I could make the same post but flip it around and say Zoro fanboys are Luffy fanboys in disguise with the exact same content and nothing would change
The thing most Zoroboys fail to realize is... they're literally just like the Sanji fanboys they despise. As a Luffy fan (fan not fanboy) I can't tell you how many times I've seen people try to glue Zoro to Luffy. "The Conqueror Duo, The Pirate King and the World's Strongest Swordsman, Top 2 in the verse" bla bla bla bla
Why is one an obsession and the other isn't? In the One Piece fanbase when it comes to the Monster Trio it feels like Luffy fans are the only ones that don't try to attach him to any other character
Look to your own fanbase before you start making "obsession" threads because it makes you look like a hypocrite when you ignore what goes on among your people

The thing most Zoroboys fail to realize is... they're literally just like the Sanji fanboys they despise. As a Luffy fan (fan not fanboy) I can't tell you how many times I've seen people try to glue Zoro to Luffy. "The Conqueror Duo, The Pirate King and the World's Strongest Swordsman, Top 2 in the verse" bla bla bla bla
Why is one an obsession and the other isn't? In the One Piece fanbase when it comes to the Monster Trio it feels like Luffy fans are the only ones that don't try to attach him to any other character
Look to your own fanbase before you start making "obsession" threads because it makes you look like a hypocrite when you ignore what goes on among your people