Many antifascist groups (antifa as avarage Americans refer to these groups) are vociferously authoritarian and anti free speech.
Hm no, not really as I'm an antifascist myself (just not the kind who use violence). Never heard about groups being against freespeech as being against freespeech would instantly put you into the authoritarian/far right/fascist territory.
Do you have specific examples ?
Of course I hate the woke
Ok, but WHY are you hating them ? This is the question that you must ask yourself.
another fantasy cause most humans are greedy by nature
And that's a myth, a essentialist one of top of that. Humans are not greedy by nature, greedyness is something that is aquired.
Without a stable society and string morals humans do be greedy and murderous af. That's why social rules and laws are a thing
Actually the reason social rules and laws exist is because we live in an unstable society where we do not yet understand all of our behaviors and how to change them. In a more stable society where we can acts on those behaviors and what creates them, those rules are not really that needed.
Simple example the law "do not steel" is needed in our capitalist society, because some people sometimes have to steel. Now, if you remove the need to steel or the reason that create the need to steel, there is no reasons to have a rule anymore.
To make them closer to reality*
They'll concquer other groups and turn them into slaves
The act of conquering is not written in our DNA. Its a social act that has social causes.
can you really imagine a world where everyone is satisfied with what they have without going for more
I can. Its possible if you try to imagine a world where wanting more is not needed.
You're aggressively pushing the narrative that humans are greedy and sociopathic by nature. What a pessimistic outlook on life!
And wrong on top of that. He is essentializing humanity. This is not how social behaviors work.