Bruh stop with the star wars references. We ain't talking about fiction here. Authors write what they want to see.
We ARE talking about fiction here. The fiction of a world where we were able to create huge structural changes deep enough to make the carceral system crumble and the notion of good and evil vanish.
But like all fiction, what was created can also be the inspiration for real structural change.
You seem to dehumanise people who want revenge.
I condamn the action. But you are right in the sence that even people who think about revenge must be taken care of.
In a real justice system, everyone is taken care of. Noone is left behind.
Cross_Marian is about to snap mate, and that's rare enough. You're possibly retraumatising him with these posts of yours, are you fucking aware how your total disregard for people's experience with evil may upset users?
I'm sorry, did I post anything else than content pleading for a peaceful society here ?
People have the right to be upset. That don't give them the right to dehumanize people and essentialize them like you are trying to do here..
It goes for you as it goes for anyone else.
You want to be some better human being with higher morality but the problem is, you are in full denial of reality.
Right now, I see someone who just don't want to have their vision disrupted.
I'm nowhere near a perfect human, but I do base my reasonning on real life problematic and results.
You don't believe in people ?
Assume that fact.
I do.
And I will never let anyone try to tell me otherwise. Is that clear ?
Reality is not what you’re preaching
Indeed because I'm not talking about reality here, but the future of our reality.
you need to punish evil and protect the good.
Only in an adolescent society.
In a real evolved society, we protect the good and we reguide the evil to be good again.
It's a disgrace against every soul who tries to stay a good in hard times
No. Go around real strugglers, go around real leftist who fight with political intent for a better society, and you will see that we take the carceral system just as seriously as we take preventive actions.
There poor people who share their last bread with others and rich people who steal the last bread from others
And we need to change that system so it doesn't happen again.
there are people who endure pain and people who cause pain
There people who deserve some happiness and some people who deserve some punishment.
Rather than punishment I would call it rehabilitation. True justice don't punish. It rehabilitate.
Said who ?
I can’t even change the people who are close to me. I can’t reach them.
I'm sorry about that.
The rapist destroyed an innocent life, you spitting on the victim it you try to humanise the culprit
Be careful on what you are actually saying here..
If you think humanizing a culprit is spitting on it's victims, you are COMPLETELY missunderstanding the process of actual Justice.
Justice is not here to get you revenge.
Humanizing a monster is the FIRST step in understanding the process of their crime.
Meaning that if you don't do that, not only are you completely missunderstanding the purpose of justice, but you are also keeping aways from you the possibility of preventing OTHER crimes.
So yes of course, it's hard to look at our own humanity in the eyes of a criminal. And NO victims should EVER have to do that. But society needs to do it. If we want to stop crimes, if we want to stop recidives, if we want to rehabilitate criminals, if we want a better society...
Stopping the essentialization of human nature is a necessity.
First step is to understand that : Criminals are people who DO crimes.