Analyzing Vergo Switching his Leg against Sanji with Support of ChatGPT 4.0

Which Leg did Vergo use?

  • Left Leg

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Right leg

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters
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From the beginning of the threads to the initial tags is entirely my analysis and observations (obviously after basic discussion on topic with Critical) while everything after tags is Critical's Input including ChatGPT conversations.
Did you two discuss this stuff in ThirstyGen? I left this discord server a few months ago, so I don't know the entire context besides the ChatGPT footage presented in this thread.

Honestly, like I said, the arguments presented by you and crit sure make sense when you look at realistic kicking choreography. But just like many other illogical things happening in One Piece, I doubt Oda cared that much. Or he did care and switched Vergo's kicking stance to make it more real and not illogical. It's also highly possible.
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Shit ton of people constantly discuss in battledome and 80% of them lack intelligence and general understanding of real fights
Believe me, other forums or social media are way worse when it comes to understanding fights.
Many of the users here even work out regularly and are not that socially awkward. You don't see that stuff in the aforementioned places like reddit and twitter.


Cope Doctor
Did you two discuss this stuff in ThirstyGen? I left this discord server a few months ago, so I don't know the entire context besides the ChatGPT footage presented in this thread.

Honestly, like I said, the arguments presented by you and crit sure make sense when you look at realistic kicking choreography. But just like many other illogical things happening in One Piece, I doubt Oda cared that much. Or he did care and switched Vergo's kicking stance to make it more real and not illogical. It's also highly possible.
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Believe me, other forums or social media are way worse when it comes to understanding fights.
Many of the users here even work out regularly and are not that socially awkward. You don't see that stuff in the aforementioned places like reddit and twitter.
Take into consideration that its Same sanji that stalled King and Queen. Same Sanji who didint get power up before he awakened exosceleton... That simply shows just powerfull at the moment Vergo trully was. and it makes sense If he comebacks with Doflamingo now and they still are top tiers admiral lvl and above... Also good rematch for Smoker who will become fleet admiral
because the kick lacks physical power , the point was Vergo was using internal haki

If it was due to sheer hardness, the tibia would have alsoe broken. Internal haki bypasses the tibia and targets the fibula
I hope you're correct with this explanation and Vergo does reappear again with broken Haki.
Out of all the disappointing VAs, Vergo really had the best Haki among them. Others just get one shot by Franky's basic attack.


It took 4 years, but we really won man!! Right leg is now accepted. Is this how gay people felt when they were finally able to legally get married?
Professional drawers from both Toei and Bandai: interpret Vergo is using his left leg and accordingly adapt the original panel.

Readers throughout the world with actual spatial intelligence: interpret Vergo is using his left leg.

You who need ChatGPT, an unreliable tool: nah, everybody else is wrong.
The sequentiality of:

Panel 1: Vergo is spinning towards Sanji in order to kick him with his left leg.

Panel 3: Vergo is breaking off his clash with Sanji still using his left leg.


Panel 2: Vergo switches leg twice off-panel so he can kick Sanji with his right leg even though he was about to kick him with his left leg and broke off the block still with his left leg, yet somehow Oda expects readers to undersand that no, that he switched to his right leg in the middle of the sequence of events.

Virtually everybody but you reads this sequence this way:

1-Vergo comes at Sanji with a left kick.
2-Sanji blocks Vergo's left leg but fractures his own leg.
3-Vergo overwhelms Sanji and finishes his left kick.

Again, everybody. Not only your average reader but professional drawers. As I said, this is what Oda was drawing:

Which is exactly what a team of professional drawers, what you aren't nor is your beloved ChatGPT, interpreted from the original panel.


Cope Doctor
Professional drawers from both Toei and Bandai: interpret Vergo is using his left leg and accordingly redraw the original panel beca

Readers throughout the world with actual spatial intelligence: interpret Vergo is using his left leg.

You who need ChatGPT, an unreliable tool: nah, everybody else is wrong.

The sequentiality of:

Panel 1: Vergo is spinning towards Sanji in order to kick him with his left leg.

Panel 3: Vergo is breaking off his clash with Sanji still using his left leg.


