Can you take a step back and explain step by step this whole pm thing?
Youre finally here.
I might actually full claim tbh because scum knows my entire role lol.
I have an ability to send a message.
I have an ability to have the host post a writeup.
I have an ability to give someone something. I wont name it because that would out my flavor.
I sent a message to Flower full claiming to her and then asking her to claim her flavor in the thread by using the first letter of each subsequent post she makes.
She does it. Claims Conductor.
Thats pretty much it.
Now The Orca and Polar Bear are having an issue with this because they believe Im lying since if she actually wrote that Flower wouldve been modkilled.
I dont think the host would do that because I would allow claiming that way in my games, I believe my message ability can be used to get people to claim that way imo.