And, they are still doing the same - white college women voted Harris, Latinos voted for Trump, poor people will suffer, migrants will suffer, women will lose their rights and blah blah blah...fear mongering at finest
This is how you create a divide and it's pathetic. These people don't give a shit about your country and real issues.
I will tell you something - all these liberals, journalists, celebs we see crying or having melt down are doing so not because they care about America, its issues and it's common people but they are crying because majority gave them a reality check - after spending a decade of branding Trump as Hitler and fear mongering and playing victim/sex/race card, majority by voting Trump slapped them with this reality that "their voice and opinions doesn't matter to them" and this is what hurting them the most....
And, I am glad American people were able to see through all those baseless fears and crocodile tears and fake worries