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Jinbei should really be taller in these crew spreads:

He looks smaller because he stands behind them.

In this Spread Oda put the East Blue SH's at the front, surrounding the GL characters who stand in the middle of a half circle made by those five.

Easiest way to judge this is to look at the debris that surrounds them and who is closest to said debris.

So you have Luffy in the middle, next Zoro and Sanji and then Usopp and Nami at the edges.

I'm a fan of this choice. He always gives most panel time and focus to the East Blue SH's, so that translating to these group pages only makes sense.
The translation flows pretty well this week. Quick chapter so there wasn't that many confusing things anyway.
Look at Iron Man completely no selling Nami's hug here. Nothing but electricity in his veins.

I would love if Jinbe becomes the tactician of the Strawhats, a figure with enough experience and authority to move around all these erratic but powerful chess pieces. You don't really see that role right now. Sanji pursues plans when he's doing solo work, he can act as Swirlyhat captain but we have not seen very much for organizing the crew for combat roles. Robin has the intellectual capability to do it, but she lacks authority and battle experience to tell the stronger Strawhats what to do. I think it's an interesting secondary role that could emerge from dat fishboy. It adds more depth to his character, a unique dynamic he brings to the crew, and he's just serious enough to pull it off.
So it's possible the Flying Six all are dinosaurs. Denjiro worked for Orochi for two decades and asked Queen to send two dinos to take care of the Soba seller. He would know these things as an insider. But it would be a shame to put Jack in his own little mammalian corner like that, a total Jack move from Oda. Regardless, I just hope this means the Flying Six get to show off and earn some Ws before getting down to their real fights. It'll be tough to swallow but impactful if Hyo himself goes down.
Oh my goodness. It really was Franky's moment to proclaim Luffy as Pirate King. That's why he's been knocking it out of the park recently. It's even better to come back to this knowing that Franky is proclaming Luffy the king while telling Nami to stop fearing the Yonko and firing a laser at Momma herself. THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR.
I have to wonder how this sale went down.
:madmonk:: I hear you're interested in beastial-looking rejects to join your crew. Maybe something to remind of your own sad past?
:kaimoji:: Yeah. I'm listening.
:madmonk:: I've got some demon giants. Incapable of speech. Incapable of intelligent thought. Probably not smart enough to backstab you!
:kaimoji:: Ooooh, tell me more!
:madmonk:: They love to drink and they love to smack their own men.
:kaimoji:: I'm sold.

It says they're Oars-sized, but I don't think even the biggest Number here reaches the 60m threshold. I pinned the smallest one at over 30 meters based on the Franky Shogun, so perhaps they're all in between that range to honor their name as failures.

Apparently Big Mom lost a fleet of ships after the cliffhanger in WCI. Very cruel to just keep on drip feeding that information. But at the very least it makes sense that Jinbe didn't lose an arm or a leg or get turned into a homie. This blue boy in the water was clearly far too much for the BMP to handle. He came out clean against the odds! The Sun Pirates? The Vinsmokes? Well....
Did we miss a precious Chopper moment here? Lol. I'm gonna say Chopper fell out of the robot and the Samurai now believe he's master strategist Kin'emon's apprentice.
Well those are definitely not "ignore the scrubs and push for Kaido" faces. Zoro's been fighting Gifters the entire time, he knows a threat when he sees one. :catpole:All the flying Gifters suddenly appearing in the sky reminds me of Yuen and the Decuplets using moonwalk to block Sanji in sky.

I like to imagine every Yonko crew has a special air combat squad.
Not much cleared up on this final panel. It looks like Luffy wants to go up top and is leaving the Samurai in charge down here, seeing as how they roar in response. Is he taking the Strawhats with him? Or are the boys expected to push King and Queen to the side so their captain can move through? The trick one is Franky, the big bot is not going anywhere near the roof without a more reliable propulsion system. Maybe he'll just General Cannon against the floor. Big Mom will be back, angrier than ever. Uh, Luffy, surely you won't dump the old hag that came to Wano specifically because of you on all these poor samurai? You're a cool guy, right?

No break next week. You love to see it.
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Oda has to pull off a major shocker now. Something really dark.

Otherwise this arc is the biggest letdown in manga history.

After all this hype, after all that foreshadowing, after all the drama, them waltzing over Onigashima with a happy-go-lucky attitude just doesn't make any sense, if Oda doesn't want to pull off that major shocker at the ending of act three.
You guys quickly forgot about Orochi and Kanjuro?
How did you get zoro above calamities cause he ignored hin🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Using your logic nami above yonko cause she ignored big mom, make it make sense

Only luffy is above calamities and it's not like he's gonna one shot them...

If you put zoro above calamities based on ignoring, then i can say nami above big mom
zoro already stronger than those mere commanders :zosleepy:
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Pretty sweet chapter. Living for the Jinbe and Robin team up. Their dynamic is excellent, as Jinbe’s is with Nami. Also like how Robin did Delphinium with her back turned to Big Mom. Looked like a badass while doing so. Franky has an excellent line, and Luffy and Zoro getting caught by Queen was pretty funny. Also, looks like we have verbal confirmation that Zoro won’t be taking part in the Kaido fight, given Luffy told *everyone* that he was leaving to fight Kaido, and that he’d leave the rest to them.

I’m thinking as of no, Zoro and help (probably Killer and Bepo when they show up) vs King, Jinbe vs Queen, not sure who Sanji or the rest square off against.

Last panel was excellent, by the way. The focus on Luffy, Zoro, and Jinbe was excellent. Jinbe fits right in with the crew, despite the people that said he wouldn’t, and Oda has done really well with him while he’s been here, be it cool moments in this like in this chapter or his relationships with others (namely, Luffy, Nami, and Robin).

Solid chapter, can’t wait for the next one. Finally getting to the action.
zoro will never tag team a swordsman clown
zoro and luffy vs kaido is happening stay salty:milaugh::steef:
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