Yooooo, I just realized something SOOO BIG!
Ace came to Wano and visited Onigashima 4 years ago! Right?
He mentioned Kidd/Law/Cavindish/Bege as people who are new and sailing and then he said "but strongest will be his brother when he sets sail" because Luffy still didn't set sail 4 years ago
Is there anyone noticing what I am trying to say???
It took Luffy 1 year to reach Saboady, while Kidd & Law took 2-3 years to reach Saboady and half way point

Luffy in 1 year reached 300 mil, while Kidd in 2-3 years reached 315.... and THEN, we have Kidd in New World for 2 years, Luffy in New World for barely few months and he's 1.5 bil and Kidd is 470 mil

Kidd fans.... your boi is so fucking slow!