Speculations How does Mihawk end up being Zoro’s final opponent

How does Mihawk end up as Zoro’s final fight?

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Kitetsu Wanker
I voted for Zoro is secretly MC. :blobevil:
How you ask? Simple, bet on Buggy's luck!
The finale of the show is a battle for the treasure.

And all that Buggy's squad needs is perfect timing.
First, the showdown between RHP and BBP will happen with BBPs pulling through, achieving ultimate hype by beating crew with no weak links. Then the Strawhats will take them down and take revenge for Shanksu, Yasopp...

Right when SHs are about to claim the ultimate treasure, Cross Guild will show up and challenge them to Davy Back Fight to determine who gets to claim the treasure. One of the matches in DBF will be a fight between Mihawk and Zoro.
And all the others will sit and watch the ultimate display of Power unfold before their eyes.
It could be a short offscreen fight though. Something like they clash and split the sky - the fight gets offscreened. In the epilogue, we see Zoro as the WSS.

In any other scenario Shiryu or Venus has to be stronger than Mihawk that I highly doubt atm.
Ain't happening

Also, Zoro is bound to be WSS before Luffy becomes PK, that's the whole promise between him and Luffy

And we know Luffy will be PK before taking down WG
It insinuates that the Gorosei will get their own arc when they'll most likely share it with a bunch of other groups.
But Gorosei will have own final arc in the war against WG
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But was Nusjuro the strongest swordsman of all time? Can he beat Roger?
Maybe...Roger never fought Venus. Venus is immortal, don't forget about this small fact.
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It insinuates that the Gorosei will get their own arc when they'll most likely share it with a bunch of other groups.

But was Nusjuro the strongest swordsman of all time? Can he beat Roger?

I'm almost positive Nusjuro will be Mihawk's hype tool.
What does being strongest swordsman of all time has to do with Roger?

Yeah, Nesujuro will be Mihawk's hypetool ...the same Mihawk who can't even make Vista his hypetool
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Ill say it again like ive said in other threads: Occams Fucking Razor.

By virtue, every major fight in this series is part of a tied faction with swordsmen that Zoro fights

- Cabaji
- Hachi
- Mr 1
- Ohm
- Kaku
- Ryuma
- Pica
- King

ALL fit the same exact trend. Hell, maybe he fights that weird ass Swordbro VA and one shots him lmao.

But unfortunately for Mihawk, Akainu/Blackbeard/Imu all have swordsmen in their groups.

- Fujitora
- Shiryu
- Nasujuro

Leaving Mihawk in really weird position under Cross Guild. And yet, theres one completely basic and obvious option that works but people choose to ignore: Shanks

- Who is Buggy closely tied to? Shanks
- Who is Mihawk closely tied to? Shanks
- Is Ben Beckman at all a swordsman or confirmed sword user? No

And no, Im not powerscaling Mihawk vs Shanks or implying Mihawk will join the RHP and be their pseudo #2. I am saying that its VERY possible that CG and RHP are in the same arc and open the avenue for these matchups.

Whatever agenda you have against Shanks, that he's "good", not stronger than Mihawk, or that he "must" lose Blackbeard, this is a very basic concept to understand if just set those aside and think constructively about matchup factions.

Tldr: There is no other group for Mihawk but Shanks' if you consider the very basic fact that Zoro doesnt fight people truly outside of any faction, just like anyone else.
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And we know Luffy will be PK before taking down WG
We dont know that, Luffy might be shown as the PK also in the epilogue. In real time, we see them beating their opponents or whatever and in the epilogue we see they achieved their dreams.
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Lmao that sounds terrible. Why would any Zoro fan want that?
I dont want that. But if it was according to my wish, Zoro would be the PK, not Luffy lol.
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My theory is, that he's going to be part of a Davy Back fight inbetween the SHs and cross guild, before they are going to Laugh tale and after the SHs had their fight with the Blackbeard pirates (a whole bunch of gimmick fights).

The Davy back fight-bets are going to be the 4th road poneglyph, CG got their hands on, vs the 3 road poneglyphs, the SHs already have. The Mihawk vs Zoro fight will be held as the final round in order to determine, who's going to become the Pirate King.

Gets stronger with each day, because BB is likely going to go for an ancient weapon now, so they will prolly meet right after Elbaf.
You think anyone on Worstgen knows what Oda has planned for his characters?

Zoro WILL fight Mihawk that's guaranteed. Whether that's as a final fight or not, we don't know, nor does it matter really.


Kitetsu Wanker
You know fully well Buggy isnt an actual fight so I KNOW you understand this conversation lol
I disagree.
Cross Guild is on the same level as other 3 top pirate organizations.
Just because the captain cannot compete with Luffy physically, doesn't mean he cant use his brain.
Davy Back Fight exists for a reason, so those who cant compete normally, can compete when they set their own rules.
Mihawk joining Shanks has always been a pipe dream, you know this.


Nobody wants to believe me but I always say Mihawk is the odd man out unless you associate him with another group (and no, CG does not count, its two other former villains and one of them is a joke).

Akainu has Fujitora
Blackbeard has Shiryu
Imu has Nasujuro

That really only truly leaves Shanks at this rate, because unlike the other 3 above, Beckman is not a swordsman, nor implied to use a sword whatsoever like King or any other "nontraditional" swordsman. And no, its not implying Mihawk is a RHP or ally, but may be involved in whatever arc setting Shanks is involved in to justify both together for Luffy and Zoro.

Mihawk's only real character relationship is with Shanks, but people feign the thought behind this because of powerscaling, so it gets dropped hard anytime it is discussed. The other problem is Blackbeard (and Mihawk) fans hope and pray Shanks loses to Blackbeard so it ups the relevancy of characters they like.

So nobody likes when I say this:myman:
Mihawk was the former number 2 on red haired pirates and will comeback to the crew after davy back fight with CG, every faction has an underling swordsman and mihawk is RGP's one.
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Oda will SBS diff zoro vs mihawk hahahahaah
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voted for Zoro is secretly MC. :blobevil:
How you ask? Simple, bet on Buggy's luck!
The finale of the show is a battle for the treasure.
It takes a special sort of dedication to seriously write this after nika and joyboy plot lines were introduced
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Mihawk joining Shanks has always been a pipe dream, you know this.
So you failed to read the post you quoted originally I see. No where did I say this lol, i said they will just exist in the same arc.

I also say its a pipe dream to expect Davy Back Fight to even be remotely relevant the rest of this series. Buggy also isnt cunning, he's an idiot who's been extremely lucky. Thats the joke

Mihawk himself calls him trash lol