Fanclub Islam Group

Yes, my morality is based on my own experiences and based on what I think is right or wrong - kind of a general rule that could be enforced to everyone. If it doesnt work for everyone, then it's likely not a good moral principle.
Yes, it changes based on circumstances, ridiculous to even question it. If someone broke into your house to kill you and your family, you would certainly think it is ok to murder them.
Why cant I have claims to question religions? Just because my moral principles differ, my claims are disqualified? What logic is that?
In a pool of religions out there, I seriously dont know why every single one of them think they are the chosen one. To feel better?

Who says that anything has to be fair? Life is pretty unfair in case you didnt realize. Do you hope for fairness in the afterlife because it is unattainable in current life? How would we be better off destroying each other for success? Mayhem and chaos are better than control?
Speaking of control, that's another major use of things called religions. It brings structure even if it is a made-up story. Who benefits the most from people being under control?

Yes, Allah was there since dawn of time, according to Islam, so was Jesus according to Christians, so was Jewish god according to Jewish people, you catch my drift... Where is the proof that Allah split the sea? Some text is written by humans hundreds of years ago? You call that proof?
If I believed in a religion I would have answers too and a high chance would be that I would think that your answers are wrong... As I said, humans had no answers for many things and instead of admitting that they dont know, they said it is "god's work". People with big egos have trouble admitting that they dont know things so they would rather make stuff up...

Do you know why the current gods have survived the most? Because those stories are more believable to civilized humans.
If you were in war 5000 years ago, who would you like to have on your side, the guy who shoots lightning or the guy who splits sea?
Who believed in Jewish, Cristian and Islam god 3000 years ago? Nobody? What a coincidence, the same as today nobody believes in Zeus.

Was santa said to judge you when you die? You havent left because deep down you fear the story could be true?
Or maybe because it gives you a piece of mind, for some people it is easier to believe in something than into nothing. It gives them structure, guidance...

Why do Islamic people abandon Islam and convert to other religions? Some believe in those stories, some dont, same with every religion. You have proof? Every religion has them apparently and neither is a proof to me. Things which happened around 2000 years ago having proofs..hard to believe in proofs from 2k years ago when we can barely believe in proof of things happening right now...

If any religion had actual proof, everyone would be converting to it but they dont because there is no definitive proof for anything except stories made up thousands of years ago.

Whether everything is created by a divine being or not, nobody can possibly know.
One thing is sure, neither of present-day religions nor their concepts existed 3000 years ago and let alone back then when things were created, if there is even a starting point.
Anyways times up bucko. Id rather discuss religious things now. I dont want this thread banned.

If you want you can join....or you can leave. Up to you.
i just want to learn more about islam, doing a daily prayer 5 times in a day wasn't enough if you lacking a knowledge.
It would be helpful if you could find videos of Muhammad Metwalli al-Sha'rawi (April 15, 1911 – June 17, 1998), an Islamic scholar, and most of all, he is a thinker. His explanations of some chapters of Quran, he doesn't consider them interpretations. He consider them sort of what he thinks the meaning behind the messages of Quran, and the man have quite a knowledge of science. Chemistry, Physics, Math, Biology, etc, to make sense of the universe.

Because you have hard time understanding Arabic and English, I wonder if you could find videos of al-Sha'rawi subbed into your own language. Ask people around about al-Sha'rawi.
Yes, my morality is based on my own experiences and based on what I think is right or wrong - kind of a general rule that could be enforced to everyone. If it doesnt work for everyone, then it's not likely not a good moral principle.
Yes, it changes based on circumstances, ridiculous to even question it. If someone broke into your house to kill you and your family, you would certainly think it is ok to murder them.
Why cant I have claims to question religions? Just because my moral principles differ, my claims are disqualified? What logic is that?
In a pool of religions out there, I seriously dont know why every single one of them think they are the chosen one. To feel better?

Who says that anything has to be fair? Life is pretty unfair in case you didnt realize. Do you hope for fairness in the afterlife because it is unattainable in current life? How would we be better off destroying each other for success? Mayhem and chaos are better than control?
Speaking of control, that's another major use of things called religions. It brings structure even if it is a made-up story. Who benefits the most from people being under control?

Yes, Allah was there since dawn of time, according to Islam, so was Jesus according to Christians, so was Jewish god according to Jewish people, you catch my drift... Where is the proof that Allah split the sea? Some text is written by humans hundreds of years ago? You call that proof?
If I believed in a religion I would have answers too and a high chance would be that I would think that your answers are wrong... As I said, humans had no answers for many things and instead of admitting that they dont know, they said it is "god's work". People with big egos have trouble admitting that they dont know things so they would rather make stuff up...

Do you know why the current gods have survived the most? Because those stories are more believable to civilized humans.
If you were in war 5000 years ago, who would you like to have on your side, the guy who shoots lightning or the guy who splits sea?
Who believed in Jewish, Cristian and Islam god 3000 years ago? Nobody? What a coincidence, the same as today nobody believes in Zeus.

Was santa said to judge you when you die? You havent left because deep down you fear the story could be true?
Or maybe because it gives you a piece of mind, for some people it is easier to believe in something than into nothing. It gives them structure, guidance...

