One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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Given his portrayal, his importance in the story, the goal of Luffy surpassing Shanks, the mystery and aura of Shanks, his relationship with one of the main antagonist of the Show Blackbeard, the fact that is stopped Marineford etc

For me Shanks is stronger than BM (slightly)
His portrayal is around the same than the other yonkos and importance in the story isn't synonymous of power.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
This is the moment when I miss red admiral saltyness. Lmfao
I hope Noodle senpai doesn't run away when his time will come lol

Shanks is the Roger of this Generation if Roger lost his arm, which would decrease his power. 2-armed Shanks would be PK level. The hat being passed on is pretty obvious. Also his antagonism with the WB of this generation (BB).
Shanks isn't Roger at all. Neither in bounty terms nor in terms of achievement.

Now, two arms Shanks is PK level? Weren't you guys saying Shanks didn't lose his strength?

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Oda has said before that the story takes precedence over consistency. There you have it in black and white. He lost his arm cause the editor wanted it to be interesting and didn't care about him being a Yonkou.
It's just such a dumb argument lol, everything in OP happens due to plot.

Luffy beat Crocodile due to plot.

Whitebeard died due to plot.

Sanji is a cook due to plot.

Stop making excuses for Shanks being the weakest Yonko with "oh it's due to plot"

If you agree that Shanks is objectively the most disappointing Yonko,

and you agree that Shanks got weaker from losing his arm,

Then idk why you responded to me in the first place tbh lol
What?! lmao
Hahaha, so they were nowhere close to him, but he had no problem fighting them all?:kaidowhat:
He ''thought'' he could take on everybody - this is your argument??? lol
Jack ''thought'' he could safe doffy...we all know how that ended. If you really think BB can take on everybody of the marines and on top of that AT THE SAME TIME - then i can't help you anymore.
A basicaly dead WB destroyed him, but an Admiral wouldn't be able too? Stop dreaming.
BB said it was too early for him and Shanks to fight - while both had their crews with them. The same think he said about Akainu, but it was BB + Crew vs lone Akainu.
My argument is it is laughable to think BB is scared of Akainu alone when he challenged Akainu and all the Marines at MF. Not only that but Garp and Sengoku together couldn't beat his crew so it's doubtful Akainu has any chance. Or do you think Akainu can 1v2 Garp and Sengoku???:wellwell:
The fact that he backed down from Shanks shows that he was actually analysing who he could beat. Him thinking he could beat the marines was not hot air then.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Than why Akainu was afraid seeing him and than immediately retreating and open path for Shanks to move forward, to challenge everyone who wants to continue fighting.
Huh? When did this happen?

Shanks blocked a Coby level attack using his named sword + CoA (that in and of itself speaks to how hard Shanks would push Akainu in an actual fight)

Then Akainu waited for Sengoku's order while Aokiji and Kizaru straight up ignored Shanks' presence

Then Sengoku saved Shanks' entire career by ending the war.

When did Akainu retreat? Lol, you know Kizaru asked Sengoku for permission to kill Luffy and co., you think an Admiral can just start a war with a Yonko willy nilly?

Trust me my friend, if Sengoku had given the order, what Akainu would've done to Shanks would've made the Lord of the Coast look like child's play.
Shiki already fought 2 top ties at once for 2 days in high diff battle
He lost
Roger too will lose to 2 top tiers. Same with WB.
Since Shiki wasnt far from Roger
And Garp is also closer to Roger

Even Rox lost to Garp and Roger
Nobody can solo 2 high top tiers at once
No man. garp is comparable with Roger and WB.

We already explained that Roger beats WB extreme Diff.
No wonder Shiki lost to both of Garp and Sengoku.

I was replying to the guy who ranked Roger fight as this:

Roger vs BB ( Neg diff)
Roger vs Shanks (Low diff)
Roger vs Big Mom (mid diff)
Roger vs Kaido (High diff)
Roger vs WB (Extreme high diff)

Garp is in the same catagory as Roger and WB. And the spoiler this chapter only proves it more!

So, when I say Roger can take on two Yonko, I mean the CURRENT ONES (BB/Shanks/BigMom/Kaido)

However, you cannot bring someone in same catagory (WB or Garp) and then add to him (Sengoku) and expect him to win!

Remember also the movie 0, where Sengoku told Garp (Shiki is mine) while Garp was headed there for Roger.

You cannot put Roger in the same shoe as Shiki because Roger is better, simply
And also you cannot put Roger's enemy in same shoe (cause fighting Garp/WB is harder than fighting BB/shanks)

So, yeah, I believe Roger can wipe the floor with both BB and Shanks at same time.
Because her abilities aren't limited to swordsmanship and than she isn't a swordsman in the same sense than Shanks or Mihawk.
She literally is a swordsman that has Elemental drones rotating around her.
Based on her current portrayal she is swordsman. She even uses one of her homies to enhance her sword AP.

I will change my opinion if her awakening changes her fighting style.
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