And ? Its a key location if there are wounded during a fight or if they want to avoid bombing (in the case that the opposite side acts humanily). It would be stupid from them to avoid creating a path under an hospital.
Again, the argument that the Hamas is "using the population as human shield" is only a deshumanization and a propaganda process meant to deligitimize a group of resistance (granted foundamentalist and which did a war crime) in the eye of everyone. ANY oppressor and fascist state would use the SAME propaganda method in the situation of Israel.
But its just a fallacious excuse for propaganda, that is only convincing those who have not even the slightest idea of the reality of the population of Gaza day to day. In reality, those who are pulling the trigger and wants the world to ignore that, is the Israel goverment.
There are absolutely
no human excuses to bomb hospitals and dense populated areas, EVEN if the leader of Hamas was hidden inside it. Its simply inhuman, its a war crime and the addition to those war crimes added to the politic of "volontary displacement" of the population of Gaza is called an Ethnical cleansing.
All of this has another name, the name of a crime against humanity: a genocide.
Israel can’t end the war before Hamas is neutralized
This would mean the annihilation of the population as there is no way to distinguish the Hamas from the rest. Their only choice is to fight when fights will arrive and bomb everything until there is no one left in Gaza.
I don't recommand that image as a profil pic for you. You are more of a pre rebellion Mon Mothma:
Just before she understands that she needs to fight herself for the rebellion.
Just as a heads up mate. Deportation is considered a crime against humanity.
That's what fascists do.
Do you want me to call you like that ?
We got people being called far right who isn't by definition.
And that's why you will always be one step behind the understanding of the political reality of our societies.
Your stubborness to be nuanced blinds you from the danger that is in front of you. We have here people who are making literal apologies of crimes against humanity. Its doesn't get worse than that.
It's time to wake up mate. Its not too late.