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I can see a pattern here from Oda. First he sent Who’s Who on a wild chase of Yamato thus avoiding any confrontation with the Alliance. And now he is leaving Sasaki in a cuff (possibly a sea-stone). This leaves me in a conclusion that these two are definitely an All Star worthy characters and are left out of the current story so that they can fulfill a major role afterwards..!! :myman:
Really good chapter, solid follow up to last week.

Luffy meeting Ulti like that was excellent, and their dialogue was funny. One of them, be it Page One or Ulti, isn’t going to be around much longer. It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out. Does Luffy blast one of them back into Kaido’s lap like he did Cracker? I think whatever happens, it might happen to Page One, as I think Ulti might fight Nami. Speaking of Nami, she was freaking hilarious. “Meh, it’s whatever,” as Chopper and Usopp are getting chased by Big Mom was absolutely hilarious. And then to turn right around and have Prometheus chase them was gold. Nami’s about to steal him, too!

Did I miss something though? Was there a page missing? I thought people said that Sasaki got “low-diffed,” I didn’t even see him get attacked...

Regarding Marco, his statement with context makes more sense. He wasn’t ever talking about when talking about the news not coming out. He was talking about the situation being as bad as it was on Wano at the current time.

That aside, to reiterate what I said in the spoiler thread, Marco is starting to feel different like Jinbe felt different at and post Marineford. He wrote Luffy a note saying he was going to be there after wrapping up what he had to do, and then dropped everything and sprinted to Luffy, a guy who he doesn’t even know that well. Marco has the single most focus on him in relation to Luffy outside of Jinbe and any of the main characters of the arc (excluding Ivankov, because he was affiliated with someone then and now, whereas Marco is not anymore). Plus we’re going to have multiple arcs with him...getting that vibe, is all.

Anyway, good chapter, looking forward to next week.


Peerless In History
Fake hype guys, Fake hype... I mean I've been talking about this for so long, it's Oda's new tactic for keeping audience excited for samthing. Oda introduces samthing important like a massage to Luffy from Marco (people get hyped) then we find out it was nathing more than a fake hype.
I've been meaning to make a thread about this for years. Oda very well knows that the fandom will chew and swallow anything he shoves into their mouth and ask for more. I've noticed this for a very long time but it's just been way too flagrant since the post time skip.

It's a way of masking subpar plot and writing by giving it the illusion that theres actual substance behind whats going on. It's the same reason he uses Silhouette even for characters that everyone will forget about after the arc. Holdem for cying out loud was a damn Silhouette.
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3/10 Chapter. It would be a 1/10 if not for Ulti and Page One's interaction. Never really chipped in about next straw hat but I wouldn't mind it. You carrot supporters need to remember she's FUCKING 15!:whitepress:
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Mediocre chapter tbh,except for Ulti's thighs and Black Maria doing the hostess .

Kanjuro seem like a breath of fresh air for some

Marco's message is weird. Either Oda had an idea and scrapped it up,or he wanted to "play" with his readers. The second is an atrocious act. This isn't even trolling or tryin to bamboozle us..

Denjiro's act was quite stupid I'd say.. One of the strongest enemies is off guard ,can take him completely out of the picture,but nope...Let's just tie him up.. They are even supposedly aiming to kill Kaidou but killing one of his subordinates is out of bounds ? If Oda wanted to keep Sasaki ,just don't involve him into this shit and have fodder at the entrance..

Btw I saw people saying that Law knew Kaidou's whereabouts from before .He didn't.

Law learned that Kaidou is at Wano in Zou from Kin'emon.


When were you under the impression this game is..
We don’t have enough time for that shit.

Kaido now knows that the SNs are at Onigashima, and the samurai are on their way. He isn’t gonna let his men fight each other
except kaido was shown giving 0 fucks that the sns are here. Absolutely none.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Going to do a reaction this chapter, let's see how it goes.

It's starting to seem plausible that Black Maria is a spy. She chose to stay with Kaido and Orochi (instead of seeing to her assigned task):

This fits the motivations of a spy (information gathering). By staying at the centre of the meeting, she'll be in prime position to hear any vital information. What is most important for this is that Kaido did not request her presence (nor was he expecting her). She chose to stay by his side of her own volition and seems to be trying to seduce him.

Furthermore, she may also have been applying her charms to Orochi:

Kaido seems to still hold quite the amount of respect for Oden even after 20 years:

Momonosuke is unable to fill the shoes left by his father:

That Momonosuke cannot live up to Oden's legacy is something that has been brought up before.

For those of you who were rejoicing that Kanjuro beat Momo to a pulp, Maria has some words for you:

Orochi remains a spineless coward:

The mere realisation that the Samurai survive caused him to shiver in terror:

I don't really understand why people want Zoro to fight him, he's much more weak willed than even the likes of Monet, and seeing Zoro cut him down while he can't move would be incredibly underwhelming. He's clearly not a fighter.

