They completely fucked up the Dorne plotline though lol.
I'm not saying it was
all good I'm saying the adaptation wasn't entirely negative especially at the beginning of the series
The Dorne plotline left a lot to be desired (and Myrcella's murder made no sense) but that was one misstep... a big one but still
I enjoyed it overall
Fire and Blood isnt exactly a story, more of like a History book where the events of the story are told through a Maester who had to get the story from a character named Mushroom who lived at the Kingslanding court as a jester, but we never see Mushroom in the show lol.
Ohhhhhh I can see how that would be a completely different reading experience then
Might wait for the show then
Apparently they're messing things up though so maybe I should read it myself for the original experience
Fire and blood will only peak your interest if you were interested in Targaryen Plot. Which is almost non existent in GoT/ASoIaF.
Danayres and Jon barely knew anything of Targaryen.
Fire and blood deals more with how Dragon came to extinction.
And dunk / head deals with bringing back of dragons at the end of summer hall tragedy.
It isn't particularly relevant
now but I like learning about the history of the 7 Kingdoms so I'm down for it
I'd take a F&B version of the history and downfall of Valyria before anything though
The Doom is such an interesting event that we know nothing about