Nature fucks up sometimes.
1. 1.5 % of the population with intersex characteristic is not nature "f*cking up", it a clear difference mate.
2. The concept of nature f*cking would mean that there is something wrong with intersex people. There is none.
3. The presence of intersex people is an evidence of the non binarity of sexual characteristics
Iirc some forms of intersex produce gametes, so while intersex still belong to the sex according to what gamete they produce.
Nop mate, its a third category.
World health organization : "{...]
sex, which refers to the different biological and physiological characteristics of females, males and intersex persons, such as chromosomes, hormones and reproductive organs. "
I do and that was my whole point about the gender definition though?!
It wasn't clear enough in your phrasing. We are ok then.
Do you see all this lqbtq+/pride movement?If its a mental health issue
I'm sorry, what ?
Its certainly is my business when they want to force this shit for kids here in schools
Noone is forcing anything on kids, relax.
Ironic, in french "un gaucho" is a pejorative name for "a leftist".
like psychos aren't reponsible for being like that but they still answer for murders
The concept of responsibility in a materialist world is an illusion. So, technically and in absolute, the simple fact of punishing a person for something that they did without the possibility of stopping themself because of a lack of treatment, education, will or simple care... is a nonsence.
Prison are only here to keep the population safe, not to punish. In the future, prisons will disappear to give place to care and rehabilitation center. Complex and advanced psychological facilities that will prevent those people from being any more of a danger for society. If we are able rehabilitate those people deeply without the prison parameter, we will have risen to the next level on the civilisation scale.
But this is something that is beyond even communism or anarchism.
i do hate the left and everything they stand for
Do you profit from capitalism, I mean by that: are you a Billionnaire or even a millionnaire ?
We don't need the left to have democracy
without the left, you would have fascism since there would be nothing to stop the far right from radicalization.
The Brazilian Communist Party says they abandoned violence and now adhere to the democratic process to achieve their revolution. Do you get it? They didn't abandon the marxist model(that distopia) they merely abandoned guerrila warfare as a tatic. They still want to implement a soviet style regime and they are slowing achieving their goal. So yeah,i don't really trust ANY left winger. You just don't see crazy bolsheviks in America and Europe because that approach doesn't work.
I bet you are the kind of guy who would have sold your neighboor to the authority for reading Marx during the Mccarthyism Era... It feels like your entire vision of the world is driven by fear and complotism.
ou now the left plays fucking dirty in Europe and America too.
No it doesn't. Its just in your head mate..
I don't know who educated you in the red scare, but damn, they did a really good job at it ! You are completely matrixed by the fearof leftist boogymen that you seems to think are here to take your freedom away.