Everything is better now. People in the past used to die because of flu, cold. Almost no one dies from it nowadays (just to not say no one since I can't be sure about it).
today people die from Covid :milaugh::milaugh: and from air and water pollution, from food additives, and from working or being otherwise exposed to toxic wastes, to name a handful of shit that didn't even exist 200 –100 years ago
The Myth of a Carefree Prehistoric Lifestyle | The New Republic

"Except that’s just the start. As criticism emerged, Lee revisited his math. Recalculating, he offered a slightly higher average: “about 20 hours.” Lee further conceded that “it would be misleading” to use that figure on its own, as it counted only hours spent procuring food (the same is true of Sahlins’s figures). Of course, foragers must do other things to make their living as well: craft tools, butcher meat, grind nuts, draw water. Adding such tasks to the food quest, Lee concluded that Ju/’hoansi foragers had a 42.3-hour workweek, which is longer than the current 35-hour U.S. weekly average for most paid work. "
This comparison makes no sense, you can't seriously equate crafting tools, butchering meat, grinding nuts, drawing water, building homes, preparing hunting tools etc to the completely stupifying experience of doing the same 3 movements in a factory, or driving a truck for hours with no sleep and all alone, or staring at a computer screen for 9 hours while doing nonsense work for increasing other people's already insane financial wealth.
And what is that title even?
Who said that pre industrial life was "carefree" without problems, illness, death? Their daily work at the very least was meaningful and they lived of their own hands' work.

Also your article is wrong about unions being responsible for the changing in the 14-16 daily work hours we had previously. It was the Ford system that changed that. CAPITALISM. Not fucking union.
Do you know what came before the 14-16 daily working hours?
YES! Because of fucking TECHNOLOGY nothing else. If people stop to regulate fucking AI and going against with making unrational fear of it through society we could get there much quicker. IT is AI that will get us free (or pretty fucking close) to never work again in our lives.
Ai will steal the jobs of millions of people, allowing the rich to make even more profit and excluding a majority of the population from the workforce, leading to extreme poverty ,not only financial poverty but also cultural and intellectual poverty (I mean look at how the public school system is dying, private schooling is going to be necessary to cover the minimum of education).
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I'm pretty sure it is from HUMANITY birth that MEN are the LEADER and WOMAN
Dead wrong
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Technology allowed us to be more productive. More production equal more resources for its people. Equal less people dying. Equal population growth. Therefore reducing once again the ratio of resource/population until further technology allows us the improve once again and be more productive.
This makes no sense whatsoever
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And what is the problem of helping others while getting benefits for yourself?

Billionaires already help us with their companies, investments, improving economy, technology etc. They directly helping us giving away their money is just a plus they are already doing enough.
Bruh what are you even talking about?
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So what we get from this? Let's say the same artists will remain being paid the same, we will have more work done therefore they are not cheaper. And this will continue as technology improves until technology can do all by itself and everything will be free for us. Maybe it is an Utopia? But it is the way we must follow. There is no deny of it being cheaper.

And what people like you who are soo uneducated in economics doesn't understand is that you only have to work because other human being does too. If AI take all the jobs of the work we don't have a reason to work at all and we will be free to do whatever we want.
It would maybe maaayybee be like you're saying if ai were open source and not a proprietary corporate product :lawsigh:
No I'm not. What must be stopped is that crazyness of calling a man a woman. That's why people also are saying they are dogs now. Plants. And all the kind of bullshit.
None of this stuff is new in any way btw. Go and educate yourself:lawsigh::lawsigh: Don't lecture me on history when you never opened a book in your life e:lawsigh:
And we don't need state to use violence we can use violence ourselves.
🤣🤣🤣 it took you a while to show your true intentions but here we are
What exactly is your point here? You wanted your country to finance Russia invanding Ukraine?
Wtf are you even talking about?
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No one is defending that.
Really ?

because all of their supplies are going to Hamas
There is no evidences of that sorry. Because a woman is claiming that doesn't mean its true mate.

There's a jubile interview of an antifascist militant saying free speech is just a tool for hate speech.
Are you sure that the militant is not talking about absolute freespeech ? Or the notion that we should allow anything said by anyone ?

Far right dude interviewing authoritarian far right dude.. No, there will be nothing new or relevant mate. Carry on..

Maybe because Brazil's left is more communist than USA?
Maybe, maybe not. And looking at your biases on leftism I'd say probably not.

I thought we were talking about economic systems. What do you defend?
Right now, radical socialism with a touch of communism and radical reforming.
For example, I defend the instauration of the universal wage for all. (not just minimal wage, I mean a free of work salary for everyone) mixed with the creation of a system of bonuses and a reformation of industry where workers are in charge of their compagnies.

