Man, @nik87 is such a big rubber wanker, he indirectly provided evidence of Luffy seeing more ahead into the future than Katakuri. Yeah, I can't beat his Luffy wank lmao
Are you already hyped up for the Fire festival?
It could be very interesting, Navy feats,Yonkou+YC feats, Shichibukai feats(Weevil?), new supernova feats+samurai feats. This will be very interesting the next months^^
Ich hab ne kleine Theorie über dich: Mal bist du ein Shanks Fanboy, mal wankst du Mihawk bis zum geht nicht mehr, mal warst du als Raito unterwegs und hattest stets Cracker verteidigt (man, das waren Zeiten!) und mal warst du ein Doflamingo Fanboy... Wobei, das warst du schon immer.
Ach, ich schweife ab: Du hast auf jeden Fall multiple Persönlichkeiten! Bestimmt heißt du auch "Jack" oder sowas in der Art.
I have a theory. Shanks was top tier long before becoming Emperor. When he had two arms, he either defeated Mihawk or it was a draw, but once he had one arm, Mihawk won (which prompted Shanks to tell Mihawk the story of Luffy).
You utterly destroyed these Crydo fanboys with your fax lol.
Now that the Mihawk wankdom is over, Roger and his contemporaries are next huh, lmao. But I gotta keep it a buck with you, you chose the creme de la creme of the verse so its all good.
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