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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1052 Spoilers Discussion

    the grim reaper is just the mink medicine effects about to hit zoro,oda put chopper talking about that in the previous page for a reason
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1034 Spoilers Discussion

    reiju powers come from her devilfruit remenber she is a prototype
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1026 Spoilers Discussion

    it didnt pierce her thats how elemental attacks look in one piece red hawk also looks like it pierced hody
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 998 Spoilers Discussion

    jimbei is not on sanji and zoro lvl he is stronger
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    Powers & Abilities Can Kiku cut through Diamond Jozu?

    he also cutted the marine warship wich has seastone in the bottom
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 987 Spoilers Discussion

    to show that advanced armament haki ignores durability
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 987 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy used advance haki without hardening
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

    She probably find the journal after oden death and since then has been trapped in onigashima
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

    I think susano killed Orochi by stabbing the tail
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

    no he wasnt it was offscreen we never saw his body
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 984 Spoilers Discussion

    you think zoro is above luffy in gear 3 and gear 2 hahahaha what a joke the guy cant deal with literal fodders
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    everytime luffy is hit by a explosion his eyes become white but he is totally fine here she is knockout
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    those where awakaned zoans normal zoans dont have that ability
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    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    we dont see page one after the attack we dont know how is he