General & Others Zoro s confirmed to be the deuteragonist.


Okay, I'm not one to talk but you sure can keep your posts quite small. Like, is there a tldr version? Because I'm sure if I read all of that, you still wouldn't come up with very convincing arguments. So give me better reasons why I should waste my time with you further.

I can't make you understand something you don't want to understand


As long as you consider that my words are BS and I have no knowledge on what I'm talking about. Your vision of my arguments will be biased and you will absolutely not listen to what I say.

It logical.. :shocking:

For you to understand what I say or be convinced to what I say, you need first to take me seriously. THEN you might start to see what I'm talking about.
No. All strawhats have this role. Zoro is simply the vice captain because its his post, its not his status in the story. If that was the case and Zoro was indeed a sidekick, you would see a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT MORE of Zoro and a LOOOT less of the strawhats.

The reality of the story is clear : Zoro is the closest ally of Luffy. Like ALL the strawhats, nothing more. They are all his family, they counts on the SAME level. At NO POINT Luffy expressed more closeness toward Zoro than the other strawhats.

So please guys, stop inventing stuff that are not in the story just because you want Zoro to shine. Its sad and its harmfull for the comprehension of the story for people.
Definitely. Zolo isn't even official vice-captain and some people still trying to separate him from the rest of the crew, like even poor Sanji can beat same level opponents like Zolo beats, they are proficient in different areas like cooking, navigating, shipwright, doctor etc and other SH crew gets same screen time as Zolo but no Zolo should be the 2nd main character over other SH pirates :milaugh:
I can't make you understand something you don't want to understand


As long as you consider that my words are BS and I have no knowledge on what I'm talking about. Your vision of my arguments will be biased and you will absolutely not listen to what I say.

It logical.. :shocking:

For you to understand what I say or be convinced to what I say, you need first to take me seriously. THEN you might start to see what I'm talking about.
Dude, you quoted me like 40 times. Most of these parts are motherfucking novel like pages.
Do you expect me to keep responding all of that? Today, I took some time but I won't keep continue this, I have a life after all lol.
What I know of users like you is how they often stall a discussion by making it unnecessarily larger in content when most of it is irrelevant.

I'm taking you seriously when you stop acting like a no life neckbeard elitist because none of the stuff, which you argued so far, justifies in your entire stance being an "expert of storytelling" for a decade. I'm just genuine.
Dude, you quoted me like 40 times. Most of these parts are motherfucking novel like pages
Funny, I had to shorten my answer since I could not make more than 34999 characters :shocking:

Do you expect me to keep responding all of that?
No. I rather you give up actually. I don't like to waste time for nothing. But you do you and I will do me :)
Like I said, no one can beat my determination on this forum. Once I lock on, I never let go. And since I'm always locking up on subject I'm certain to be right on (because I have the knowledge and experience to back it on), its mission impossible for anyone to win a debate with me without proving me wrong. I warned you.

What I know of users like you is how they often stall a discussion by making it unnecessarily larger in content when most of it is irrelevant.
Mate, I gave you SO MUCH potential helpfull narrative informations here.. you literally ignored it. :shocking:

Go learn about the subject for 3 or 4 years and come back to what I said here. You might understand things differently (And i'm saying this without arrogance, I sincerely believe that is what you should do) :)

I'm taking you seriously when you stop acting like a no life neckbeard elitist
An elitist doesn't share knowledge with people like I'm doing on this forum mate.

If i'm trying to correct what you guys are saying, its precisely because I want you on my side, analysing properly the story in a postitive way.

You are choosing to see me as an arrogant man, I can't do much about that...

No. I rather you give up actually. I don't like to waste time for nothing. But you do you and I will do me :)
Like I said, no one can beat my determination on this forum. Once I lock on, I never let go. And since I'm always locking up on subject I'm certain to be right on (because I have the knowledge and experience to back it on), its mission impossible for anyone to win a debate with me without proving me wrong. I warned you.
Clearly a case of dunning kruger effect and pure ignorance. Dude, you yapped on about more than 34999 characters on topics which are so blatantly obvious for anyone not following an agenda. Like I said, you believe you have some very special knowledge on it but I didn't get that impression on you because you're way too biased to your own beliefs.

Mate, I gave you SO MUCH potential helpfull narrative informations here.. you literally ignored it.
Stop spewing about some useless narrative informations and keep talking about the more relevant things in the discussion. It's not my fault you're going on and on about some irrelevant points which are not even relevant.

Did you debunk the definitions in the websites?
Did you come up with even more "thought" experiments?
Do you have examples of Zoro's narrative purpose changing during the story, so that the deuteragonist doesn't fit to him?
That's what I wanna know.

