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VC1 of Day 2


When were you under the impression this game is..
Vote count as of post 2669

Flower: Cal > Joygirl> Unvote> TAC> Unvote
Dr_Professor83: Cal > Joygirl > Cal
Lord Melkor: Joygirl
Muugen: Prof
Destroya: Joygirl > Cal
Pot Goblin: Cal
Natalija: Prof > Pot > Reloaded
TAC: Flower> Flower
Cakewalker: Cal
Mitch: Cal
Conquistador: Prof
SakazOuki: Prof

RippedCal: 5
Prof: 3
Joygirl/Reloaded/Flower: 1
Vote Cal.

So this was a fucking lie.
Vote lynch Psylocke

No sub for her, so @Psylocke, do you have something to contribute?
Vote JG.

Sorry sis T-T.
Yeah I'm not sure how we excuse Joygirl there.

[Vote Joygirl]
I'll do it to make @MUUGEN uncomfortable because we're voting the same person :usoprice:

You better not be mama

vote lynch Dr_Professor83
Vote TAC.

Yeah, you're just scum.

taken risks before, especially after "mistakes" and then mishammered in lylo because of it. I said never again.
Alright then. Everyone is sussing him but doing nothing about it.

Vote lynch Reloaded
Vote Lynch Reloaded

Will propably go to sleep in a moment to wake up to 100 more pages in the morning....
So we've waited but he hasn't said much yet so ima add a little more pressure
[Vote Lynch Cal]

@RippedCal were waiting bro!
I'm all caught up now.

[Vote Cal]

I'm not interested in letting Cal slide here. Maybe there was an innocent mistake made, but I'd expect Cal to at least tell us what it was. Town staying home N1 feels pretty tragic.
I will lemme catchup in a bit.

[vote Prof]
Alright then I can't fight bipolar issues:josad:

vote lynch Pot until he actually looks into stuff he said he would

Vote count as of post 2669

Flower: Cal > Joygir> Unvote> TAC> Unvote
Dr_Professor83: Cal > Joygirl > Cal
Lord Melkor: Joygirl
Muugen: Prof
Destroya: Joygirl > Cal
Pot Goblin: Cal
Natalija: Prof > Pot > Reloaded
TAC: Flower> Flower
Cakewalker: Cal
Mitch: Cal
Conquistador: Prof
SakazOuki: Prof

RippedCal: 5
Prof: 3
Joygirl/Reloaded/Flower: 1

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