Not really communism but not really socialism either.

  • Liberalism: An ideology that promotes the protection of individual rights, equality of opportunity, and autonomy against threats from both the state and private actors (including businesses). Liberalism holds that the role of government is to protect and promote individual rights, equality, and autonomy.
  • Libertarianism: An ideology that promotes individual liberty (i.e., freedom and autonomy) as its central concern. Libertarianism holds that the role of government is only to protect individual liberty.
You consider yourself a simple leftist (a woke actually) and everything that is described here for liberalism fits you. So you are a liberal, woke, leftist and they are all the same.
No mate. And that's a reason why most rightist don't understand leftism. You don't really understand what liberalism is.

First you overlook the sentence about "the autonomy against threats of bothe the state and private actors". I'm for an intervention of the state, so I'm already against liberalism on that point.

Now, while yes liberalism is meant to promote individual rights, freedom and equality of opportunity. Its an INDIVIDUALISTIC ideology. This means that liberalism is forged on the basis that human can be independantly separated from their environment and the system around them. In other words, Liberalism tends to promote all those good things through the change in humans.

And we, leftist, completely disagree with that notion. We do not believe in individualism but materialism. Meaning that we know - because of scientific researches - that to create equality, we must fights the different environmental system through environmental changes FIRST.

In short, liberalism is based on the myth that human can shape their ""nature"" and their behavior and environment by the sheer strenght of their will when leftist think the opposite.

This creates major differences of vision of politic and economy :

- Liberals think we can create a progressist capitalism while leftists know that to create equality we must stop capitalism
- Liberals think that we can prevent racism by promoting color blindness when leftists KNOW that color blindness actually works against minorities and we must therefore attack institutionnal racism.
- Liberal think that we can act on sexism by bettering ourself when leftists know that this only helps patrarichy to be more acceptable and that we should attack the system of domination that is patriarchy head on.
- Liberals believe in merit when leftist know that meritocracy is one of the biggest system creator of inequalities in the world

In other words: Liberal's individualistic vision works in tandem with oppressions instead of working against them. This is why leftist and liberal are not only NOT the same, but also political ennemies.

THis makes leftist, leftist.... and liberal rightist. Libertarians are just a radical version of liberals and ultra capitalist. They are therefore deeper on the right side.

You just failed to proof actually.
You can check on this thread, I already provided scientific sources on the subject, I'm not going to dig them up again for you. Patriarchy rised with the arrival of sedenterization and the rise of agriculture, this is a scientific consensus. I already explained why multiple time. Now you go check for those explanations.

I will have to ask you what is patriarchy for you because I'm pretty sure it is from HUMANITY birth that MEN are the LEADER and WOMAN are the ones who care for children. Since beginning MEN will fight and die to protect WOMEN and CHILDREN. What is gender pressure for you? There was more liberty in what means? Liberty to kill? R@p&? By the way I don't know why this last word is more sensitive then kill in our society...
Patriarchy for me is what patriarchy is for the scientific consensus : a system of domination and oppression of men over women.

In the hunter gathering times, women were - most likely - treated as equal to men, at least more than they were in the rise of patriarchy. We know that they participated to the same activities (hunting for example). The tribes were - again most likely - egalitarian and non hierarchical.


Doesn't means that those tribe were example that we should follow, but it means that patriarchy is a social phenomenon and that we can get rid of it.

I'm rarely wrong unless inside your crazy mind.
:gokulaugh:Yeah, keep dreaming...

If you check the part I didn't quote in my response you will see the author you chose also decided to deny a lot of tasks from their work hours that could be exactly our home tasks. And you are also forgetting that there was no vacation for them. They didn't had retirement.
This doesn't change my statement. When we add all the "non working hours" to the count, we are exceeding by far what those tribes were doing even if we count vacations.

We live way better now
SOME are living better, others are not. Check for those who are in the street or the low income classes.

To say we lived better in the past in absurd and science denial
Nobody but you is saying that. What I said is that some "THINGS" were better. ANd this is a scientific fact mate.

What better system and redistribution of resources we would have compared to a world with way less population and way more wild life?
A world where the 1% of the richer have more than the 99% others for once... that would be a good start.:kata:

More production equal more resources for its people. Equal less people dying.
Not necessaraly no. For some people maybe, not for all.

Then technology kicked in to save us all.
See @Zenos7 this is an example of scientism but this time based on technology. The idea that technology alone can save us. When in reality technology is just a part of what create progress. The other part is human and or political politicy.