I know plenty of this subject during my entire life, lmao. Like, literature, even older ones, analysis was part of my middle and highschool education. So does other people here. You're the one coming up with your own made up definitions and try to disregard Oda's statement.

An elitist doesn't share knowledge with people like I'm doing on this forum mate.
Knowledge on what exactly? Your "knowledge" stopped being helpful when you started to answer with "nuh-uh" answers to entire websites having definitions to these terms lol. Reborn immediately gave up and told you to gtfo, I wasted more of my time to explain to your why your takes are completely ignorant so far. Judging from your 34999 characters post, my response only hit on deaf ears.
Clearly a case of dunning kruger effect and pure ignorance.
Think what you want mate :)

Dude, you yapped on about more than 34999 characters on topics which are so blatantly obvious for anyone not following an agenda.
Indeed. For me its obvious, not for you guys

Like I said, you believe you have some very special knowledge on it but I didn't get that impression on you because you're way too biased to your own beliefs.
Nothing "special". Just a very round up base of storytelling knowledge and basic principle about narration. Again, I can't make you understand something you don't want to understand.

Did you debunk the definitions in the websites?
Did you come up with even more "thought" experiments?
Do you have examples of Zoro's narrative purpose changing during the story, so that the deuteragonist doesn't fit to him?
That's what I wanna know.
- Yes I did, you choose to ignore it
- I have more if you want lol
- Zoro's narrative purpose didn't change. He is a simple close ally. You are extrapolating stuff you don't understand


I know plenty of this subject during my entire life, lmao.
Not this one clearly

You're the one coming up with your own made up definitions and try to disregard Oda's statement.
No, I'm simply very precise and logical in front of the fact. Those who uses term without understanding them are those who come up with invention. Not me :)

Knowledge on what exactly?
Storytelling. If you want some, I've made a few threads. Look at my signature


Judging from your 34999 characters post, my response only hit on deaf ears.
Actually, I can say the same thing hehe

Yes I did, you choose to ignore it
- I have more if you want lol
- Zoro's narrative purpose didn't change. He is a simple close ally. You are extrapolating stuff you don't understand
1.) How? Care to provide evidence?
2.) As long as you're not writing a novel, you can come up with evidence but your last post was all over the place and unnecessarily long. Keep it small and composed.
3.) For the last time, Zoro isn't a close ally, he is Luffy's comrade and right hand man. See? That's why I ignored your long ass post. You still don't get it and it proves I'd waste my time on it.

Not this one clearly
Shut your dusty bitchass up lol.

No, I'm simply very precise and logical in front of the fact. Those who uses term without understanding them are those who come up with invention. Not me :)
Nope, that's why you should change your username from "Logiko" to "Illogiko". You're misusing equations (I've shown you how to use it correctly) to literature and try to make the most unrealistic scenarios to prove a point, then you come up with very small tunnel vision analogies to prove "another point" and it went on and on. You believe the term "deuteragonist" cannot be used on modern stories, yet there are hundreds of stories still using this concept. It's clear you're just a lil fragile dude who cannot accept that people use something which is not true in your view. You're fighting your own battle solo.

Storytelling. If you want some, I've made a few threads.
Ngl, the only good thread is the Zou plottwist but other than that, I read your "Why Wano 'may' have mistakes" and I already dropped it lmao. I'm sure it's another clusterfuck like this one when you're looking out for the most cope points to make Wano less of a mess. Same with the G5 storytelling.
1.) How? Care to provide evidence?
Go back to the post mate. I won't repeat 10 times

2.) As long as you're not writing a novel, you can come up with evidence but your last post was all over the place and unnecessarily long. Keep it small and composed.
I will do what I want thanks you. :willight:

3.) For the last time, Zoro isn't a close ally
Yes, in the narration, he is.

he is Luffy's comrade and right hand man.
Which doesn't negate the fact that he is a close ally in the storytelling sence

But again, to understand that, you need to understand why I call some characters "ally", others "antagonist" and others "protagonist" and FOR THAT, you need to actually understand how the grid of the creation of character work in a story, not just on the surface, but more deeply.

You still don't get it
Its you who don't get it mate


Shut your dusty bitchass up lol.

You're misusing equations
Nop. Not in this case.

to literature and try to make the most unrealistic scenarios to prove a point
Irrealist yes, but that's what a thought experiment are. Mate, you choose the coward way out by questionning the realisticness of said thought experiment instead of actually trying to answer the damn question seriously.

You believe the term "deuteragonist" cannot be used on modern stories
No. I believe that it is not pertinent and potentially damaging for the comprehension.

