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So, why didn't Kuma take Bonney and run away to the revolutionary army when she became a pirate? Unless her entire crew were cp agents ready to kill her he was really banking on the WG to honor the deal and not go "she chose to be a pirate so she's in impel down forever now".
Honestly if you ever do a reread, anything with Kuma is just hella rewarding and really paints a new picture on how tragic his character is:

In a way, Im glad this whole FB was quite literally a father/daughter story that gave Kuma's life meaning. Here's to hoping he survives the ordeal. I think itd be far more emotional if Kizaru ends up making the sacrifice play in the end (barring whatever role he still plays in the arc as an antagonist or whatnot).
I think that's a likely choice
Did Whitebeard have a red poneglyph?I feel like Ace might have merked the dude because of that.
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Honestly if you ever do a reread, anything with Kuma is just hella rewarding and really paints a new picture on how tragic his character is:

In a way, Im glad this whole FB was quite literally a father/daughter story that gave Kuma's life meaning. Here's to hoping he survives the ordeal. I think itd be far more emotional if Kizaru ends up making the sacrifice play in the end (barring whatever role he still plays in the arc as an antagonist or whatnot).
The pay off is really good.I like what Oda did.
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God I hope Vegapunk makes kuma a new body so that when this is all over he and Bonney can travel together in peace. Bro deserves it
Kuma and Bonney deserve a happy ending and Saturn needs to get a huge fat and lethal L in this arc.
I wonder why Kuma is at Foosha village I hope it's not for Luffy otherwise it would be abit of a plot hole as the gorosei didn't know who luffy was when he first got his bounty. I guess Kuma was sent after the nika fruit
I definitely hope that Oda doesn’t try to retroactively justify the retcon because that only ever makes things worse. I have my fingers crossed but I’m ready to be disappointed.

Good to see the other Warlords though. Flashback is getting a bit long, but it’s nice that it’s actually relevant material.
That was before he underwent the nika transformation

Luffy didn’t have to ko himself after using Kaido as a jump rope.

I don’t know how kizaru’s performance against g5 is supposed to look bad next to kaido’s. the trolling against Kaido was more one-sided if anything.
Because Unlike Lizaru who did zero damage to G5 and got one shot, Kaido did this

Based on this performance alone, it looks like Kaido could solo 10 Kizarus
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Did Whitebeard have a red poneglyph?I feel like Ace might have merked the dude because of that.
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The pay off is really good.I like what Oda did.
Honestly im surprised how well thought out the timeline is. His age has been known since forever, and Bonney was a character who's age wasnt ever truly known until now.
We've heard bits of Kuma's history throughout the series (King, Tyrant, RA Member, Shichibukai, Pacifista, etc), and its pretty crazy that even Ace defearing a Shichibukai was alluded to forever ago (he was offered the position), only for Kuma to take it.

Like everything to just fits way too well, and it really makes me believe that Kuma definitely will be tied to the crew crew until the endgame, because very few characters in this series have that level of planning (I.e. Shanks, Jinbe, Blackbeard, etc)