AI is FREEING people to do other things
In a utopia yes. Not in the real world.

Right now, AI are s teeling jobs, ressources and oppoturnity from people. That the reality of today.

AI is here to improve productivity not to steal work.
Again, in a perfect world, yes. That would be the purpose of AI and I would be all in for it. Sadly, AI is not working alone, its made by human, and humans are flawed.

If because of AI one artist can do the work for let's say 10. Now those 9 other artists can also use AI to do more works. And that's how it works.
The reality is that its not how it works. Because that's NOT how AI works. In reality, AI (in art at least) is a tool that can only work with a data bank. In other words, if there is no data bank for the AI to train, there is no AI work. And right now, the data banks are filled with works for artist that DID NOT CONSENT for the usage of their work. WORSE, this tool is used AGAINST artist by industry to avoid paying artist.

In short, the work of artist are STOLENand used AGAINST THEM to steel job opportunity from them.

THis is for Art, but this works with other AI too.

So what we get from this? Let's say the same artists will remain being paid the same, we will have more work done therefore they are not cheaper. And this will continue as technology improves until technology can do all by itself and everything will be free for us. Maybe it is an Utopia? But it is the way we must follow. There is no deny of it being cheaper.

And what people like you who are soo uneducated in economics doesn't understand is that you only have to work because other human being does too. If AI take all the jobs of the work we don't have a reason to work at all and we will be free to do whatever we want.
So you can forget ALL OF THIS for now.

Oh.. and:

I highly recommend for you to watch the Zeitgeist series of movies. In the 2nd and 3rd movie if I remember correctly they talk about the Venus Project and says more about what I'm talking about technology. Politicians doesn't solve problems. Only technology does. People left the farms, country side to go to the cities because it was better to work 14/16h in factories than living where they were.
I fully know what the Venus project is as I've been following this vision of the future since 2008. This has been one the biggest inspiration of my life other than One Piece. And yes, its has some real good idea and values, for example that environment change creates change (btw TVP completely contradicts the libertarian mindset as its based on centralized AI cities and far closer to the communist mindset than everything else) but its not sustainable and is not attaignable with the simple help of technology. I've come to understand that.


Also, careful with the zeitgest movie, they were made by very problematic and complotist people. TVP actually desolidarized from them at one point if I'm not mistaken.

The reality is that without political and radical ETHICAL changes, technology will just be used as a tool for oppression. Technology is just ONE part of the solution, the other is political.

You already saying that human species is a social specie. Just give them freedom and they will be solidary with each other. You can't be that hypocrite now.
What you want is not just freedom, its absolute freedom. And absolute freedom can override solidarity.

And what is the problem of helping others while getting benefits for yourself?

Billionaires already help us with their companies, investments, improving economy, technology etc. They directly helping us giving away their money is just a plus they are already doing enough.
None as long as you make it clear that you are doing this also for yourself.

And if Billionnaire really wants to help, there is a solution, but they would not be billionnaires anymore.

You are the one supporting Hamas, a terrorist group.
Nop, only in your head mate.

No I'm not. What must be stopped is that crazyness of calling a man a woman. That's why people also are saying they are dogs now. Plants. And all the kind of bullshit.
And you are doing it again.

If they were women they wouldn't be transwomen. Period. There is no phobia in me.
Trans women ARE women. You transphobic genocide denier.

By the way there are even transwomen that agree with my statement I guess you would call them transphobics too right.
Where exactly ? In your head ?

Me, the UN and several respectful nations of the world. I rather be in this group than at the terrorist group.
The UN is actually on my side mate xD and its not the one of the terrorists. But keep denying genocide and siding with oppressions..

I'm not denying nothing I just don't have to agree.
When you affirm that trans women are not women, you make a stance and promote the transphobic ideas that trans women are not women. Ergo, you are denying their existence and identities.

C4N was talking about how jails will be no more in the future just because psychology will be so advanced. @Logiko some people are evil by their own choice.
Only rare cases of psychopathy. And even psychopath are not evil by nature. I believe that we will be able to prevent those behaviors in the future.

Liberalism isnt about overriding others rights.
Indeed, its only a consequences of libertarianism*. Liberalism is a bit more progressive than that, but still hurtfull.

Why not both though
Possible, not just with the concept of absolute freedom.
You’re talking to one of the dumbest users here. Idk what you expect.
I spend 15 minutes deconstructing every nonsense statement this guy made, never again
It's a waste of time:saden:
At least he isn't trying to exorcise the Left:saden::saden:
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What you want is not just freedom, its absolute freedom. And absolute freedom can override solidarity
What he wants is not absolute freedom he wants hyperindividualism (which is more of a pseudo freedom than anything else)
And if Billionnaire really wants to help, there is a solution, but they would not be billionnaires anymore.
Really ?

