tmi

Saka - null, stocks have trended down. Main thing I liked before was honestly them town reading me against the grain way back and that’s not enough for rest of content currently

Pero - lean town, not doing much but between his role commentary on Ekko’s role slight town points. Bigger town points for mentioning the thread was quite before Ekko’s flip. I think scum Pero hides in his scum chat and lets it just be quite at EOD rather than pop in and post in thread.

TAC - null. I can see towiness in his Cal read/comments but also can see that as tmi. If Flower is Town doesn’t look good to me bc then me and Flower are his main susses here. As scum I’ve seen him tunnel Flower, especially with Muugen around bc Muugen will almost always bite on it and it’s a good push that he doesn’t even have to carry. His question about what I did last night was stupid. And he’s also not taking the bait with me demanding to be wagoned despite scum reading me. But I’m also not positive Flower is town

Nat - null, being town read by a lot of people I town read. I still think she’s been very meh in a lot of ways.

Flower - lean town still but it’s not strong bc I doubt myself with a few in the thread against her that maybe I’m the one who’s wrong with the Ekko stuff. But I also was in this position in OP Mash and it was Town Muugen and Scum TAC & Al making me doubt a Town read on her that was correct. We still had our mind meld on Psychic which strikes me as genuine hunting.

Dest & Muugen both town reads. I skipper Muugen ISO bc I just think he’s Town. Dest ISO didn’t change my thoughts.

Current POE: Cal, Pein, Kerk, UwU, Saka, TAC, Nat, Mono, Reloaded - that’s everyone I can’t get a town read on yet
Scum lean over what? Not being able to log on due to ill health? LMAO.
Vote Lynch Prof
Okay! past page 50 and here are some reads.
(Also @Flower cause you wanted my reads)




I wasn't feeling TAC at first but the more I read the better he looks with him willing to engage and ask questions on people's reads so I've put him in town so far.

Pot came out and claimed a character right away, it looks better than Ekko trying to stall for a claim, but I don't know if the mafia would have been giving fake claims, so I don't think this is a fake one.

Muggen has been the most active pusher with Ekko and he was right about him. I doubt scum would push someone they knew wasn't on their team this hard

Tpein is actually kinda a town read from his push against the Psy lynch not knowing what her role was.

Cake seems cool Idk her so I cant say I have any real reads on her.

Flower asks a lot of people for reads and she seems to be playing on the side of town. (I don't feel the best about the whole Ekko chat thing but she's more town than not right now.)


I haven't seen much from Cal and what I have seen paints him as scum so far with the vagueness. he also had a very weak entrance of just going Hi a few times.
also lol

This is the way!

I noticed Sakaz0ukii made the statement that it was time to hunt BMP which could mean he was either trolling or he's not part of the Straw hats, but not town either. Pot corrected him he later said he was fishing for repones, but beyond saying that he hasn't done anything with the people that called out the slip.

Reload seems off he's not doing much in the way of fluffing so far, and that's not like him. Could he be more conservative as scum? I also don't buy his amp ability based on the few roles I've seen it doesn't look to be a game that would play around with amps. If anything I see this as an attempt from him/scum to try and find towns Vig so they can target them at night.

Kerk feels even weaker than Cal with the coasting and him coming and asking Reload for reads of all people sours him for me.
Lol, your logic in me being a scum is weaker than a grain of sand. Mr. Reloaded is my pal and I'll always ask for his read. Those who have played with me before surely must know that.
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