Panel 2: Vergo switches leg twice off-panel so he can kick Sanji with his right leg even though he was about to kick him with his left leg and broke off the block still with his left leg, yet somehow Oda expects readers to undersand that no, that he switched to his right leg in the middle of the sequence of events.

Virtually everybody but you reads this sequence this way:

1-Vergo comes at Sanji with a left kick.
2-Sanji blocks Vergo's left leg but fractures his own leg.
3-Vergo overwhelms Sanji and finishes his left kick.

Again, everybody. Not only your average reader but professional drawers. As I said, this is what Oda was drawing:

Which is exactly what a team of professional drawers, what you aren't nor is your beloved ChatGPT, interpreted from the original panel.
look at the stance the fan art is made, this is how it would look if he used left leg, you basically just prove even more that he used right leg


We debated this like 4 years ago man lol

Vergo is most likely never appearing again. But it's cool to keep the hope. I used to be the same with Big Mom and now I'm starting to think she'll be back soon.


Professional drawers from both Toei and Bandai: interpret Vergo is using his left leg and accordingly adapt the original panel.

Readers throughout the world with actual spatial intelligence: interpret Vergo is using his left leg.

You who need ChatGPT, an unreliable tool: nah, everybody else is wrong.

The sequentiality of:

Panel 1: Vergo is spinning towards Sanji in order to kick him with his left leg.

Panel 3: Vergo is breaking off his clash with Sanji still using his left leg.


Panel 2: Vergo switches leg twice off-panel so he can kick Sanji with his right leg even though he was about to kick him with his left leg and broke off the block still with his left leg, yet somehow Oda expects readers to undersand that no, that he switched to his right leg in the middle of the sequence of events.

Virtually everybody but you reads this sequence this way:

1-Vergo comes at Sanji with a left kick.
2-Sanji blocks Vergo's left leg but fractures his own leg.
3-Vergo overwhelms Sanji and finishes his left kick.

Again, everybody. Not only your average reader but professional drawers. As I said, this is what Oda was drawing:

Which is exactly what a team of professional drawers, what you aren't nor is your beloved ChatGPT, interpreted from the original panel.
According to my art interpretation scaling, ChatGPT >>>>>Oda >>>>>Professional drawers at Toei

I know who I'm trusting :cryabit:
look at the stance the fan art is made, this is how it would look if he used left leg, you basically just prove even more that he used right leg
The stance is the same, Oda's is just more poorly drawn plus from a lower angle.

It's impossible for the yellow area I highligthed here to be clinging from such a high area and for the wrinkles to be forming so vertically if the fabric was covering the right leg:

Among other obvious things such as the lumbar area clearly turning to Vergo's right.


Cope Doctor
According to my art interpretation scaling, ChatGPT >>>>>Oda >>>>>Professional drawers at Toei

I know who I'm trusting :cryabit:
Actually anime makes it even more obvious it was right leg , Look :
it even explains why Vergo switched legs look at the end of exchange what leg Vergo used before kicked away.
now this:

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I time stamped those links dont worry
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Yes, indeed. I was confident of Vergo being able to go toe to toe with Jack, if not even defeating him, when majority was still under the assumption that Vergod was a mere veteran. Bro cracks Sanji's leg with a base kick, is said to be a walking piece of iron, possessing super hard armament he is able to coat his entire body with and is proficient in martial arts.


Cope Doctor
Yes, indeed. I was confident of Vergo being able to go toe to toe with Jack, if not even defeating him, when majority was still under the assumption that Vergod was a mere veteran. Bro cracks Sanji's leg with a base kick, is said to be a walking piece of iron, possessing super hard armament he is able to coat his entire body with and is proficient in martial arts.
the dude broke a fucking seastone
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with a bamboo


Cope Doctor
The stance is the same, Oda's is just more poorly drawn plus from a lower angle.

It's impossible for the yellow area I highligthed here to be clinging from such a high area and for the wrinkles to be forming so vertically if the fabric was covering the right leg:

Among other obvious things such as the lumbar area clearly turning to Vergo's right.
explain this to me
If it was left leg how did he do this? how did he extended hes leg straight ? and still face sanji same ? animators even knew this shit but you idiots dont
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