There is no evidences of that sorry. Because a woman is claiming that doesn't mean its true mate.

Are you sure that the militant is not talking about absolute freespeech ? Or the notion that we should allow anything said by anyone ?

Far right dude interviewing authoritarian far right dude.. No, there will be nothing new or relevant mate. Carry on..

Maybe, maybe not. And looking at your biases on leftism I'd say probably not.

Right now, radical socialism with a touch of communism and radical reforming.
For example, I defend the instauration of the universal wage for all. (not just minimal wage, I mean a free of work salary for everyone) mixed with the creation of a system of bonuses and a reformation of industry where workers are in charge of their compagnies.

Not really communism but not really socialism either.

No mate. And that's a reason why most rightist don't understand leftism. You don't really understand what liberalism is.

First you overlook the sentence about "the autonomy against threats of bothe the state and private actors". I'm for an intervention of the state, so I'm already against liberalism on that point.

Now, while yes liberalism is meant to promote individual rights, freedom and equality of opportunity. Its an INDIVIDUALISTIC ideology. This means that liberalism is forged on the basis that human can be independantly separated from their environment and the system around them. In other words, Liberalism tends to promote all those good things through the change in humans.

And we, leftist, completely disagree with that notion. We do not believe in individualism but materialism. Meaning that we know - because of scientific researches - that to create equality, we must fights the different environmental system through environmental changes FIRST.

In short, liberalism is based on the myth that human can shape their ""nature"" and their behavior and environment by the sheer strenght of their will when leftist think the opposite.

This creates major differences of vision of politic and economy :

- Liberals think we can create a progressist capitalism while leftists know that to create equality we must stop capitalism
- Liberals think that we can prevent racism by promoting color blindness when leftists KNOW that color blindness actually works against minorities and we must therefore attack institutionnal racism.
- Liberal think that we can act on sexism by bettering ourself when leftists know that this only helps patrarichy to be more acceptable and that we should attack the system of domination that is patriarchy head on.
- Liberals believe in merit when leftist know that meritocracy is one of the biggest system creator of inequalities in the world

In other words: Liberal's individualistic vision works in tandem with oppressions instead of working against them. This is why leftist and liberal are not only NOT the same, but also political ennemies.

THis makes leftist, leftist.... and liberal rightist. Libertarians are just a radical version of liberals and ultra capitalist. They are therefore deeper on the right side.

You can check on this thread, I already provided scientific sources on the subject, I'm not going to dig them up again for you. Patriarchy rised with the arrival of sedenterization and the rise of agriculture, this is a scientific consensus. I already explained why multiple time. Now you go check for those explanations.

Patriarchy for me is what patriarchy is for the scientific consensus : a system of domination and oppression of men over women.

In the hunter gathering times, women were - most likely - treated as equal to men, at least more than they were in the rise of patriarchy. We know that they participated to the same activities (hunting for example). The tribes were - again most likely - egalitarian and non hierarchical.


Doesn't means that those tribe were example that we should follow, but it means that patriarchy is a social phenomenon and that we can get rid of it.

:gokulaugh:Yeah, keep dreaming...

This doesn't change my statement. When we add all the "non working hours" to the count, we are exceeding by far what those tribes were doing even if we count vacations.

SOME are living better, others are not. Check for those who are in the street or the low income classes.

Nobody but you is saying that. What I said is that some "THINGS" were better. ANd this is a scientific fact mate.

A world where the 1% of the richer have more than the 99% others for once... that would be a good start.:kata:

Not necessaraly no. For some people maybe, not for all.

See @Zenos7 this is an example of scientism but this time based on technology. The idea that technology alone can save us. When in reality technology is just a part of what create progress. The other part is human and or political politicy.

In a utopia yes. Not in the real world.

Right now, AI are s teeling jobs, ressources and oppoturnity from people. That the reality of today.

Again, in a perfect world, yes. That would be the purpose of AI and I would be all in for it. Sadly, AI is not working alone, its made by human, and humans are flawed.

The reality is that its not how it works. Because that's NOT how AI works. In reality, AI (in art at least) is a tool that can only work with a data bank. In other words, if there is no data bank for the AI to train, there is no AI work. And right now, the data banks are filled with works for artist that DID NOT CONSENT for the usage of their work. WORSE, this tool is used AGAINST artist by industry to avoid paying artist.

