Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 986: My Name

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Formerly Seth

Izo makes me has hope for gunners.

I think Oda would hype Yasopp and Benn more.

We also have seen a lot of sword and fist techniques but not gun techniques or named attacks. I think Oda would show those techniques with Yasopp and Benn Beckman.
This + Izo is former 16th division commander and King recognizes him?

I laugh at all of the people who say Whitebeard crew is weak.

The only weak thing about Whitebeard Pirates is that they supposed a moment to shine happened to be before the time skip.

Whitebeard was not cockblocking Big Mom and Kaido from becoming PK by himself.

I hope Oda will repay me in this arc and show off Whitebeard's commanders true potential.


Remember Pell's grave? :D
He literally came back and sat in front of his own grave for a while ...
Yeah. But Chaka stood in front of the grave saying "For some reason I can't bring myself to mourn your death yet" then the next couple of pages he's in the hospital lol

Pedro's was a proper funeral with proper mourning. Add Carrot's scene consoling Sanji and it was a proper sendoff.
It's particulary from Lola and Chiffon to let Pound behind like that. Even if they don't believe he is their father yet he still did everything he could to protect Chiffon at Cacao Island. Makes his fake death even more cringeworthy.
It's such a stupid cover story, I still have no idea why Oda decided to write such a nonsense in the first place. Hell, he arbitrary made Pound live again just to humiliate him at the next moment for a gag? That's really disappointing.
kAiDo Iz A beAsT, iN a oNe Vs OnE hE AlWaYs wINS.

Kaido: "shit I'm scared, they remind me of oden".

Lol. Everyone will finally have to agree, that kaido is strong. But not the strongest. That guy has just too much hype.

I hope wano ends quickly. Just so that this kaido hype finally ends within the fandom. 🤲🙏

And no, the scabbards won't defeat kaido. They maybe won't even scratch him.
The point is, he is not a fearless wargod, who wants to die. NOPE.
def it was just a clickbait he isnt fearless nor wants he wants to die if he would want to die he would be happy to see assasinate attempt he wouldnt fear those samurai

He didnt also challenge anyone in the past 20-30 years all he did was sit in onigashima and was drinking even Crocodile and Doflamingo gave me a bigger enemy potrayal no wonder Kizaru wanted to there alone he could solo the whole crew


This + Izo is former 16th division commander and King recognizes him?

I laugh at all of the people who say Whitebeard crew is weak.

The only weak thing about Whitebeard Pirates is that they supposed a moment to shine happened to be before the time skip.

Whitebeard was not cockblocking Big Mom and Kaido from becoming PK by himself.

I hope Oda will repay me in this arc and show off Whitebeard's commanders true potential.
WB Pirates are strong compared to other yonko crew imo. They have experience fighting Roger Pirates. Top 3 fighter fought admirals and Mihawk.

Even some veterans show some good feats. Rakuyo fought Kizaru for a short time and survived. Curiel clashed against Moria and survive. Speed Jiru was fast enough to react to Kizaru's laser and Ace has potential to be top tier.
wow the last 5 chapters are really good
That last panel savage the editor change is bearing its fruits

The new editor is really good
they dont focus on boring things but on cool things
Theres no new editor, Takano's been around since early last year. Holy shit you saw a news mentioning an editor and instead of reading it just made up an entire fake story in your head. If this kind of kid can't even read some small news article then no wonder you hate world building and anything thats not action and explosions for small babies like Naruto's final arc. Naruto babies are flat out unable to read, people would call these posers just "speed readers" but I guess it should have been "Speed PICTURE STARERS" LMAO. Wish this crowd would stop pretending to like manga just because they are popular.

Fallen Prince

My guess is the handcuffs is like Sanji's handcuffs back in WCI, so she can move freely in Onigashima but she cant leave Onigashima.
Yea if you have seen a panel of someone spying on jinbei and robin when they arrived. It does seem like someone is helping yamato or i really dont think she would have had any ideahe was in onigashima.

Fallen Prince

wow the last 5 chapters are really good
That last panel savage the editor change is bearing its fruits
Luffys clash with F6
Yamato taking out Ulti
Luffy and Yamato clashing
Killing Orochi and Kanjuro
now the last panel those samurais like wild animals go after Kaidos throat

The new editor is really good
they dont focus on boring things but on cool things

I also like that Kid and Zoro are having difficults dealing with the BP it has to be thay way or it would hypekiller cause one yonko crew could challenge 100.000 elite marines if Zoro and Kid wouldnt have any wounds it would be a great hype-killer

I like the suprise moment lets hope Kaido will fall into the water but boy that last panel its truly savage how they throw themselves ar Kaido to brutally kill him those samurai are no pushover
Takano is an old guy . The new one was not the guy to inform.
A very nice chapter i liked it a lot 7.5/10
though a lot of the powerscaling maniacs are gonna go insane over Zoro and calamities
Momo had a nice moment if Oda stops shoving Nami and Robin's tits inside his mouth he can become likeable and Also the scabbards are growing on me especially Kinemon
But remember that Izu had a nice chance to kill the second strongest BP member but choose to shoot the fucking sword :seriously::whitepress:
Kanjuro might be dead though i think it would be very underwhelming if that's the case but Orochi for sure is alive and also fuck Hotei and Fukurokujo 2 fucking cowards
Rly unexpected
1.Kanjuro getting so easy dealt with
2.Scabbards busting in and going for Kaido
How does Scabbards disarm Yonko and his right man i know its off guard but it was so easily
Kaido got ptsd.... Is this real....
And i hope Oda won't make Kaido injured by this attack because that will just be down play of "strongest creature"

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
A very nice chapter i liked it a lot 7.5/10
though a lot of the powerscaling maniacs are gonna go insane over Zoro and calamities
Momo had a nice moment if Oda stops shoving Nami and Robin's tits inside his mouth he can become likeable and Also the scabbards are growing on me especially Kinemon
But remember that Izu had a nice chance to kill the second strongest BP member but choose to shoot the fucking sword :seriously::whitepress:
Kanjuro might be dead though i think it would be very underwhelming if that's the case but Orochi for sure is alive and also fuck Hotei and Fukurokujo 2 fucking cowards
Never forget that Neko disarmed Kaido. That’s even more embarrassing than the Mihawk-Vista stuff
Good Chapter
Feel like Usopp and Chopper will encounter Numbers
Zoro , Kid and Killers seemingly destroyed those 500 Gifters
I don't know why it looks like Kaido is falling in the sea..
I don't blame King and Co they were took off guard .. plus Kaido is always confident and is mostly ready to tank.. I know they will bounce back and stomp anybody
Hope Big Mom Will be proactive and run the show

Hope Shinobu will save Momo and heal him... He was so brave ..
Can't wait to see Who's Who in action
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