One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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What the fuck? So Katakuri, Oven, Daifuku and Compote can injure an Admiral like Fujitora that much? They fought against TWO Admirals and managed to injure one of them quite good so are you gonna tell me that Katakuri + Oven can injure Fujitora like that?
Vets are even trash compared to high tiers, they will be no diffed by other YC1 characters as Katakuri proved it against Ichiji. It is bullshit that the revo commanders are a bunch of vets...
Sabo is above YC1 like I have been saying for years. He was already 1st commander before his fruit.
Luffys goal is not shanks Luffys goal is to be pirate king luffy is chasing Rogers coattails not shanks
Luffy's goal is to surpass Shanks. It's part of their promise. Luffy isn't chasing Roger. As a matter of fact, Luffy has never once stated anything about being like Roger. Whenever Luffy and Roger are tied together, it's always by people on the outside. Never by Luffy himself.
shanks isnt luffy's goal
luffy aims to amass a crew that surpasses shank's crew who seem to be pretty strong but his personal one is roger
and zoro was and will always be number 2 . This misconception is why people still have him as the strongest yonko.
Yes, his goal is to surpass Shanks. His personal goal is not Roger, it's Shanks. Luffy has never wanted to be Roger. He just wants to be the freest man on the sea, and the King of the Pirates is the ultimate form of that.
Shanks is not the pirate king while Mihawk is the WSS.

For Luffy to achieve his goal he's going to have go beyond Shanks level and achievements. While Zoro only needs to defeat Mihawk to achieve his goal. There is a difference between the two.
Shanks not being the Pirate King has no relevance.

You're right, there is a difference between the two. The difference is that Shanks is the embodiment of Luffy's goal and Mihawk is the embodiment of Zoro's. That says enough right there. Never made any sense for Mihawk to be greater than Shanks given Shanks' importance and Luffy's own greatness over Zoro. Going "beyond Shanks level and achievements" doesn't mean anything in relation to Mihawk's prowess.


To be fair, the biggest weapon of the Admirals getting nerfed in that position that they couldn't use their strongest foe. It is like Kaido and Big mom having not their strongest defense and must fighting in nerfed version(Big mom even did it when Jinbe clash with her). The same can be said by the Admirals, they strongest weapon are their attack power with their insane df power. Of course they could fightning it without using it much, but then they would fight in nerfed form.

The fight was sattle in MarieJoie, noway that Greenbull and Fujitora can fight all out their. It is more impressiv that they beat the Revos(with the current information).

As the Yonkous, the admirals get nerfed sometimes aswell. I see them still equal to Yonkous. I hope this gonna be showed soon when the Navy enter(even if Akainu say no, everything hint for a navy enter) wano.

In the past, two years ago, the admirals always could match yonkous or character in that league. It doesn't would make sense if Fujitora and Greenbull destroy this System of the powerhouse of the Navy.
Which Yonko?
Nerfed BM easily handled Queen
Fuji and GB arent equal to Logia admirals
They are below Yonko

Make a case for Akainu
Not fuji/GB.


I will never forgive Oda
Nitpick one then nitpick all.

So far VC only has size and ages issues which is the most normal thing with a broad history as OP.
When the dependability of the VCs drops, my reliance on them as sources will too. Shanks' 12 years being a Yonkou vs 6 years changes a lot. Namely, the type of duels that Shanks and Mihawk had that Whitebeard would've referred to as legendary.
by fighting fodders and sitting one place
By being WSS without any amazing feat lol

So what you saying is you know Mihawk's full capability.

