General & Others Ace’s Novel : Part 2

Not really relevant.

Kaido isn't the strongest Pirate, he's just the Pirate with a body close to being invincible or the closest to immortality. That's really it.
Kaido is said to be "the strongest creature among all living things" not "the unkillable pirate"... he would not have such a title if he was only a pirate with a body close ton being invincible.
Id take the words of a yonko commander whos seen his captain in
Mind to post the panel?

then see kaido over words from a random dude talking about someone hes never seen.
During his introduction box, it was directly mentioned that people said that stuff about Kaido. People neither know Kaido's true strength nor other top tiers, they aren't capable of such knowledge, how else should they?

Hence it's as much credible as Luffy being 8m tall or Noland being a liar.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Whitebeard wasn't the big bad of Marineford, became Luffy's ally, and was set up to be replaced by Blackbeard, who is Luffy's enemy. They're not the same thing.

Not every arc villain is comparable. Mr. 3 and 5 were Crocodile's subordinates with their own arcs; they can get away with being weaker than previous arc villains because Crocodile was the "real" big bad of those arcs and the saga itself. Caesar Clown was like this to Doflamingo alongside his actual subordinates (Vergo and Monet). Wapol and Foxy with their short arcs were warm-ups to the real big bads of their sagas (Crocodile, Lucci). Hordy Jones, who may pale in comparison to later pre-TS villains, was a warm up for the post-TS Straw Hats before fighting the real deals of New World.
Kaido isnt just luffy's enemy, hes wano's enemy and the supernovas enemy and the list goes on. The man has a lot of people that have him on their shit list. They are all coming for his ass, its pretty damn obvious to be honest. How many times should oda says or hints that kaido is the strongest before you guys take the hint? 6-7 more times?
Why not? What makes shanks so special? Oh wait nothing. Unless you think shanks>oldbeard when the anime itself shows shanks considering whitebeard stronger than him. The kaido > whitebeard thing trumps it. I dont get why people are fighting this so damn hard.
The fact one is Luffy's role model and the other will be irrelevant after this arc. The fact after their short skirmish, Shanks showed up to Marineford seemingly unharmed (if Roger not fighting Big Mom counts, then so does this).

Kaido isnt just luffy's enemy, hes wano's enemy and the supernovas enemy and the list goes on. The man has a lot of people that have him on their shit list. They are all coming for his ass, its pretty damn obvious to be honest. How many times should oda says or hints that kaido is the strongest before you guys take the hint? 6-7 more times?
Every other arc villain is other people's enemy. How does this negate that not all arc villains can be compared? What's your point?


When were you under the impression this game is..
Mind to post the panel?

During his introduction box, it was directly mentioned that people said that stuff about Kaido. People neither know Kaido's true strength nor other top tiers, they aren't capable of such knowledge, how else should they?

Hence it's as much credible as Luffy being 8m tall or Noland being a liar.
The panel of what? That thatch has seen his captain in action? The same captain that is in the same ship as him? Come on now youre just being disingenuous. ???? Im talking about thatch, you know, a yonko commander on whitebeards ship knowing what his captain can do and comparing him to kaido which im sure has met whitebeard before prior to his death considering his tendency to wander alone drunk. I cant wait for the flashback to come by to finally put all this to rest. Its getting tiring to have people this nitpicky. If it was any other character like shanks or mihawk or whatever i bet all of you would be fine with one hint or statement from Oda. Here we keep getting shit like this from oda and people still vehemently fight it.
He the novel says that whitebeard's condition started deteriorating after thatch died, during the time thatch was alive kaido was considered>oldbeard.

Whitebeard took off his medicatoin prior to Marineford, thus why he was unable to fight properly. That's it. It's quite clear you didn't know this.

Again,roger snuck into big mom's territory read the poneglpy then dipped.
That's irrelevant. Being strong isn't the same thing as being foolish.

Even Kaido had to lie and use trickery not to fight against Oden who almost defeated him. Dirty, but smart.

Sneaking into territory is no sign of weakness. It's simply intelligence.

You dont do that to someone you high diff at best, then you have the fact that none of the feats roger and or whitebeard have shown puts them significantly above the current top tiers.
Nope, not true.

You run when necessary regardless of ability to fight.

it's just intelligence and simply not wasting energy doing unnecessary things.

