Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
If I wasn't able to laugh about suicide, I would be dead today, since I have dealt with the tendency personally just about a year ago.

But thanks for the thought :)
Ok...I've had enough. You're such a disgusting individual. There's nothing funny about people ending their lives. You openly mocked people committing suicide because "Who cares. They're men!" That's not only very sexist, but a gross disrespect of human life because of political agenda.

I'm done here.
You openly mocked people committing suicide because "Who cares. They're men!"
Where ? Show me.

If you were genuine, you would know that I never laughed at men who had suicidal tendancies or depression, I actually know a few including in my own family. You would know that I laughed at Bob telling me that men are more oppressed than women.

But it seems your are too focused on attacking me after that comparison to notice that I literally told you that I had to conquer this moutain to make you understand that I would never laugh at people who have this condition, but somehow, you didn't get the point.

That's what you do. You lie. Constantly. Even in front of someone who implicitely told you to ZIP IT about a DARK subject that personnaly affected them and that you do NOT seem to understand.
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If I wasn't able to laugh about suicide, I would be dead today, since I have dealt with the tendency personally just about a year ago.

But thanks for the thought :)
« If I wasn't able to laugh about suicide »
Are you laughing about suicide (fringe humour but very good sometimes) or are you mocking it ?
Post automatically merged:

Well I'm off the bus now so time to go. Good way to kill time
You guys post on this forum while outside ? Do you ever get caught for being a weeb and then assaulted by chad and his gang ?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
« If I wasn't able to laugh about suicide »
Are you laughing about suicide (fringe humour but very good sometimes) or are you mocking it ?
Post automatically merged:

You guys post on this forum while outside ? Do you ever get caught for being a weeb and then assaulted by chad and his gang ?
Technically I was inside of a bus. Listening to music while sitting makes me fall asleep so I need stimulus to keep my ass awake. Same for trains lol
« If I wasn't able to laugh about suicide »
Are you laughing about suicide (fringe humour but very good sometimes) or are you mocking it ?
I'm never mocking suicide. I laughed at the face of suicide to fight it and keep myself alive.

People fighting suicide and surviving it are the most courageous person on the planet. The urge of suicide is not just a random thought of sadness, it's for a brief moments, a black hole the size of your entire life that prevents any positive thoughts to reach you.

It's horrible, it's worse than hell, it's pure renouncement in front of the weight of life, it's the end.

I can't even believe that there is one person blind enough on this entire planet, in front of my battle against all oppressions to think that I would be hearthless enough to mock people, like me, who have, are, or will deal with suicide.
Technically I was inside of a bus. Listening to music while sitting makes me fall asleep so I need stimulus to keep my ass awake. Same for trains lol
Must have had a hard day to fall asleep like that

I'm never mocking suicide. I laughed at the face of suicide to fight it and keep myself alive.

People fighting suicide and surviving it are the most courageous person on the planet. The urge of suicide is not just a random thought of sadness, it's for a brief moments, a black hole the size of your entire life that prevents any positive thoughts to reach you.

It's horrible, it's worse than hell, it's pure renouncement in front of the weight of life, it's the end.

I can't even believe that there is one person blind enough on this entire planet, in front of my battle against all oppressions to think that I would be hearthless enough to mock people, like me, who have, are, or will deal with suicide.
What do you think about Charlie Hebdo ? All bad ? All good ? Or grey ?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
« If I wasn't able to laugh about suicide »
Are you laughing about suicide (fringe humour but very good sometimes) or are you mocking it ?
For context, it's about men suffering vs women suffering under patriarchy. Logiko believes women suffer much more under "the Patriarchy" because of men, and men suffer because of men aka brought it upon themselves. Whenever someone brings up men's struggles, Logiko usually responds with gifs of fake crying, and compares it to women's suffering as if it's some kind of game or competition. Should also note that a good chunk of these responses were towards his counterpart Bob, who thought men suffering>>women's suffering and it's all women's fault.

Suicide, addiction and abuse are all gender neutral and terrible. Playing hot potato trying to downplay the other gender's suffering for political agenda makes you a shithead sexist.

Must have had a hard day to fall asleep like that
In my job, a boring day is a good day. If something happens, it can turn to shit.
While Van and other manly men are whining about men being as oppressed as women. Here is what happen to trans women in Florida :

How come Charlie Hebdo turned islamophobic???
The Islamic terrorist attacks in France turned the opinion of the entire right (including progressive liberals that were calling themselves leftists at the time) against muslims and arabs.

C.H was targeted and since then, they dived deeper and deeper into islamophobia and reactionnary content.

Have examples of that Islamophobia ?

Just an example, we could also speak about reactionnary articles.

Here is a video talking about that (very good channel btw):

and men suffer because of men aka brought it upon themselves
> And once again, you deform the argument without understanding it and thus, you lie.

No one said that because men suffer because of men they "brought it upon themselves". Men are VICTIMS of patriarchy, they are not victim of some form of divine justice.

Whenever someone brings up men's struggles, Logiko usually responds with gifs of fake crying
Which is ... again.. a lie.

I never laugh at men struggles. I only laugh at men telling me that men have a much harder time than women. I laugh at incels and sexist who think that because they struggle, then it's the fault of women and women should not voice their struggles.

