One Piece Chapter 1118 - Be Free

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The strawhats are only a PART of the story. There is so much more to One Piece than only the strawhats. They will have their time when they have it. And most growth in One Piece happens in the subtext, not necesserily in plain sight.

Right now, its the story of Bonney and Kuma, that's literally one of the deepest story in the hearth of Oda, so be patient. The strawhat will shine, but when it is time.

Indeed, very few people on this forum or in the fanbase really have this skill.

You do what you want mate, the fact is, the argument "the power of the hero shouldn't be shared with an untrained girl" is foundamentaly nonsensical


You are confusing fair criticizism and negativity/illegitimate hate.

For example, I have a lot of fair criticizism with One Piece (sexism/transphobia/representations/some mistakes here and there) but here, you guys are hating literally on a choice based on absolutely NO logical and narrative reasons.

All I see is:
"it downgrades Luffy" > It does not
"Its stupid" > It is not

That hate is based on nothing but the reasonning that when a power of a man is shared with a women, it downgrades the man.

Question: Did you ever felt like Momonosuke having the same power as Kaido downgrades Kaido or "is stupid" ?

Probably not. So why should it be the case for Luffy ? Because he is the main character and somehow a main character must be the most special of all ?

If you think that, you don't understand that what makes Luffy special is not his fruit, but his personnality.

That's why I think that most people who are mad because Bonney have the same power as Luffy are NOT apart of Luffy's fandom.

Nah, simply judged that you wouldn't understand just like I feel that you won't understand what I just said above.

Awakening is not about power, its about syncronisation between the mind and the devil fruit.

(and no, this is STILL NOT a wall of text, take it as a little paragraph from me )

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Uh ?

Stfu bitch
It's ironic because you're literally known for having terrible reading comprehension
By people who 95% of the time don't understand sh*t about narration...

Its like if you told me that kids laughed at me because I told them that we do not float in space but we fall.

You need to get into detail about your special social class and then give false anecdotes how you're marginalised and others are privileged. Also you failed to produce any buzzwords to falsely accuse the person you argue with.
Uhhhh ??

That's how powerscaling discussions mainly function.
Powerscaling has nothing to do with storytelling analysis mate. But sure.

Yet you're the one making it into "wannabe analysts" which exposes you to be the very thing you accused other users to be.
If you say so. I'm not here to convince you of anything


Luffy trained his entire life. He went through hell to achieve this kind of power. He wanted to have Haki? Well, he had to train 2 years for it, battling dangerous Kaiju like animals in a dangerous island. He wanted to learn FS? He actively had to unlock this power step by step. Haki flowing? Again, pure training. ACoC? It's basically haki flowing but with CoC - Luffy still had a crude use of it until he had his third round with Kaido.
Ohhhh.. i'm seeing the problem, it's actually much deeply rooted in toxic ideologies that I thought at first.

Guys.. do you know what the problem is here ?

Say it with me:



The problem is not only sexism, its MERITOCRACY

Its the belief that because a hero worked HARD, he therefore completely deserved his power Up.

That's actually funny because this completely ignore the fact that Luffy's awakening appeared in a moment where he was literally dead and was doing absolutely nothing to become Nika.

This also ignore the fact that awakening in One Piece are not necesserily the fruit of power evolution but simple synchronization with the mind.

This also ignore the fact that its not the first time that kids show abilities beyond normal capacities.

A kid mimiking the same power which the protagonist sweat and bleed for is completely undermining it
No lol.

Absolutely nothing about Luffy or his aura is lost because other people has his power. Sharing is a ADDITION its NOT a soustraction. People who think protagonist are undermined because others depicts the same abilities have the same mindset that a kid who is jealous because another kid in the playground plays with the same toy. It doesn't devalue the kid or the toy but in their own minds. Just like here, it doesn't devalue Luffy, his personnalities or his power in ANY way.

In fact Luffy LOVES that. He is the reason why Luffy became like him, he is the ones that pushes people, he doesn't have that childlike mentality of feeling devalued because others are like him.

What happened with Bonney was planted early and is actually not a surprise so don't make it seems like it the biggest error of Oda when in reality, its you not accepting the fact that someone being special is not about power.

That's the problem with you idiots. It's always "hate" whenever people criticise something.
Its not fair criticism here, its hate.

What??? One Piece and being transphobic? Are you kidding me? One Piece included non binary people before this entire thing got that much influenced in western countries.
Yes, and yet there are some transphobic blindspots here and there. Its okay, it doesn't make One Piece less of a great story because of that.

"All I see is:" - Correction: You can't see.
If you say so


It's also stupid because it completely renders every kind of progress useless which Bonney would have obtained before reaching a godlike mode.
Bonney's story is not about progress, its about liberation.

The liberation from her grief and revengefull quest.

You're such an idiot, lol.

