At long last useless Carrot is having her first dedicated plotline in 600 chapters, although it makes no sense.
At the same time, once again she won't be involved with Luffy and from her introduction she hasn't been developed as a Strawhat ever. So the situation with Perospero won't help her in that regard and she didn't inherit Pedro's will as well.
I do want to see what Oda is going to do with her, since as a whole her character has been irrelevant.
However, even if both Sulong Carrot and Wanda team up against Perospero, they wouldn't be enough to defeat him.
If Wanda were to die, it would be a more meaningful moment than when Pedro did since they had no in story real connection. Where as Wanda is her caretaker, they were always together as ruler's aide. But i don't expect Wanda to die for Carrot's development because Pedro didn't die for her development either, Carrot didn't make any progression on that front.
I'm more interested in Wanda's reaction to Perospero, as she was closer to Pedro than Carrot ever was. They were childhood friends after all.