writen by women
aimed at women
watched by women
but somehow is just for the male gaze
You are starting to understand the impact of patriarchy. Congrats
It's views were abysmal relatively to its budget.
Indeed. And that is mainly due to critics and a bad historic of meh shows.
Or you could say " I don't know enough so I won't comment" or watch it yourself.
Yeah. That's why I checked myself. To be sure if it was pertinent to comment. And it was. The movie seems to depicts a good representation of masculinity.
Does the patriarchy force all these women buy tickets, watch these buffmen, and make fanfics about them?
It's almost as if the producer of a female aimed franchise, written by a female knows what it's audience wants.
Or maybe, you are only looking at the moments that are not made for women and overlooking the moments that are.
ironic considering you have behaved like this before
I thihnk you don't understand. Here is how we define a pro-fem:
The expression "profem", an abreviation of "pro-feminist", has become in activist circles a derogatory term designating a cisgender man who claims to be a feminist while bringing everything back to himself, adopting a condescending attitude and reminding us that "
all men are not like that /
men also suffer from stereotypes",
while for some this term is a way of distinguishing the position of those concerned from their allies, while showing their convictions communities.
My approach on feminism as always been a materialistic one on this forum, even when I rarely talked about about toxic masculinity that can impact men. I've always been very careful to :
- Include myself in the system that is patriarchy and thus oppressing women
- Mention the fact that despite that, Patriarchy remains a system of domination of MEN over women
And thus adopting the attitude that "all men are not like that" or that "men really have a hard life compared to women".. is the opposite of what I've been saying all this time.
also it happens with women too, in group studies shows women look at each other more favorably than men look at each other by almost 5x.
Which is logical. Patriarchy exist. by defaut, I will trust a woman much more than I trust a man about feminism. Simply because I know that we are systematically problematic on the subject. Me included.
didn't say you personally, just sometimes I have witnessed. You can't act like it doesn't happen
If you are refering to a hate of men by feminists as a whole. It's a myth. It was debunked a few month ago scientifically.
Would Power Rangers be problematic if it was created in this era?
Not at all. Unless you intend to keep the same positions of the entire series in term of color. In which case..
I suggest to disrupt a little bit the assignation of colors.