Wait, you kidding me, right? This cannot possibly be your argument? Now you realise why I ignored your autistic, brainrot ass the entire time?
You worthless cunt are literally pretending like Zoro was stoic and "badass" throughout nearly all +1100 chapters when he has plenty of gag moments. Meanwhile, you have a single one shot and an episode of Ryuma. Even chimpanzees can read this manga better than you which is actually an insult towards the chimpanzees being compared to the likes of you... So forget what I said.
Firstly, after deciphering your antique L language (and I'm definitely sure you are gonna copy this diss when you're writing your next post

), Let's just pretend like, any of all that horse dung is true what you have said, you have a single one shot compared to +1100 chapters when Zoro expressed so many characteristics, especially in pre timeskip. That comparison itself is completely moronic.
Shall I post some more panels of Zoro's expressions since you believe he was mostly stoic and/or "badass"?
It's from the same chapter:
Look how stoic and badass Zoro looks! He can't be possibly smiling at this scenario?! I'm sure it's just to secretly intimidate both Luffy and Coby like that...
Next chapter, oh look, another badass and stoic moment, Zoro is totally not losing his shit over Luffy's bullshit and shouts at him:
Shall I go on?
But wait, I forgot another panel of the same chapter:
After a few more panels, another gag moment, I can already feel Zoro emitting his badass and stoic aura from the pixels:
Oh, what's that? Photoshop?
I hope you got the gist. Ofc, I could count more chapters until we reach Logue Town or Alabasta or Skypiea or Water 7 or Thriller Bark or... and so on but Zoro had plenty of those moments until post timeskip where it was way more limited.