In short, the work of artist are STOLENand used AGAINST THEM to steel job opportunity from them.

THis is for Art, but this works with other AI too.

So you can forget ALL OF THIS for now.

Oh.. and:

I fully know what the Venus project is as I've been following this vision of the future since 2008. This has been one the biggest inspiration of my life other than One Piece. And yes, its has some real good idea and values, for example that environment change creates change (btw TVP completely contradicts the libertarian mindset as its based on centralized AI cities and far closer to the communist mindset than everything else) but its not sustainable and is not attaignable with the simple help of technology. I've come to understand that.


Also, careful with the zeitgest movie, they were made by very problematic and complotist people. TVP actually desolidarized from them at one point if I'm not mistaken.

The reality is that without political and radical ETHICAL changes, technology will just be used as a tool for oppression. Technology is just ONE part of the solution, the other is political.

What you want is not just freedom, its absolute freedom. And absolute freedom can override solidarity.

None as long as you make it clear that you are doing this also for yourself.

And if Billionnaire really wants to help, there is a solution, but they would not be billionnaires anymore.

Nop, only in your head mate.

And you are doing it again.

Trans women ARE women. You transphobic genocide denier.

Where exactly ? In your head ?

The UN is actually on my side mate xD and its not the one of the terrorists. But keep denying genocide and siding with oppressions..

When you affirm that trans women are not women, you make a stance and promote the transphobic ideas that trans women are not women. Ergo, you are denying their existence and identities.

Only rare cases of psychopathy. And even psychopath are not evil by nature. I believe that we will be able to prevent those behaviors in the future.

Indeed, its only a consequences of libertarianism*. Liberalism is a bit more progressive than that, but still hurtfull.

Possible, not just with the concept of absolute freedom.
Listen,most of those german nazi officers in concentration camps were not psychos. They were normal people. They did horrible things that made them sick and,despite their degrading mental and physical health,they kept at it. They believed they were doing good. Read Viktor Frankl book. His testimonials are a good argument for free will. People can do good and bad out of choice.
Really ?

There is no evidences of that sorry. Because a woman is claiming that doesn't mean its true mate.

Are you sure that the militant is not talking about absolute freespeech ? Or the notion that we should allow anything said by anyone ?

Far right dude interviewing authoritarian far right dude.. No, there will be nothing new or relevant mate. Carry on..

Maybe, maybe not. And looking at your biases on leftism I'd say probably not.

Right now, radical socialism with a touch of communism and radical reforming.
For example, I defend the instauration of the universal wage for all. (not just minimal wage, I mean a free of work salary for everyone) mixed with the creation of a system of bonuses and a reformation of industry where workers are in charge of their compagnies.

Not really communism but not really socialism either.

No mate. And that's a reason why most rightist don't understand leftism. You don't really understand what liberalism is.

First you overlook the sentence about "the autonomy against threats of bothe the state and private actors". I'm for an intervention of the state, so I'm already against liberalism on that point.

Now, while yes liberalism is meant to promote individual rights, freedom and equality of opportunity. Its an INDIVIDUALISTIC ideology. This means that liberalism is forged on the basis that human can be independantly separated from their environment and the system around them. In other words, Liberalism tends to promote all those good things through the change in humans.

And we, leftist, completely disagree with that notion. We do not believe in individualism but materialism. Meaning that we know - because of scientific researches - that to create equality, we must fights the different environmental system through environmental changes FIRST.

In short, liberalism is based on the myth that human can shape their ""nature"" and their behavior and environment by the sheer strenght of their will when leftist think the opposite.

This creates major differences of vision of politic and economy :

- Liberals think we can create a progressist capitalism while leftists know that to create equality we must stop capitalism
- Liberals think that we can prevent racism by promoting color blindness when leftists KNOW that color blindness actually works against minorities and we must therefore attack institutionnal racism.
- Liberal think that we can act on sexism by bettering ourself when leftists know that this only helps patrarichy to be more acceptable and that we should attack the system of domination that is patriarchy head on.
- Liberals believe in merit when leftist know that meritocracy is one of the biggest system creator of inequalities in the world

In other words: Liberal's individualistic vision works in tandem with oppressions instead of working against them. This is why leftist and liberal are not only NOT the same, but also political ennemies.

THis makes leftist, leftist.... and liberal rightist. Libertarians are just a radical version of liberals and ultra capitalist. They are therefore deeper on the right side.

You can check on this thread, I already provided scientific sources on the subject, I'm not going to dig them up again for you. Patriarchy rised with the arrival of sedenterization and the rise of agriculture, this is a scientific consensus. I already explained why multiple time. Now you go check for those explanations.