And even if you use it, I think you can do it the right way.

The problem is that you guys are not EVEN using it the right way here since you are literally separating Zoro from the other strawhats.

It's clear you're just a lil fragile dude
I'm not the one insulting here mate.


You're fighting your own battle solo.
That's is true indeed :)

Ngl, the only good thread is the Zou plottwist but other than that, I read your "Why Wano 'may' have mistakes" and I already dropped it lmao. I'm sure it's another clusterfuck like this one when you're looking out for the most cope points to make Wano less of a mess. Same with the G5 storytelling.
Well.. your choice

My problem is elsewhere. A large part of this fanbase is completely butchering the analysis of One Piece. (Bad analysis, completely bogus theories, powerscaling agenda while looking at the story, a misscomprehension of a bunch of storytelling concept etc.)

This creates a large confusion and people who will start to get expectations in the story there are not supposed to get. This result in dissapointment 80% of the time, hate and bashing.

And we end up with forum like this one where people think they analyze the story perfectly but are really in an information bubble full of hatred and multiple echo rooms.

This is my agenda. I want to help in bringing back positivity in places like this one, to prevent our fanbase from becoming an highly toxic one. For that, I need to deconstruct the wrong beliefs about storytelling and the quality of One Piece that some people have. This subject is one of them.
A great man once said :

People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define Reality. But what does it mean to be “correct” or “true”?

So, while I understand your intentions, I think it won't bring much difference. Everyone will just shape & conform their understanding to the ones they like the most.

In this context, I'm pretty sure a lot of people actually knows what Oda meant, but still to choose to believe otherwise. Because it made them happier, for example.

My problem, and the actual problem, is that there is no good outcome from this. In fact, it's more detrimental :

- If Zoro isn't the deuteragonist : it feels like he isn't as important, but his showings throughout the series actually befitting his purpose.

- If Zoro is the deuteragonist :

1. He should be written to be more related to a lot of plot and scenes, but so far he didn't. Even Sanji has more actions.
2. He should be more important to the story as a whole, for example being the key to Laugh Tale (Robin) or the one who create the Grand Fleet (Usopp).
3. The most overlooked one, is that all of Zoro's thing in the story is happening because the plot requires him to be (because he is the deuteragonist). Like it or not, it's much cooler for Zoro to do all of those great actions & scenes because he is a normal main character.
Go back to the post mate. I won't repeat 10 times
So you can write 34999 characters but you cannot drop a single piece of evidence here?

Yes, in the narration, he is.
In the narration, he is the deuteragonist written as Luffy's comrade, his right hand man. Try again.

Which doesn't negate the fact that he is a close ally in the storytelling sence

But again, to understand that, you need to understand why I call some characters "ally", others "antagonist" and others "protagonist" and FOR THAT, you need to actually understand how the grid of the creation of character work in a story, not just on the surface, but more deeply.
The story already introduced close allies, doofus. It's Law, Bartolomeo and Marco. The strawhats are like Luffy's family, not allies. It's so clear you don't understand the actual narration in One Piece.

So it's some exclusive-You thing again? You don't even understand the hierarchy of the strawhats and the family-like structure they are having. Before you give me advise on it, better re-read the manga again, lol.

Nop. Not in this case.

Irrealist yes, but that's what a thought experiment are. Mate, you choose the coward way out by questionning the realisticness of said thought experiment instead of actually trying to answer the damn question seriously.
It is wrong though.
You already come up with the perfect conditions which confirm your stance. It's so disingenuous and biased that I had to show you how to do it correctly.

I answered it 3 times, you dumbass mf, 3 TIMES. Each time, you came up with newer and more ridiculous scenarios to make it "more clear" for me. Out of all the discussions, this is probably the most annoying one...
Heck, I even came up with my own equation to demonstrate it to you how you do it correctly...

No. I believe that it is not pertinent and potentially damaging for the comprehension.

And even if you use it, I think you can do it the right way.
So? Many authors still use it, so you gonna stick to it as well when you try to argue about their work. How ridiculous is even that?

There is no "right" way. There is no "THE TEXTBOOK" which declares when you use it the right way. Even if it derives from the textbook definition, it is still not wrong and the term being used for a character's information/profile should be used when you argue about it.

I'm not the one insulting here mate.
You're literally trying to prove the author of One Piece wrong, about something which HE STATED.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
So you can write 34999 characters but you cannot drop a single piece of evidence here?
I explained to you already why those site are to be taken with a grain of salt. I won't repeat what I said 10 times. Go look at the previous posts mate. I prefer to diversify what I say. :)

In the narration, he is the deuteragonist written as Luffy's comrade, his right hand man. Try again.