If you read the entirety of the Ace Novel, you'd know the rulers of the sea at the time were:
  • Roger
  • Shiki
  • Whitebeard
Roger running from Big Mom's territory proves nothing about his lack of strength. He just got what he needed and left. Doesn't change the fact Roger and Whitebeard were the strongest in their era despite the fact Big Mom and Kaido were around.

Sengoku hyping up kaido for rising to the position of yonko by pure physical might alone
That's all it is, his physical durability and nigh immortality. Not being the strongest Pirate. It's the exact reason why he's referred to as strongest creature and not strongest Pirate.


When were you under the impression this game is..
The fact one is Luffy's role model and the other will be irrelevant after this arc. The fact after their short skirmish, Shanks showed up to Marineford seemingly unharmed (if Roger not fighting Big Mom counts, then so does this).

Every other arc villain is other people's enemy. How does this negate that not all arc villains can be compared? What's your point?
My point is, luffy alone isnt taking down kaido. A lot of important and strong people have a grudge against him, they will do just as much a luffy in taking him down. Meaning, the man can be the strongest and he is until PROVEN otherwise, and still go down 1 or 2 arcs before the end.
Kaido is said to be "the strongest creature among all living things" not "the unkillable pirate"... he would not have such a title if he was only a pirate with a body close ton being invincible.
Creature only refers to species.

He's not the strongest Pirate, just the strongest creature.

If you read the Magazine, this was already cleared up:

Reason why they refer to him as strongest creature is:
  • They do not know his race.
They only know he has a body that can't be pierced or easily damaged.

If you google "fastest creature on land", the answer you get is: Cheetah.

Creature refers to species and anatomy, not to an individual.

If they knew his race, they'd say X-Race which is from are the most powerful creatures; Kaido's race is unknown, so they identify him individually as the race he comes from and refer to him as strongest creature.

When they talk about the fastest land creature, they don't say it's Dexter the Cheetah, they just say Cheetah because it's down to anatomical structures and features, not individuality. Cheetahs are generally the fastest creatures on land, not individually, but generalisation.

That's all it is, his physical durability and nigh immortality. Not being the strongest Pirate. It's the exact reason why he's referred to as strongest creature and not strongest Pirate.
whitebeard is not the strongest pirate because of his individual strenght:

"-It is said that WB life accomplishment made him the strongest pirate, that he is the epitome of what it meant to be a pirate
(Rivaille’s note: basically, Kaido is stronger than WB as an individual fighter but WB is stronger than Kaido in term of piracy)"


When were you under the impression this game is..

Whitebeard took off his medicatoin prior to Marineford, thus why he was unable to fight properly. That's it. It's quite clear you didn't know this.

That's irrelevant. Being strong isn't the same thing as being foolish.

Even Kaido had to lie and use trickery not to fight against Oden who almost defeated him. Dirty, but smart.

Sneaking into territory is no sign of weakness. It's simply intelligence.

Nope, not true.

You run when necessary regardless of ability to fight.

it's just intelligence and simply not wasting energy doing unnecessary things.

If you read the entirety of the Ace Novel, you'd know the rulers of the sea at the time were:
  • Roger
  • Shiki
  • Whitebeard
Roger running from Big Mom's territory proves nothing about his lack of strength. He just got what he needed and left. Doesn't change the fact Roger and Whitebeard were the strongest in their era despite the fact Big Mom and Kaido were around.

That's all it is, his physical durability and nigh immortality. Not being the strongest Pirate. It's the exact reason why he's referred to as strongest creature and not strongest Pirate.
In the friggin novel it says that his state was stable up until thatch died.

Why would you be foolish if apparently you consider that to be as strong as roger or whitebeard you mid-high diff someone? It makes no sense. Im not saying roger lacks strength. Im saying they are all pretty close in strength. Kaido was a kid during god valley and was in his 30s during odens fight, roger was dead already. You are acting as if people strength is stagnant when multiple times now its been stated or hinted that kaido got stronger.

You keep saying its just his physical durability that hypes him up but provide nothing to counter point this. I provided you manga panels proving that his physical strength is as much if not more hyped yet you choose to ignore it.
His japanese calling is strongest living organism by the way, are humans unliving? I have to question why you would rather go by what you think is right instead of simply follow what the author tells you.

Fact is oda reviewed and was heavily involved with this novel and gave it the okay, as well as shueisha. Fact is, a yonko commander under whitebeard considered that whitebeard then was weaker than kaido. These are the facts. Anything else you say is headcanon at best.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Creature only refers to species.