Patriarchy for me is what patriarchy is for the scientific consensus : a system of domination and oppression of men over women.

In the hunter gathering times, women were - most likely - treated as equal to men, at least more than they were in the rise of patriarchy. We know that they participated to the same activities (hunting for example). The tribes were - again most likely - egalitarian and non hierarchical.


Doesn't means that those tribe were example that we should follow, but it means that patriarchy is a social phenomenon and that we can get rid of it.

:gokulaugh:Yeah, keep dreaming...

This doesn't change my statement. When we add all the "non working hours" to the count, we are exceeding by far what those tribes were doing even if we count vacations.

SOME are living better, others are not. Check for those who are in the street or the low income classes.

Nobody but you is saying that. What I said is that some "THINGS" were better. ANd this is a scientific fact mate.

A world where the 1% of the richer have more than the 99% others for once... that would be a good start.:kata:

Not necessaraly no. For some people maybe, not for all.

See @Zenos7 this is an example of scientism but this time based on technology. The idea that technology alone can save us. When in reality technology is just a part of what create progress. The other part is human and or political politicy.

In a utopia yes. Not in the real world.

Right now, AI are s teeling jobs, ressources and oppoturnity from people. That the reality of today.

Again, in a perfect world, yes. That would be the purpose of AI and I would be all in for it. Sadly, AI is not working alone, its made by human, and humans are flawed.

The reality is that its not how it works. Because that's NOT how AI works. In reality, AI (in art at least) is a tool that can only work with a data bank. In other words, if there is no data bank for the AI to train, there is no AI work. And right now, the data banks are filled with works for artist that DID NOT CONSENT for the usage of their work. WORSE, this tool is used AGAINST artist by industry to avoid paying artist.

In short, the work of artist are STOLENand used AGAINST THEM to steel job opportunity from them.

THis is for Art, but this works with other AI too.

So you can forget ALL OF THIS for now.

Oh.. and:

I fully know what the Venus project is as I've been following this vision of the future since 2008. This has been one the biggest inspiration of my life other than One Piece. And yes, its has some real good idea and values, for example that environment change creates change (btw TVP completely contradicts the libertarian mindset as its based on centralized AI cities and far closer to the communist mindset than everything else) but its not sustainable and is not attaignable with the simple help of technology. I've come to understand that.


Also, careful with the zeitgest movie, they were made by very problematic and complotist people. TVP actually desolidarized from them at one point if I'm not mistaken.

The reality is that without political and radical ETHICAL changes, technology will just be used as a tool for oppression. Technology is just ONE part of the solution, the other is political.

What you want is not just freedom, its absolute freedom. And absolute freedom can override solidarity.

None as long as you make it clear that you are doing this also for yourself.

And if Billionnaire really wants to help, there is a solution, but they would not be billionnaires anymore.

Nop, only in your head mate.

And you are doing it again.

Trans women ARE women. You transphobic genocide denier.

Where exactly ? In your head ?

The UN is actually on my side mate xD and its not the one of the terrorists. But keep denying genocide and siding with oppressions..

When you affirm that trans women are not women, you make a stance and promote the transphobic ideas that trans women are not women. Ergo, you are denying their existence and identities.

Only rare cases of psychopathy. And even psychopath are not evil by nature. I believe that we will be able to prevent those behaviors in the future.

Indeed, its only a consequences of libertarianism*. Liberalism is a bit more progressive than that, but still hurtfull.

Possible, not just with the concept of absolute freedom.
Lefties like yourself hold no relevance, make like your Queen, let them eat cake.


today people die from Covid :milaugh::milaugh: and from air and water pollution, from food additives, and from working or being otherwise exposed to toxic wastes, to name a handful of shit that didn't even exist 200 –100 years ago
Covid, a new disease. You talk like in the past people wouldn't die from that shit when they are dying from much weaker virus/bacterias. Who the hell is dying from air/water pollution? Food additives?

People always died from working, today it is much safer environment.

This comparison makes no sense, you can't seriously equate crafting tools, butchering meat, grinding nuts, drawing water, building homes, preparing hunting tools etc to the completely stupifying experience of doing the same 3 movements in a factory, or driving a truck for hours with no sleep and all alone, or staring at a computer screen for 9 hours while doing nonsense work for increasing other people's already insane financial wealth.
And what is that title even?
Who said that pre industrial life was "carefree" without problems, illness, death? Their daily work at the very least was meaningful and they lived of their own hands' work.
Why not? We are comparing tasks people had to do to survive.