It escalated to such levels that Bonney even started mimiking this mode.
For good reasons

If you believe Luffy is still special due to his "pErSoNaLitY", you're obviously lost.
And you obviously completelly missunderstand One Piece.

Personality? No, it was ALWAYS fate
Fate doesn't negate personnality mate.

I am part of Luffy's fandom and I think it's pure shit.

So I ask again: Where was the sexism?
I already explained it to you. As I thought, you didn't understand.

Awakening is also about perfect DF mastery and guess what, this syncronisation between the mind and the devil fruit doesn't arbitrary happen.
Oh ? It just did. So I guess you are wrong.

Its always fun to see that toxic people are almost always on the wrong side of history
By people who 95% of the time don't understand sh*t about narration...

Its like if you told me that kids laughed at me because I told them that we do not float in space but we fall.

Uhhhh ??

Powerscaling has nothing to do with storytelling analysis mate. But sure.

If you say so. I'm not here to convince you of anything


Ohhhh.. i'm seeing the problem, it's actually much deeply rooted in toxic ideologies that I thought at first.

Guys.. do you know what the problem is here ?

Say it with me:



The problem is not only sexism, its MERITOCRACY

Its the belief that because a hero worked HARD, he therefore completely deserved his power Up.

That's actually funny because this completely ignore the fact that Luffy's awakening appeared in a moment where he was literally dead and was doing absolutely nothing to become Nika.

This also ignore the fact that awakening in One Piece are not necesserily the fruit of power evolution but simple synchronization with the mind.

This also ignore the fact that its not the first time that kids show abilities beyond normal capacities.

No lol.

Absolutely nothing about Luffy or his aura is lost because other people has his power. Sharing is a ADDITION its NOT a soustraction. People who think protagonist are undermined because others depicts the same abilities have the same mindset that a kid who is jealous because another kid in the playground plays with the same toy. It doesn't devalue the kid or the toy but in their own minds. Just like here, it doesn't devalue Luffy, his personnalities or his power in ANY way.

In fact Luffy LOVES that. He is the reason why Luffy became like him, he is the ones that pushes people, he doesn't have that childlike mentality of feeling devalued because others are like him.

What happened with Bonney was planted early and is actually not a surprise so don't make it seems like it the biggest error of Oda when in reality, its you not accepting the fact that someone being special is not about power.

Its not fair criticism here, its hate.

Yes, and yet there are some transphobic blindspots here and there. Its okay, it doesn't make One Piece less of a great story because of that.

If you say so


Bonney's story is not about progress, its about liberation.

The liberation from her grief and revengefull quest.

For good reasons

And you obviously completelly missunderstand One Piece.

Fate doesn't negate personnality mate.

I already explained it to you. As I thought, you didn't understand.

Oh ? It just did. So I guess you are wrong.

Its always fun to see that toxic people are almost always on the wrong side of history

Kinda where I'm at.
My whole argument is that it does make sense in-universe. It's not as out of pocket as the Asura/Indra plotline.

However, it does cheapen the impact of G5 itself. Like I get it, Bonney's character is very Nika centric, but I just think Oda is sacrificing too much by going down this road.
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It's not like Nika's value was that high anyway.
That's your opinion my man, I just don't agree with it.
The strawhats are only a PART of the story. There is so much more to One Piece than only the strawhats. They will have their time when they have it. And most growth in One Piece happens in the subtext, not necesserily in plain sight.

Right now, its the story of Bonney and Kuma, that's literally one of the deepest story in the hearth of Oda, so be patient. The strawhat will shine, but when it is time.
The Strawhats are the focus of the story. Obviously they are just a part of the one piece world but we experience the story through their adventures. Nowadays the focus shifted to Luffy... It's just him going from G5 to old man every few chapters (or a couple of times within a chapter)...

Literally every time there was any growth among the strawhats was in plain sight. During their fights they unlock a skill or they have moments that they grow their character.

Every time the story was focused on certain characters, there was a balance. Oda would focus on both that character and on showing how the strawhats helped them.. I would agree that he should be focusing more on Kuma and Bonney cause it's their story but that's not the case either... Bonney and Kuma barely appear in chapters.. It was a few chapters of flashback, 2 more chapters showing Kuma's arrival and then they barely appear again. It felt like there was more focus on CP0 than Bonney and Kuma at this point.


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Nah steam it
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At least we are moving on from Butthead Island


Bro wtf Oda killed all the male satellites damn xDD
๐Ÿ˜ญ poor Shaka got popped in the face

At least Edison got to say his final farewell


โœŒ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“ข๐“ฒ๐“ถ๐“น๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ฌ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐”‚ ๐“ธ๐“ฏ ๐“›๐“ฒ๐“ฏ๐“ฎโœŒ
Marinate it to make it tender and then stir fry it. Not with seed oils though.
When I was living in the barracks I used to make a delicious Ramen noodle stir fry