- He was never injured not once during marineford, unlike admirals.
- He produced a non-haki casual attack that had incredible range range and required a person using a diamond devil fruit to stop it.
- He casually cut a iceberg in half with a non-haki and non-named attack that was created by an admiral using a named attack.
- He fought Whitebeard's strongest swordsmen who was serious about the whole situation and trying save his friend. Best swordsman wasn't even able to push Mihawk to become serious.
even shanks. as in surpass not only mihawk, but shanks too.
always saw that as someone would have to be a better swordsman than shanks was to give mihawk the challenge he is looking for. if that is how you see it, that would have implications on how you gage zoro eos then.
The translator did imply he wants an opponent stonger than shanks, it didnt imply shanks was greater than he is .

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
So, Oden was a commander of the Whitebeard pirates while Marco was always his trusted right hand man....that same Oden later inflicted a scar on Yonkou Kaido that's of the same magnitude as that Luffy received.

And Fujitora is getting mocked for wearing a headband?

Ah wait, we suddenly elevate Oden to Top Tier, right ?

I've said this as well, this does put Marco ABOVE Oden - better portrayal and better rank. Being the right hand man > a normal commander on WB's crew.
And the same Marco barely kept up with casual Kizaru. If that isn't a proof for the strength of the Admirals - at least the logia trio - then I don't know either.

Well, we still do not know how Oden scarred Kaido. It is also likely that Oden simply used all of his haki + life energy to injure Kaido.

Yeah, this is nonsense as well. Fujitora's opponents were simply very strong - Sabo probably was YC1/low top tier lv as well when he fought against them.
Although I now think that the logia trio is indeed stronger than Fujitora and Greenbull...

Fortunately, this chapter proved that Oden was just another YC and being below Marco.

Didn't Oda say that division spots didn't denote strength? Also, Oden was part of WB's crew many years ago. Marco was surely weaker back then.

D: About the Whitebeard Pirates, if there are pirates from the "Whitebeard ally groups", is there a possibility of one of them becoming a commander of the real Whitebeard Pirates itself? Or are the commanders all from the real Whitebeard Pirates from the beginning? P.N. amanuts

O: Ok, I'll explain a little about the Whitebeard Pirates. First, captain Whitebeard and the 16 commanders. All 16 commanders, despite numbers and ages have the same rank. All the same. Whitebeard Pirates are just split in 16 groups and the division number does not indicate strength. The 43 ally pirate ships are not any part of the Whitebeard Pirates and are usually all just scattered everywhere living their own little lives. Yet they are loyal to Whitebeard, and help him in desperate times. They are like that. In Ace's case, the Spade Pirates were destroyed, and all the members joined the Whitebeard Pirates, so he was able to become a commander.

SBS volume 59. Oden being WB's #2 division commander neither hypes Marco nor dehypes Oden.
Luffy's goal is to surpass Shanks. It's part of their promise. Luffy isn't chasing Roger. As a matter of fact, Luffy has never once stated anything about being like Roger. Whenever Luffy and Roger are tied together, it's always by people on the outside. Never by Luffy himself.

Yes, his goal is to surpass Shanks. His personal goal is not Roger, it's Shanks. Luffy has never wanted to be Roger. He just wants to be the freest man on the sea, and the King of the Pirates is the ultimate form of that.

Shanks not being the Pirate King has no relevance.

You're right, there is a difference between the two. The difference is that Shanks is the embodiment of Luffy's goal and Mihawk is the embodiment of Zoro's. That says enough right there. Never made any sense for Mihawk to be greater than Shanks given Shanks' importance and Luffy's own greatness over Zoro. Going "beyond Shanks level and achievements" doesn't mean anything in relation to Mihawk's prowess.
Luffys goal is to be pirate king so how could shanks be his goal you bozo shanks is just one of the yonko 4 pirate captains that luffy is going to have to get the better of


Luffy said over and over again his goal is to be freest man and since pirate King is the freest man he want to be Pirate King

Shanks , Roger , Luffy similarity are above denial

the bound of strew hat is made of strongest people
Roger was PK and equalled wb
Shanks isnt... he isnt also equal to Kaido.

Shanks is top 5 but not Roger
That is why he gave he that away coz he knew he wouldn't surpass Roger
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