Otherwise, Kaido and Orochi seem to get along pretty well.

I enjoyed this panel of the evil Supernova platoon:

@Garp the Fist: and it looks like we have our ticking time bomb element:

I got to say, I didn't know I'd go gay for Law:

I wonder who Marco's speaking to here:

The best guess would be Izo I think. I'm a little iffy on Marco (and by extension Whitebeard himself) not knowing of Oden's fate (especially when Ace (Oden's successor) visited Wano not too long ago), but it's not especially disappointing coming from Oda. It just shows that he hadn't planned all these details earlier on. Alternatively, given Sakazuki's hesitance to send a Marine force to Wano, the closed borders are actually pretty effective in preventing information from escaping the country.

Sasaki seems to respect and admire with Kyoshiro:

Yamato appears to not be a relevant combatant. Neither Who's Who nor Sasaki are actually looking for him, and both have assigned their subordinates to search for him in their stead. Sasaki even calls him a brat:

I'm a little surprised that Oda chose to hype up Kyoshiro by having him overcome an unexpected gate. Like, it's a weird flex, but okay:

Kyoshiro was able to easily incapacitate Sasaki:

I guess we might get a flashback to how it was done when Sasaki breaks free. As for Kyoshiro not (attempting to) kill him, it might be because they were friends and Sasaki isn't the object of his vengeance. I expect this would eventually be explained in more detail when Sasaki returns, but if not, I would go with the above explanation.

I'm curious why Kyoshiro showed Sasaki his Kozuki crest and asked if he was aware of the history of Wano:

It might have just been him alerting Sasaki that he was actually a double agent and not the Yakuza boss Sasaki was friends with, and that's currently the simplest explanation. We'll see if there's more to it later on.

Damn, Kyoshiro looks mighty fierce in this panel:

I now fully do not expect Big Mom to be defeated in Wano. The Big Mom Pirates are still stuck at the bottom of the Waterfall (with Marco saying that the era would have moved by the time they ascend it). Big Mom herself is being led away from the conflict by Usopp and Chopper:

It doesn't seem like she would be an antagonist this arc.

Prometheus has gone on a chase after Nami and her group, and now I'm starting to get worried that Prometheus would end up with Nami as yet another power up. I don't see Nami losing Zeus (it makes little sense to further lower her combat ability), and an asset like Prometheus would make Nami defeating top veteran level fighters (one of the female Tobi Roppo) more credible.

Ouch, Ulti sama continues to bully Pay Pay. Oda has constantly treated Pay Pay as a joke among the Tobi Roppo and even in this chapter, he was getting bullied by his elder sister. If there was a chance Pay Pay was stronger than Ulti, the chance vanished. Black Maria is the only one still up in the air, but there isn't a good case to place Pay Pay above her.

We receive yet more evidence that the Tobi Roppo outrank the Numbers. Compare how the fodder addressed a Number:

To how they addressed two of the Tobi Roppo:

Ulti and Luffy meeting in such a hyped up fashion is a bit surprising:

Whatever happens from their interaction is implied to be a very big deal. The meeting forms the last page of the chapter, and the chapter was named for their interaction:

I don't feel any hype from the scene, but that's because Oda hasn't hyped up Ulti as someone important enough to have such an exaggerated first contact with Luffy. I think those expecting Luffy to low diff Ulti in the next chapter are in for a very rude awakening. I find it unlikely that Oda would name a chapter after their meeting, have them glare at each other and smack talk each other for their first interactions and then have Luffy oneshot Ulti. Especially as Ulti has little hype to speak of right now. If they do fight, I expect this fight would be used to hype up Ulti's combat ability (perhaps a short clash where Luffy monologues about how she's "strong" but I doubt there would be a conclusion (e.g. as happened for the Apoo clash).

Overall, the chapter was fine. I think I'll give it a 3/5 rating.


When were you under the impression this game is..
I dunno who is the dumb person here WB pirates or Oda himself, Yonko Kaido operates from Wano, the nation of WB's sworn brother and yet WB didn't have little curiosity to look for what cooking in Oden's backyard. Sorry captain its Oden his self got cooked LMAO
The man is litteraly known for producing weapons and having factories there but nah G we good, according to marco they didnt know about oden, Even tho a godamn yonko was ruling that place for atleast a decade hahaha.
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Going to do a reaction this chapter, let's see how it goes.

It's starting to seem plausible that Black Maria is a spy. She chose to stay with Kaido and Orochi (instead of seeing to her assigned task):

This fits the motivations of a spy (information gathering). By staying at the centre of the meeting, she'll be in prime position to hear any vital information. What is most important for this is that Kaido did not request her presence (nor was he expecting her). She chose to stay by his side of her own volition and seems to be trying to seduce him.

Furthermore, she may also have been applying her charms to Orochi:

Kaido seems to still hold quite the amount of respect for Oden even after 20 years:

Momonosuke is unable to fill the shoes left by his father:

That Momonosuke cannot live up to Oden's legacy is something that has been brought up before.

