Chapter 956 states that Blackbeard desires to go for 'That thing' before navy does.
One thing which we can imply from BB statement is both navy and BB desires it and it's very important and it's more like a movable object that he can posses and escape before navy does.
But it's one of the Oda mystery for which we won't get answer soon. So let's explore some ideas regarding what 'that thing' could be
1)Kaido Devil Fruit - now, we know that Kaido has strongest zoan Df and based on speculation that BB will get third Df as wel, it makes sense that BB is talking about Kaido DF.
Issue - why navy would suddenly be interested in Kaido DF? we know Kaido was already captured 18 times (some times by navy) and there is no panel indicating navy interest in Kaido DF. Also, as of now only BB knows how to extract Df once someone is killed. Navy hasn't been portrayed doing this or even knowing this.
2)Mera Mera no mi - well it's Ace Df and now Sabo inherited it. BB also asked Ace to join him and we have seen Burgess going for this Df in Dressrosa.
Issue : along with same issues which I mentioned in case of Kaido DF, we have some more here which makes it least possible scneario.
Why BB and navy would go for this Df? There is nothing much special about it. If BB really cherished this Df then Burgess would have Informed him before Dressrosa tournament began, and we could have seen BB raiding Dressrosa but it didn't happen.
3)'that' stands for wano - now this seem a bit logical as it will justify BB taking Kaido DF and also in line with navy trying to get wano under its control.
We also came to know about Drake being secretive agent, BM and Kaido alliance and Orochi unreasonable demand to cp 0, so navy may take action here and thus BB call to move first.
Issue - "that thing" in BB statement implies something for which he needs to take quick action first to posses or obtain it before navy does and escape so that navy doesn't get hand over it.
Now, wano is territory which isn't movable so even if BB gets to Wano first, navy can still try to throw BB out and get wano.
Also, this chapter and news coverage within it was about Reverie so we can infer that BB statement was more related to Reverie event than wano.
4)shirahoshi the ancient weapon - now, as news was about Reverie so BB may have come across news regarding shirahoshi returning to FI. So, he decided to take action quickly before navy gets to her. We also know that navy would definitely try to get it's hands on ancient weapon considering it's importance.
Issue - how BB came to know about shirahoshi being ancient weapon? Why navy didn't capture Shirahoshi when she was in Reverie if this was so important as it would be much more easier to do at holyland than going to FI.
5)alabasta - somewhere I feel it could be related to alabasta event
Issue - it's my headcannon lol
6)warlords - as some users suggested that BB statement is about 'they' which could be a reference to warlords.
Issue - warlords are scattered throughout the grandline and not just in one place or just in new world so locating them once they moved out would be really difficult.
Also, why would BB seek warlords? He already got the crew and going after warlords doesn't make sense. Another issue here is, it doesn't co relates with something BB desire so much that he needs to take quick action before navy
7)Road PG - well BB needs it to reach Raftel lol
Issue - my headcannon again
What you guys think? Is there any other possible scenario?
One thing which we can imply from BB statement is both navy and BB desires it and it's very important and it's more like a movable object that he can posses and escape before navy does.
But it's one of the Oda mystery for which we won't get answer soon. So let's explore some ideas regarding what 'that thing' could be
1)Kaido Devil Fruit - now, we know that Kaido has strongest zoan Df and based on speculation that BB will get third Df as wel, it makes sense that BB is talking about Kaido DF.
Issue - why navy would suddenly be interested in Kaido DF? we know Kaido was already captured 18 times (some times by navy) and there is no panel indicating navy interest in Kaido DF. Also, as of now only BB knows how to extract Df once someone is killed. Navy hasn't been portrayed doing this or even knowing this.
2)Mera Mera no mi - well it's Ace Df and now Sabo inherited it. BB also asked Ace to join him and we have seen Burgess going for this Df in Dressrosa.
Issue : along with same issues which I mentioned in case of Kaido DF, we have some more here which makes it least possible scneario.
Why BB and navy would go for this Df? There is nothing much special about it. If BB really cherished this Df then Burgess would have Informed him before Dressrosa tournament began, and we could have seen BB raiding Dressrosa but it didn't happen.
3)'that' stands for wano - now this seem a bit logical as it will justify BB taking Kaido DF and also in line with navy trying to get wano under its control.
We also came to know about Drake being secretive agent, BM and Kaido alliance and Orochi unreasonable demand to cp 0, so navy may take action here and thus BB call to move first.
Issue - "that thing" in BB statement implies something for which he needs to take quick action first to posses or obtain it before navy does and escape so that navy doesn't get hand over it.
Now, wano is territory which isn't movable so even if BB gets to Wano first, navy can still try to throw BB out and get wano.
Also, this chapter and news coverage within it was about Reverie so we can infer that BB statement was more related to Reverie event than wano.
4)shirahoshi the ancient weapon - now, as news was about Reverie so BB may have come across news regarding shirahoshi returning to FI. So, he decided to take action quickly before navy gets to her. We also know that navy would definitely try to get it's hands on ancient weapon considering it's importance.
Issue - how BB came to know about shirahoshi being ancient weapon? Why navy didn't capture Shirahoshi when she was in Reverie if this was so important as it would be much more easier to do at holyland than going to FI.
5)alabasta - somewhere I feel it could be related to alabasta event
Issue - it's my headcannon lol
6)warlords - as some users suggested that BB statement is about 'they' which could be a reference to warlords.
Issue - warlords are scattered throughout the grandline and not just in one place or just in new world so locating them once they moved out would be really difficult.
Also, why would BB seek warlords? He already got the crew and going after warlords doesn't make sense. Another issue here is, it doesn't co relates with something BB desire so much that he needs to take quick action before navy
7)Road PG - well BB needs it to reach Raftel lol
Issue - my headcannon again
What you guys think? Is there any other possible scenario?
I would have mentioned in Fighting RHPs as well, bt Navy ain't after em. Neither it is object that one could posses and nor info any of em has any op df.
I think it also might be Dragon, WG tactfully handled in Cobra or Vivi and blamed Sabo for it, which is very wise step for nations to loose trust in revo that will bring mistrust and weaken the revolution against WG. And DRAGON would have no choice bt to act on it or make a counter move nw, which is what WG is lookin for to bait Dragon out. We also know BB also attacked Revo in their base during WCI arc so it could be something BB might have his eyes on. Afterall if anyone has chanecs of knowing the Dark history of WG, it's Dragon and there might be easily something that BB wants with Dragon.
Marines also are gonna after Kaidou, since he is bout to fall. This would again be perfect opportunity for BB to steal that df, bt i think this is too obvious of a possibility hence less likely.