He's not the strongest Pirate, just the strongest creature.

If you read the Magazine, this was already cleared up:

Reason why they refer to him as strongest creature is:
  • They do not know his race.
They only know he has a body that can't be pierced or easily damaged.

If you google "fastest creature on land", the answer you get is: Cheetah.

Creature refers to species and anatomy, not to an individual.
I like how you highlighted strongest creature but not the rest, you know. AMONG ALL LIVING THINGS. As far as i know humans are living things. This shows how biased you are and just how baseless your entire argument is when alll you are doing is using headcanon. When the fuck did they say that they only refer to him as the strongest creature because they do not know his race? Oh wait, nowhere.
You keep making stuff up. You gotta stop.

Yes and the cheetah is the fastest, its faster than humans and faster than anything else. I dont get your point?
In the friggin novel it says that his state was stable up until thatch died.
Doesn't mean drugs didn't stabilise his conditoin even after Thatch died.

If you read the SBS which Oda answered himself... he said Medication kept his health stabilised.

That's what medicine does and is for.
My point is, luffy alone isnt taking down kaido. A lot of important and strong people have a grudge against him, they will do just as much a luffy in taking him down. Meaning, the man can be the strongest and he is until PROVEN otherwise, and still go down 1 or 2 arcs before the end.
Sure, Luffy could get help, but he's doing the major bulk work on taking down Kaido. And after this arc, will be seen as a proper Emperor.

Again, my argument about not all arc villains being comparable still stands.


When were you under the impression this game is..
The fact one is Luffy's role model and the other will be irrelevant after this arc. The fact after their short skirmish, Shanks showed up to Marineford seemingly unharmed (if Roger not fighting Big Mom counts, then so does this).

Every other arc villain is other people's enemy. How does this negate that not all arc villains can be compared? What's your point?
Being luffys role model doesnt mean hes his end goal mate. And please we know nothing of the context of what happened between shanks and kaido whereas we do know roger preferred sneaking into her territory and reading the poneglyph. They are incomparable.

And i guess since whitebeard died in marineford he was weaker than shanks then right?
Your points are all conjecture and speculation whereas im bringing facts, the one piece community is one of the only communities where people prefer to discard facts written in mange or otherwise and instead use their headcanon.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Doesn't mean drugs didn't stabilise his conditoin even after Thatch died.

If you read the SBS which Oda answered himself... he said Medication kept his health stabilised.

That's what medicine does and is for.
Medication can keep you stable and thenn stop if your health deteriorates to a point where said medication becomes less effective you know, what im saying makes sense since right after thatch died his health started deterioating. Meaning the meds were less effective, then come marineford he removed them entirely and went on to fight.


When were you under the impression this game is..
what is this nonsense ?

seibutsu means living thing:生物

his title means he is the strongest living thing or the strongest indivual alive... not "his species is the strongest"
The dude just came in and is spouting pure nonsense, twisting things to fit his headcanon.

Kaido's title is "Saikyo no Seibutsu"

You can do a quick research on what Seibutsu meanせいぶつ#Japanese

living thing, life, organism, creature​

  1. seibutsu creature 2. seibutsu living things
The ambiguity only come from people reading the English chapter and assuming the word "creature" is to be understood in the animal sense.

In japanese it clearly mean Kaido is the strongest living organism/thing and quite obviously humans are living things.

Kaido's title 100% put him above any human alive in the series, the only way Kaido isn't the strongest character is if his title is fake in the first place or if someone surpass him in the future.

Guys, just stop. Its okay for your favorite not to be the strongest. I used to believe shanks was the strongest because he was the only known yonko and luffy admired him, as well as what happened in marineford. But my view changed bit by bit with every bit of new information we got in the manga and from oda himself.
Right now i put him under big mom and kaido until proven otherwise.
Being luffys role model doesnt mean hes his end goal mate.
Never said he was Luffy's end goal.

And please we know nothing of the context of what happened between shanks and kaido whereas we do know roger preferred sneaking into her territory and reading the poneglyph. They are incomparable.
Kaido preferred to turn the other way around. The only reason they're incomparable is because one goes against your confirmation bias.

And i guess since whitebeard died in marineford he was weaker than shanks then right?

Your points are all conjecture and speculation whereas im bringing facts, the one piece community is one of the only communities where people prefer to discard facts written in mange or otherwise and instead use their headcanon.
You mean like Big Mom > Roger?