For those of you who were rejoicing that Kanjuro beat Momo to a pulp, Maria has some words for you:

Orochi remains a spineless coward:

The mere realisation that the Samurai survive caused him to shiver in terror:

I don't really understand why people want Zoro to fight him, he's much more weak willed than even the likes of Monet, and seeing Zoro cut him down while he can't move would be incredibly underwhelming. He's clearly not a fighter.

Otherwise, Kaido and Orochi seem to get along pretty well.

I enjoyed this panel of the evil Supernova platoon:

@Garp the Fist: and it looks like we have our ticking time bomb element:

I got to say, I didn't know I'd go gay for Law:

I wonder who Marco's speaking to here:

The best guess would be Izo I think. I'm a little iffy on Marco (and by extension Whitebeard himself) not knowing of Oden's fate (especially when Ace (Oden's successor) visited Wano not too long ago), but it's not especially disappointing coming from Oda. It just shows that he hadn't planned all these details earlier on. Alternatively, given Sakazuki's hesitance to send a Marine force to Wano, the closed borders are actually pretty effective in preventing information from escaping the country.

Sasaki seems to respect and admire with Kyoshiro:

Yamato appears to not be a relevant combatant. Neither Who's Who nor Sasaki are actually looking for him, and both have assigned their subordinates to search for him in their stead. Sasaki even calls him a brat:

I'm a little surprised that Oda chose to hype up Kyoshiro by having him overcome an unexpected gate. Like, it's a weird flex, but okay:

Kyoshiro was able to easily incapacitate Sasaki:

I guess we might get a flashback to how it was done when Sasaki breaks free. As for Kyoshiro not (attempting to) kill him, it might be because they were friends and Sasaki isn't the object of his vengeance. I expect this would eventually be explained in more detail when Sasaki returns, but if not, I would go with the above explanation.

I'm curious why Kyoshiro showed Sasaki his Kozuki crest and asked if he was aware of the history of Wano:

It might have just been him alerting Sasaki that he was actually a double agent and not the Yakuza boss Sasaki was friends with, and that's currently the simplest explanation. We'll see if there's more to it later on.

Damn, Kyoshiro looks mighty fierce in this panel:

I now fully do not expect Big Mom to be defeated in Wano. The Big Mom Pirates are still stuck at the bottom of the Waterfall (with Marco saying that the era would have moved by the time they ascend it). Big Mom herself is being led away from the conflict by Usopp and Chopper:

It doesn't seem like she would be an antagonist this arc.

Prometheus has gone on a chase after Nami and her group, and now I'm starting to get worried that Prometheus would end up with Nami as yet another power up. I don't see Nami losing Zeus (it makes little sense to further lower her combat ability), and an asset like Prometheus would make Nami defeating top veteran level fighters (one of the female Tobi Roppo) more credible.

Ouch, Ulti sama continues to bully Pay Pay. Oda has constantly treated Pay Pay as a joke among the Tobi Roppo and even in this chapter, he was getting bullied by his elder sister. If there was a chance Pay Pay was stronger than Ulti, the chance vanished. Black Maria is the only one still up in the air, but there isn't a good case to place Pay Pay above her.

We receive yet more evidence that the Tobi Roppo outrank the Numbers. Compare how the fodder addressed a Number:

To how they addressed two of the Tobi Roppo:

Ulti and Luffy meeting in such a hyped up fashion is a bit surprising:

Whatever happens from their interaction is implied to be a very big deal. The meeting forms the last page of the chapter, and the chapter was named for their interaction:

I don't feel any hype from the scene, but that's because Oda hasn't hyped up Ulti as someone important enough to have such an exaggerated first contact with Luffy. I think those expecting Luffy to low diff Ulti in the next chapter are in for a very rude awakening. I find it unlikely that Oda would name a chapter after their meeting, have them glare at each other and smack talk each other for their first interactions and then have Luffy oneshot Ulti. Especially as Ulti has little hype to speak of right now. If they do fight, I expect this fight would be used to hype up Ulti's combat ability (perhaps a short clash where Luffy monologues about how she's "strong" but I doubt there would be a conclusion (e.g. as happened for the Apoo clash).

Overall, the chapter was fine. I think I'll give it a 3/5 rating.
How do you feel about kaido's nonchalant way and reaction at the news of the sns being on the island?
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower

Also, “Murder Machine” immediately becomes the coolest Supernova epithet...Killer hype machine working overtime this arc :finally:

Orochi wants to CRUCIFY Momo?? Boy, he’s about to catch these hands from me, forget about the damn alliance...

I said this in the spoiler thread, but Marco’s message is such a fucking cop out. I didn’t expect it to be anything like “Toki is alive” or “The last Road Poneglyph is up my ass and I’ll fart it out for you after you beat Kaido,” but this is as anti climactic as it gets :laughmoji:
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