Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

Should we open the chapter discussion thread for the iffy translation?

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The only one who can beat me is me
How would top tier Big Meme deal with current Zoro?:beanmean:
Zoro beats Big Mom with just napolean imo.

Big Mom probably still beats Zoro with all of her homies in tact. They are just a constant distraction, with lots of AOE and speed, it's hard to zero in on Big Mom alone when they're constantly firing unavoidable attacks at you. Good thing is atleast Zoro can do something about the flames temporarily which might give him some openings.

However the homie factor along with Big Mom's healing factor, plus Zoro's KoH time limit, I say Big Mom takes the W after a hard fight.


The Rogue Prince
just accept it was just a badly written stallfest to make Zoro busy til the Gorosei's arrival cause lolda is a hack
Kuma's flashback, Kuma's arrival, Vegapunk's Death and 5 Gorosei's arrival was what's actually happening.
Which are all far more important than this gag fight. It's obviously stall piece, but i love folks overthink it lol.
It's fun trolling Z boys whenever Zoro is underperfoming (like he was before this chapter) but the cope is getting ridiculous bruh
just accept it was just a badly written stallfest to make Zoro busy til the Gorosei's arrival cause lolda is a hack
Plot affects the whole story. Something happening because of “plot” doesn’t mean it didn’t happen

Luffy getting stalled by Bellamy, Doflamingo, cracker, etc were main all just because of plot. That doesn’t make what why and how it happened any less valid

The same applies to everything and everything in the story

The admirals never being allowed to go all out and getting stalled all the time is 100% because of plot. Doesn’t make the reason why and how less canon
Luffy zoro and sanji’s wins in onigashima are drowned in plot. Again they still happen regardless and reason were given or shown

Plot is not just apart of the the but the story as a whole. Blaming plot to say whatever moment doesn’t count doesn’t make sense
Zoro having healing powers is an interesting agenda
Maybe his uncommon endurance stems from these healing powers? That's interesting

Great pick, Lerkan!
He aint the only one.

Your bestie @Erkan12 is out here, creating images to show how Lucci bruised Zoro. It just shows how they have fuck all to slander Zoro with.
I don't understand why you embarrass yourself like this? You're not stupid, I've read some well thought out posts from you.

You lose credibility everytime you go full terrorist like this. Will you ever grow past this?
This is perhaps the most idiotic thing I read in a while
I'm pissing myself laughing, that's what happens when you overanalyze every fucking speck of dust and want to look for absurd explanations for every little vignette or scratch on the characters' faces, fucking animal.
@Franosuke that bitch carrying my 4 years old quote about Pre-Marine Hunter boost 3 billion Mihawk (dumbass can't realize I never said Mihawk can't be 3 billion LMAO)

Ok these ZKKretards ask to get debunked again.

Nerfed DR Law (who got beat by Fujitora right before this) bruises Dof:

Chapter 730.
Only 4 chapters later, Dof completely heals his bruise in Chapter 735:

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