General & Others Ace’s Novel : Part 2


When were you under the impression this game is..
I have a feeling that the powerlevels in the novel are just what the public is believing.
Because if kaido falls now (which is the case), then the absolute strongest would be already down, which would be bad writing for a shounen manga.
Whitebeard( the strongest) fell at marineford. One piece doesnt follow the each arcs villain is stronger than the one before formula. For example enel wouldve mopped the floor with everyone luffy fought after and before, magella would destroy ceasar and have a close fight with doffy and doffy would beat jack for sure. And you gotta keep in mind if kaido fallls to a huge group and then luffy goes on to solo his next foe( be it akainu or blackbeard) then that doesnt detract from kaido being the current strongest.


When were you under the impression this game is..
can i ask something? is Oda involved in this novel's data or is he not? i mean if we want to debate about story or powerlevel or lore, can we cite the novel as a valid reference?
Yeah oda was heavily involved with the novel, him and the author had frequent meetings where they would exchange notes and the author would ask him what he should put in it. After all that, Oda and shueisha gave him the okay to publish it. This is oda's way of fleshing out one piece outside of the manga. Since he sure as hell isnt gonna mention most of the stuff there in the manga anyways.
can i ask something? is Oda involved in this novel's data or is he not? i mean if we want to debate about story or powerlevel or lore, can we cite the novel as a valid reference?
End of the day, the novels not written by Oda and he could easily ignore everything about it in the series. They're not too much different from the movies really, or anime filler (Strong World excepted).

I don't see any problem with using them in an arguments, but I would say you're better off having something from the manga to be the main point and the novel's being backup to that.
Because if kaido falls now (which is the case), then the absolute strongest would be already down, which would be bad writing for a shounen manga.
No it wouldn't. Stop throwing around the phrase bad writing.

If Kaido goes down here it takes away nothing from any opponents Luffy faces in the future. The difficulty of fights goes up in every shounen but opponents can be difficult and pose a challenge in a completely different way. Kaido may be physically the strongest but other opponents can be far more difficult for different reasons. Enel might be able to defeat Rob Lucci. But physically Rob Lucci was a far more difficult opponent for Luffy than Enel was.

Fights aren't as simple as having a higher power level and needing a higher power level to be a threat.
There's a mistake here I believe. Whitebeard is the strongest pirate. The only difference is Kaido is the strongest creature ,i.e., Kaido has a body that cannot be injured easily to such a degree he's essentially immortal.

Whitebeard would die if he were stabbed, hung or put under the guillotine. Kaido on the other hand could be asleep and none of these would hurt him because his flesh is more or less made of steel in its effect.

It's not that Kaido is stronger than Whitebeard as a fighter, it's more of a case of Kaido being almost immortal due to his body make-up that he stands superior to Whitebeard.

Simply put, in the sense of who is physically closest to immortality, Kaido's superior to Whitebeard; this is not the same thing as being the weaker fighter.


When were you under the impression this game is..
There's a mistake here I believe. Whitebeard is the strongest pirate. The only difference is Kaido is the strongest creature ,i.e., Kaido has a body that cannot be injured easily to such a degree he's essentially immortal.

Whitebeard would die if he were stabbed, hung or put under the guillotine. Kaido on the other hand could be asleep and none of these would hurt him because his flesh is more or less made of steel in its effect.

It's not that Kaido is stronger than Whitebeard as a fighter, it's more of a case of Kaido being almost immortal due to his body make-up that he stands superior to Whitebeard.

Simply put, in the sense of who is physically closest to immortality, Kaido's superior to Whitebeard; this is not the same thing as being the weaker fighter.
Thats again your headcanon, you are basically jumping at straws to justify kaido not being stronger than oldbeard. Im not talking about primebeard here and neither did the novel, just acceept it and move on.


When were you under the impression this game is..
According to pirate maniac Skull

What do you mean by this?
-It is say that Old Beard is weaker than Primebeard but not how much weaker, i got it wrong but then again they didnt say much weaker, just weaker.
And this, for those who are spouting headcanon about kaido being stronger only due to apparent immortality:
-It is said that Kaido was above WB in term of strength (Rivaille's note: it is not said if it is Primebeard or Oldbeard but i thin that they are talking of the WB of the novel)


When were you under the impression this game is..
It is the other way round. Jack endurance is beastly and strings can be broken by changing body size.
Doffy's organs were melted and he was fighting G4 luffy taking hits from him, while holding them together with strings while holding up the birdcage. They both have endurance feats but i believe doffy is the stronger overall fighter

Deleted member 83

-It is said that Kaido was above WB in term of strength (Rivaille's note: it is not said if it is Primebeard or Oldbeard but i thin that they are talking of the WB of the novel)
Like I said, it was according to pirate maniac Skull, it wasn’t introduced as a fact, and I suggest you don’t take these summaries word for word
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Doffy's organs were melted and he was fighting G4 luffy taking hits from him, while holding them together with strings while holding up the birdcage. They both have endurance feats but i believe doffy is the stronger overall fighter
And I believe Jack would mop the floor with Doffy. He took on Fujitora, Sengoku, Tsuru alone and still sunk two of their four ships.


When were you under the impression this game is..
And I believe Jack would mop the floor with Doffy. He took on Fujitora, Sengoku, Tsuru alone and still sunk two of their four ships.
He sunk the ships around them and we dont know how the fight went, most likely he got destroyed and survived. His greatest feat so far is endurance and taking a beating from stronger foes(Zunisha,fuji)


When were you under the impression this game is..
Like I said, it was according to pirate maniac Skull, it wasn’t introduced as a fact, and I suggest you don’t take these summaries word for word
How long till we actually put stock into the people that actually live in that worlds point of view? It should be more legit than what we the viewers think shouldnt it?
How long till we actually put stock into the people that actually live in that worlds point of view? It should be more legit than what we the viewers think shouldnt it?
Actual Manga states Whitebeard as the s strongest assuming you've read chapte 233 before.

It's said the only person that could become Pirate King is the strongest Pirate, and that was Roger, and now Roger's dead, it's Whitebeard despite Kaido being around.

Kaido's only the most powerful in terms of durability, bar that, he's not the strongest.

Definitely can't be the strongest Pirate if he's going to be the first Emperor to be defeated by Luffy.