Something I find annoying with manymembers of this forum is how they use events or feats that happened many arcs ago and as such have become long irrelevant to bash or downplay a character, such as Sanji vs Vergo or Zoro being gased asleep by the Yeti Cool Bros, for their own agenda.
I said once that it would be far more epic and interesting to see two Yonko and their crews facing each other in battle or the marines or the Revolutionary Army than the Straw Hat Pirates and whoever is allied with them.
This is even truer than I thought back at the time.
I have the feeling that Vegapunk is a member of SWORD or to the resistance movement inside the Navy, I would largely prefer it to him being in league with the RA.
With this chapter my intuition that Vegapunk's new weapon is Pacifistas with fully copied devil fruits powers is only reinforced. The first Pacifistas including Kuma only had Kizaru's lasers for ability outside of them being very hard and strong cyborgs.
The new ones should be able of using at least all the basics of the Pika Pika no mi, and most likely of other devil fruits too.
Monet may be alive after all, now that we know that there is still an active lab in Punk Hazard. I would love to see her again, and to see her with Sugar since we didn't see their sisterly interactions.
Of course there would be a moment with several of the Beast Pirates mooks switching sides. Tssk and it's funny because if it had been just the minks and/or the samurais, or another Yonko crew or the marines or any opponent not member or affiliated with the Straw Hats it would have never happened.
I would love to see a villain who would be completely and rightfully unimpressed by the Straw Hats or anyone else boasts and threats and demolish them effortlessly just like Unicron tore apart Megatron's in the Transformers G1 movie.
Daft Punk has announced their separation, it's really sad though I wish them a good departure and continuation in their solo careers and projects. Thank you the robots and farewell.
It amuses me how some make the claim that Kid will beat or kill Big Mom, as if Kid will be capable of matching a Yonko on his own at the end of Wano final battle when Luffy is by far the strongest of the Supernovas and that he will recquire an insane amount of power-up, plot armor, help and other conveniences to be able of landing the finishing blow on Kaido.
I would love to see an arc or a movie where the antagonist actually wins but where it turns out to be an empty victory as his/her goal was just impossible to reach, just like for Nox in Wakfu.
Characters and their powers are really wasted for Nami, for her to look good.
Kalifa should have been able of killing her in a heartbeat, Zeus is far more powerful and useful when he's used by Big Mom plus Nami didn't even ride him, and Ulti and Page One should be facing far more powerful opponents than her and Usopp.
How convenient it is that Tama who's supposed to represent the people of Wano about their hunger problems, has befriended the queen of a country litterally made of food where it's impossible to die of hunger and thirst, while she was amnesiac. Coincidence ? I think not.
The claim that only the Warlords can stop the Yonkos have always amused me given that it's clear that the Warlords were not able of taking on two Yonkos at the same time due to all the Warlords except Mihawk being far weaker than them, of the Warlords being unable of working together and of the fact that the Warlords wouldn't have even tried to stop the Yonkos with any convinction as seen with their actions at MF.
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