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Tbh, I only think Kid would have that potential and even then I doubt it.

- Law: already couldn't defeat Doflamingo. Is basically just Luffy's ally till EoS.

- Killer: defeated by Zoro

- Bege/Hawkins/Apoo: we already know their "lesser" status among the Supernova when it comes to achievements, all 3 subjugated to Yonko even if they planned on or plan to rebel, like Bege did.

- Drake: is a marine, essentially doesn't count anymore

- Bonney/Urogue: Likely have central storylines coming but are tied to the final arcs, are certainly not going to overshadow Luffy/Zoro.

Kid to me feels like he really is Luffy's "Whitebeard" in a way. The way argue and have weird competitive stances against each other just strikes me as this. In fact, while Luffy defeats Kaido, I could see Kid being the one that defeats Big Mom, if it happens. No other Supernova really should have that ability to. We dont know the upper limit of Kid at this point, only that he lost to Shanks and Kaido, but stole "something" from BM while injuring one of her YCs (possibly Cracker due to his scars)
Wouldn't there be more weight to argue that Kid is unique and Katakuri is Luffy's true rival ~ equivalent to Whitebeard
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