Home | History Channel Brasil (canalhistory.com.br)

“Cities grew because industrial factories required large workforces and workers and their families needed places to live near their jobs. Factories and cities attracted millions of immigrants looking for work and a better life in the United States.”

It is a better life to live in the city. If you want to deny history and say our ancestors were dumb to do such a change you can go back and live in wild nature.

Do you know what came before the 14-16 daily working hours?
Something worse that made people move to cities and rather the 14-16 daily working hours

History of the American Workweek - Timesizing®

You really ignore all the benefits we have in today's society to justify working more to pay for those benefits. You are the one comparing humans living in wild life in the middle of nothing that could be attacked by every kind of animal, bugs etc with today's society living in cities, buildings, protected from wild life in most part.

Three Stages of Health Encounters Over 8000 Human Generations and How They Inform Future Public Health - PMC (nih.gov)

"The first encounters began about 8000 generations ago in the Paleolithic era when approximately 75% of deaths were caused by infection, including diarrheal diseases that resulted in dehydration and starvation. Life expectancy was approximately 33 years of age."

You want to say that this era was better than current? Please...

Ai will steal the jobs of millions of people, allowing the rich to make even more profit and excluding a majority of the population from the workforce, leading to extreme poverty ,not only financial poverty but also cultural and intellectual poverty (I mean look at how the public school system is dying, private schooling is going to be necessary to cover the minimum of education).
Dude you are so jealous of the rich...

Technology always take jobs to allow humans to do other things. Old jobs are gone and new ones are created. People are jus afraid and lazy for changes that will only benefit our society as they always did.

6 Historic Jobs Machines Have Taken Over (topbots.com)

Proof it.

This makes no sense whatsoever
How? Our society is way better in all those aspects I've told you because of technology. I wonder if you even understand what technology means. I'm not talking about your new iPhone.

Bruh what are you even talking about?
The good old saying of poor people. They don't care if you are getting something from helping them as long you help them. Helping someone while recording for your YT channel or not makes no difference. You are helping anyway.

In fact is even better if you do record because you can influence more people to do the same. Recording or not.

It would maybe maaayybee be like you're saying if ai were open source and not a proprietary corporate product :lawsigh:
Being open source or not doesn't matter. AI increases productivity therefore prices goes down.

And talking about open source there are in fact open sources AI being developed by the IT community which they were told to be having greater/faster development than the ones who are not open sources simply because everyone in the community can contribute with it.

And also everyone can learn how to make an AI for yourself. I don't know what you are bitching about it.

The open-source AI boom is built on Big Tech’s handouts. How long will it last? | MIT Technology Review

None of this stuff is new in any way btw. Go and educate yourself:lawsigh::lawsigh: Don't lecture me on history when you never opened a book in your life e:lawsigh:
Unless you are Logiko alt account I wasn't even talking to you previously. WTF.

🤣🤣🤣 it took you a while to show your true intentions but here we are
Do you even have any point here?

The whole point is that State uses violence to make sure we have private property. My point is we don't need state since we can use violence ourselves.

Or do you believe people change because of state and no one uses violence? Please...

Wtf are you even talking about?
I'm asking what is his issue with Germany stop buying gas from Russia therefore gas price going up. The alternative is funding a country that is invading another one.
Still no and this still isnt transphobia or denying their existence
And this is why you can still have transphobic behavior and not realizing it.

What do you think transphobia is mate ?

What he wants is not absolute freedom he wants hyperindividualism (which is more of a pseudo freedom than anything else)
Oh, I like this term. Yes you are right, its more about hyperindividualism.

Listen,most of those german nazi officers in concentration camps were not psychos. They were normal people. They did horrible things that made them sick and,despite their degrading mental and physical health,they kept at it. They believed they were doing good. Read Viktor Frankl book. His testimonials are a good argument for free will. People can do good and bad out of choice.
I completly agree. Fascism doesn't rise because of evil people. Fascism rises because normal people do horrible things. Once again Andor (Did I told you that I love Andor yet ?) shows just how much bad can do normal people just because they follow a fascist system.

Lefties like yourself hold no relevance, make like your Queen, let them eat cake.
What ?


Dude you are so jealous of the rich...
Are you a billionnaire yet ?

Technology always take jobs to allow humans to do other things.
Not in that case mate.

Keep telling him that, Men are Men, Women are Women.
When far rightist are praising your discourse, its usually not a good sign @Zenos7

Just saying :kayneshrug:
Covid, a new disease. You talk like in the past people wouldn't die from that shit when they are dying from much weaker virus/bacterias. Who the hell is dying from air/water pollution? Food additives?

People always died from working, today it is much safer environment.

