Chill out is the same with other fans such as those of the admirals ...
At least the yonkokucks are faithful to their antics agendas
At least the yonkokucks are faithful to their antics agendas

1. The people who think Admiral > Yonko can make valid arguments to support it based on the manga. I think Yonko > Admiral however I have to acknowledge that Akainu can probably beat some of the Yonko considering he beat another top tier & took on all of the WB commanders by himself for the most part.
2. Zoro has some of the most toxic fans but they can make valid points from the manga to put him close to Luffy. As much as I hate to admit it they can make valid points that at certain points in the story Zoro might have been stronger than him. I strongly disagree but coming out of the TS Luffy got haki bloom after haki bloom but Zoros first opponent to push him was a YC1. They can argue that he could have beat Doffy in Dresrossa with manga facts I don’t agree with that either but an argument that makes sense can be made.
3. Sanji fans that argue he is equal or close to Zoro can’t pull any good arguments from the manga. They have to reach between panels and pull shit that’s not there or speculative at best. No direct facts can argue it post TS. That’s why I think they are by far the most delusional.
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