The story already introduced close allies, doofus. It's Law, Bartolomeo and Marco.
Those are allies not close ally, but that's just semantic. You can call the strawhats extremily close ally if you prefer, they are still ally in the storytelling sence.

An ally is a person on the side of the protagonist. An ally can be family, friends, aquaintance. Its a large group.

It's so clear you don't understand the actual narration in One Piece.
hahaha.. Mate.
If only you knew and understood just how ridiculous this statement is when you are talking to me

You don't even understand the hierarchy of the strawhats and the family-like structure they are having.
Because you know a lot of family when there is a hierarchy ?


You are really not helping your argument here since neither Luffy and Zoro are considered "parents" lmao

Before you give me advise on it, better re-read the manga again, lol.
If you knew lol...
You are cute

It is wrong though.

You already come up with the perfect conditions which confirm your stance. It's so disingenuous and biased that I had to show you how to do it correctly.

I answered it 3 times, you dumbass mf, 3 TIMES. Each time, you came up with newer and more ridiculous scenarios to make it "more clear" for me. Out of all the discussions, this is probably the most annoying one...
Heck, I even came up with my own equation to demonstrate it to you how you do it correctly...
Yes, indeed, you ended up replying.

Giving the worst answer possible xD

You are literally choosing the words of the author over what he writes.

There is so many problems with that ...

Many authors still use it
Oh, really ? Who ?

I'm not here to judge if an author uses it mate. Author usually don't have problem understanding storytelling so they can stray from the path if they want to.

My problem is with people like this fanbase that does not have all the tools to understand correctly storytelling and therefore risk to confuse itself and creates illegitimate expectations in the process.

Because, let's be honest, if you consider that Zoro is a deuteragonist, what it will create is the expectation that Zoro will outshine ALL the character beside Luffy before the end of the manga.

This is something that will not happen, not matter how hard you expect it. So people will get disappointed, and hatred will flow. All because people like you choosed to extrapolate and missinterprete what Oda said about Zoro.

Zoro will stay Zoro, he will have shining moments, like all the strawhats, but he won't outshine all the characters in the story. That's will simply not happen. So be careful and stop spreading BS

There is no "right" way.
Actually there is. The belief that "there is no right way" comes from people who idealize the craft of storytelling or first years study in screenwriting classes.

If you start learning about the subject and manage to allow self critic, you will learn real fast that there is a right way to create stories. UNLESS you want you story to stay invisible. In that case, yes, you can do whatever you want.

But in modern storytelling there are what we could call classic rules that you can't avoid. Even if your name is Eiichiro Oda. ESPECIALLY if your name is Eiichiro Oda.

In the same way, we categorize character in different classes for a reason in order to avoid the confusion and keep everything readable.

Starting from that point is POSSIBLE (even if I consider it not really pertinent or necessary) to use the term Deuteragonist to classify some characters.

BUT you need to do it right. And doing it right in that case, means understanding that Zoro is not special compared to all the strawhat aside from his position and that ALL the strawhats but also ALL the main arc character should be call "deuteragonist" as well.

You're literally trying to prove the author of One Piece wrong
Nop. Nothing said by Oda is wrong. In fact I completely agree and I believe completely Oda on his statement about Ryuma and his early creation.

What is wrong is your interpretation of said statement and your extrapolation on the character of Zoro.

I think it won't bring much difference.
I don't think so either to be frank, this is mostly done to occupy myself right now. I just put everything I have in it.

My problem, and the actual problem, is that there is no good outcome from this. In fact, it's more detrimental :

- If Zoro isn't the deuteragonist : it feels like he isn't as important, but his showings throughout the series actually befitting his purpose.

- If Zoro is the deuteragonist :

1. He should be written to be more related to a lot of plot and scenes, but so far he didn't. Even Sanji has more actions.
2. He should be more important to the story as a whole, for example being the key to Laugh Tale (Robin) or the one who create the Grand Fleet (Usopp).
3. The most overlooked one, is that all of Zoro's thing in the story is happening because the plot requires him to be (because he is the deuteragonist). Like it or not, it's much cooler for Zoro to do all of those great actions & scenes because he is a normal main character.

Sanji is NOT the deuteragonist either

Jinbei confirmed to be tritagonist:

Oversaw Nami's slavery
Assisted Arlong
Beat up G2 Luffy
Tied with Ace
Blocked Akainus attack
Knocked over Big Mom
Only one of the Monster Trio outside of Luffy to knock back a Yonko
Has inside info on Katakuri like a G