Why not? We are comparing tasks people had to do to survive.

Home | History Channel Brasil (canalhistory.com.br)

“Cities grew because industrial factories required large workforces and workers and their families needed places to live near their jobs. Factories and cities attracted millions of immigrants looking for work and a better life in the United States.”

It is a better life to live in the city. If you want to deny history and say our ancestors were dumb to do such a change you can go back and live in wild nature.

Something worse that made people move to cities and rather the 14-16 daily working hours

History of the American Workweek - Timesizing®

You really ignore all the benefits we have in today's society to justify working more to pay for those benefits. You are the one comparing humans living in wild life in the middle of nothing that could be attacked by every kind of animal, bugs etc with today's society living in cities, buildings, protected from wild life in most part.

Three Stages of Health Encounters Over 8000 Human Generations and How They Inform Future Public Health - PMC (nih.gov)

"The first encounters began about 8000 generations ago in the Paleolithic era when approximately 75% of deaths were caused by infection, including diarrheal diseases that resulted in dehydration and starvation. Life expectancy was approximately 33 years of age."

You want to say that this era was better than current? Please...

Dude you are so jealous of the rich...

Technology always take jobs to allow humans to do other things. Old jobs are gone and new ones are created. People are jus afraid and lazy for changes that will only benefit our society as they always did.

6 Historic Jobs Machines Have Taken Over (topbots.com)

Proof it.

How? Our society is way better in all those aspects I've told you because of technology. I wonder if you even understand what technology means. I'm not talking about your new iPhone.

The good old saying of poor people. They don't care if you are getting something from helping them as long you help them. Helping someone while recording for your YT channel or not makes no difference. You are helping anyway.

In fact is even better if you do record because you can influence more people to do the same. Recording or not.

Being open source or not doesn't matter. AI increases productivity therefore prices goes down.

And talking about open source there are in fact open sources AI being developed by the IT community which they were told to be having greater/faster development than the ones who are not open sources simply because everyone in the community can contribute with it.

And also everyone can learn how to make an AI for yourself. I don't know what you are bitching about it.

The open-source AI boom is built on Big Tech’s handouts. How long will it last? | MIT Technology Review

Unless you are Logiko alt account I wasn't even talking to you previously. WTF.

Do you even have any point here?

The whole point is that State uses violence to make sure we have private property. My point is we don't need state since we can use violence ourselves.

Or do you believe people change because of state and no one uses violence? Please...

I'm asking what is his issue with Germany stop buying gas from Russia therefore gas price going up. The alternative is funding a country that is invading another one.
Holy bunny you're so dumb:lawsigh:
And this is why you can still have transphobic behavior and not realizing it.

What do you think transphobia is mate ?
Fear of or aversion to transgender individuals

This applies to some people making that statement for sure, but not generally.
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When far rightist are praising your discourse, its usually not a good sign @Zenos7

Just saying :kayneshrug:
Broken clock is right twice a day. Him being far right doesnt mean he cant get anything right.
I think common law and enforcement of the law is better definition. Monopoly on violence isnt correct,self defense is a human right. Also,States can infringe fundamental rights and become illegitimate. The brazilian republic was created by a military coup. None asked for the Monarchy to be overthrow.

Look, common law and enforcement of the law are normative concepts that only have meaning by it's coercive nature. So coerciveness (violence) is the foundation of these normative concepts, and that's the reason why Weber defines the state in this way.
So common law and enforcement of the law can't define a state by themselves, because both concepts are not the most fundamental
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Fear of or aversion to transgender individuals

This applies to some people making that statement for sure, but not generally.
And when you deny the existence of someone, what is it ?

Broken clock is right twice a day. Him being far right doesnt mean he cant get anything right.
Yeah... thing is, when we are talking about a subject that is specifically sensible and the far right - who has a bigoted opinion about said subject - praises your comment about said subject.. Usually, its not the sign that you made a "right" statement.
And this is why you can still have transphobic behavior and not realizing it.

What do you think transphobia is mate ?

Oh, I like this term. Yes you are right, its more about hyperindividualism.

I completly agree. Fascism doesn't rise because of evil people. Fascism rises because normal people do horrible things. Once again Andor (Did I told you that I love Andor yet ?) shows just how much bad can do normal people just because they follow a fascist system.

What ?


Are you a billionnaire yet ?

Not in that case mate.

When far rightist are praising your discourse, its usually not a good sign @Zenos7

Just saying :kayneshrug:
Not far right dumbfuck. Just a Conservative. You who certainly gets hooked on people identifying what they want, you certainly always get it wrong. Check yourself you bigot.
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