Why do Islamic people abandon Islam and convert to other religions? Some believe in those stories, some dont, same with every religion. You have proof? Every religion has them apparently and neither is a proof to me. Things which happened around 2000 years ago having proofs..hard to believe in proofs from 2k years ago when we can barely believe in proof of things happening right now...

If any religion had actual proof, everyone would be converting to it but they dont because there is no definitive proof for anything except stories made up thousands of years ago.

Whether everything is created by a divine being or not, nobody can possibly know.
One thing is sure, neither of present-day religions nor their concepts existed 3000 years ago and let alone back then when things were created, if there is even a starting point.
I don’t seem to understand your point on Morality you said that your Morality just based on your own ideas but say an idea morality is flawed if it doesn’t work for every one. But ignoring this contradiction let’s move on to your next point I never said you can’t criticize religion logically but if your morality is subjective and can easily be changed you can’t challenged it Morally since you have already conceded that Morality is subjective
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Favourite Prophet story ?
Shuaib (Peace Be Upon Him)


Kitetsu Wanker
Anyways times up bucko. Id rather discuss religious things now. I dont want this thread banned.
If you want you can join....or you can leave. Up to you.
Either way, fine with me. My only question was how can people be so sure in things one cannot be sure about...
I don’t seem to understand your point on Morality you said that your Morality just based on your own ideas but say an idea morality is flawed if it doesn’t work for every one. But ignoring this contradiction let’s move on to your next point I never said you can’t criticize religion logically but if your morality is subjective and can easily be changed you can’t challenged it Morally since you have already conceded that Morality is subjective
Can morality work if everyone decides for themselves what is right and what is wrong? Yes it can and it does, my general rule is applied.
What if the morality that you believe in is someone else's morality from 1600 years ago who made it all up?
That gives more credit to herd morality than the morality of the individual? Anyway, sleep time for me, have a nice day.
as a kid or until elementary school, i always amazed by the story of Musa AS and Isa AS.
but for now, i think Ibrahim AS and Muhammad SAW is the best story for me..
I really Prophet Muhammad's story a lot as well.

I like Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Ibrahim's story the most tho. I like how Prophet Ibrahim as a young man destroyed all the idols....and outsmarted the people. And then when they threw him in the fire....Allah saved him.

Same with Prophet Yusuf and his brothers trying to get rid of him by throwing him in the well. And Allah saving him.


Pepebusi Spammer
I really Prophet Muhammad's story a lot as well.

I like Prophet Yusuf and Prophet Ibrahim's story the most tho. I like how Prophet Ibrahim as a young man destroyed all the idols....and outsmarted the people. And then when they threw him in the fire....Allah saved him.

Same with Prophet Yusuf and his brothers trying to get rid of him by throwing him in the well. And Allah saving him.
i mean as a kid, you really like some amazing / fanfics moment like Musa AS splitting the red sea, Isa AS able to revive a bird.
and i forgot to add, i really like Nuh / Noah AS story when i was kid too lol.
He was prophet sent to midian and the father in law of a Musa (Peace be upon Them both)Note: This is disputed but most scholars like ibn kathir believe it to be the case and the Quran also says after Musa left Egypt the first time he went midian
Yes thats all that I know of him.

Either way, fine with me. My only question was how can people be so sure in things one cannot be sure about...
Read the Quran.
i mean as a kid, you really like some amazing / fanfics moment like Musa AS splitting the red sea, Isa AS able to revive a bird.
and i forgot to add, i really like Nuh / Noah AS story when i was kid too lol.
Fanfics ? Lol what ?

But yh to remind ourselfs its that Allah let them do such miracles. Either to save them or to show to the people as proof.

I mean the greatest miracle is the Prophet Muhammad spilliting the moon. Its in the Quran, Hadiths and other reports from different places.
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my favorite story is the biography of prophet Yusuf AS
Prophet Yusuf's story is really amazing. The ending when he reunites with all his brothers and forgives them is so wholesome.


Pepebusi Spammer
Fanfics ? Lol what ?

But yh to remind ourselfs its that Allah let them do such miracles. Either to save them or to show to the people as proof.

I mean the greatest miracle is the Prophet Muhammad spilliting the moon. Its in the Quran, Hadiths and other reports from different places.
yeah i think fanfics is wrong word, miracles is the correct word.
i mean when we was kid, some sci-fi/cgi moments like in the movies attract you the most right.
so the story of Musa AS splitting the red sea, Isa AS revive a bird, and Nuh AS survive a massive flood because of his ship is attract you the most as a kid.

but the story about Ibrahim AS, Ismail AS, and Muhammad SAW is the most touching story. (at least for me)
yeah i think fanfics is wrong word, miracles is the correct word.
i mean when we was kid, some sci-fi/cgi moments like in the movies attract you the most right.
so the story of Musa AS splitting the red sea, Isa AS revive a bird, and Nuh AS survive a massive flood because of his ship is attract you the most as a kid.

but the story about Ibrahim AS, Ismail AS, and Muhammad SAW is the most touching story. (at least for me)
Yh I wished I saw it. I guess we can all live out our sci-fi fantasies in Jannah inshallah hahahaha.