Playing hot potato trying to downplay the other gender's suffering for political agenda makes you a shithead sexist.
And that's exactly what you are doing right now.

The day you will understand something about patriarchy, give me a call, I'll probably have time to do a world trip before then.

Also, note the fact that i'm very careful to contain myself and never do what you are doing, meaning inventing baseless lies about others in the gain of ridiculizing them.

Really, mate. What you just did is really not forgivable. You are lucky that I'm a not revengeful.
That's not incompatible with what I said. Those shows are indeed aimed at women, but they ALSO depict the male gaze.

writen by women

aimed at women

watched by women

but somehow is just for the male gaze
Indeed, but how do you create a better show if you refuse to listen to the only critics you can find ?

The point is : The majority of the critics you will find on the web are aimed at the politics, so it's LOGICAL that the reply of producers is to defend their show since there is no problem on that end. On the other hand, if the majorities of critic were not paraziticed by reactionnary rethorics and made real argument about the lack of tension or an overall boring story.. then this show:
- Would have been renewed
- Would have gotten MUCH better

Sadly, we won't see that.
idc about the acolyte if thats what you mean, but shows dont get greenlit just because they're good. They get greenlit/cancelled depending on how many people watch. At the end of the day what these corps care about is the dollar. You could put out the best quality and if no one watches the corps have no incentive to keep the shows going. That is what happened to the Acolyte, it sucked but that in it of itself wasnt enough to get it canceled. It's views were abysmal relatively to its budget.

Well.. I didn't watch the movie.. Do you expect me to look at Ben Shapiro's review or wuat ?
Or you could say " I don't know enough so I won't comment" or watch it yourself.

Oh.. I see.
Mate, what I'm telling you is that producers THINK that it is what women want.. because that's what .. well that's what patriarchy will makes you think.
Does the patriarchy force all these women buy tickets, watch these buffmen, and make fanfics about them?

It's almost as if the producer of a female aimed franchise, written by a female knows what it's audience wants.

We call those men, the pro Fem. Usually, they are kinda disdained in leftist movements. HUUUGe red flags.
ironic considering you have behaved like this before

also it happens with women too, in group studies shows women look at each other more favorably than men look at each other by almost 5x.

Women are the same as men. In the same condition, they would be as problematic.

What disdain ? 90% of the men I follow and adore are cis white men. What are you talking about boy ?
didn't say you personally, just sometimes I have witnessed. You can't act like it doesn't happen
writen by women

aimed at women

watched by women

but somehow is just for the male gaze
You are starting to understand the impact of patriarchy. Congrats


It's views were abysmal relatively to its budget.
Indeed. And that is mainly due to critics and a bad historic of meh shows.

Or you could say " I don't know enough so I won't comment" or watch it yourself.
Yeah. That's why I checked myself. To be sure if it was pertinent to comment. And it was. The movie seems to depicts a good representation of masculinity.

Does the patriarchy force all these women buy tickets, watch these buffmen, and make fanfics about them?

It's almost as if the producer of a female aimed franchise, written by a female knows what it's audience wants.
Or maybe, you are only looking at the moments that are not made for women and overlooking the moments that are.

ironic considering you have behaved like this before
I thihnk you don't understand. Here is how we define a pro-fem:

The expression "profem", an abreviation of "pro-feminist", has become in activist circles a derogatory term designating a cisgender man who claims to be a feminist while bringing everything back to himself, adopting a condescending attitude and reminding us that "all men are not like that / men also suffer from stereotypes", while for some this term is a way of distinguishing the position of those concerned from their allies, while showing their convictions communities.

My approach on feminism as always been a materialistic one on this forum, even when I rarely talked about about toxic masculinity that can impact men. I've always been very careful to :

- Include myself in the system that is patriarchy and thus oppressing women
- Mention the fact that despite that, Patriarchy remains a system of domination of MEN over women

And thus adopting the attitude that "all men are not like that" or that "men really have a hard life compared to women".. is the opposite of what I've been saying all this time.

also it happens with women too, in group studies shows women look at each other more favorably than men look at each other by almost 5x.
Which is logical. Patriarchy exist. by defaut, I will trust a woman much more than I trust a man about feminism. Simply because I know that we are systematically problematic on the subject. Me included.

didn't say you personally, just sometimes I have witnessed. You can't act like it doesn't happen
If you are refering to a hate of men by feminists as a whole. It's a myth. It was debunked a few month ago scientifically.

Would Power Rangers be problematic if it was created in this era?
Not at all. Unless you intend to keep the same positions of the entire series in term of color. In which case..

I suggest to disrupt a little bit the assignation of colors.
While Van and other manly men are whining about men being as oppressed as women. Here is what happen to trans women in Florida :

The Islamic terrorist attacks in France turned the opinion of the entire right (including progressive liberals that were calling themselves leftists at the time) against muslims and arabs.

C.H was targeted and since then, they dived deeper and deeper into islamophobia and reactionnary content.

Just an example, we could also speak about reactionnary articles.
I thought everyone could understand it was a rethorical question. Charlie Hebdo has been putting out very offensive articles against other religions too, but I am not surprised you focus on the poor muslims.
By the way I thought I made it clear that I had enough of you.
Would Power Rangers be problematic if it was created in this era? :quest:
White ranger is white, black ranger is a black dude, pink ranger is female, blue is a dude and yellow is Asian. What do you think?