Fanclub Critics Club

Poll #1 — Which Arc is Worse?

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The collesum was boring af. Basicallly a fodder royal rumble. Idk who tf ever gave Oda that shitty idea. Worse than the cake plot in my opinion.
Every Shonen manga has a tournament thanks to Dragon Ball. Its a clever way to introduce new characters that can become rivals, friends, and nemesis to overcome. The difference is that Toriyama is an expert at drawing fights and pace. Imho, Kishimoto's Chunnin exam was a lot better by doing exactly what Oda should have done with different contests, teamwork, actual fights, more likable newcomers, and constantly changing the locations.
Every Shonen manga has a tournament thanks to Dragon Ball. Its a clever way to introduce new characters that can become rivals, friends, and nemesis to overcome. The difference is that Toriyama is an expert at drawing fights and pace. Imho, Kishimoto's Chunnin exam was a lot better by doing exactly what Oda should have done with different contests, teamwork, actual fights, more likable newcomers, and constantly changing the locations.
Everyone introduced at the tournament is irrelevant lowkey. (Not counting Sabo and Burgess as they were introduced prior).
I didn't noticed this thread untill now
At first i Wana explain that Oda is master of writing (having +20years of experience) but like everyone he have his missed opportunity and some mistakes
So lets go
  • Interaction between Kaido and Big Mom, we cant see it and Why? Because Big Mom must Chase Chopper -. -, Oda continue doing this,
  • Building up for war is terrible comparing to MF
  • During end of Kaido vs Luffy untill start of war we only got: we need more People and we got them with ease, time in Udon,switching to world where they basically said Wano event gona be nuisance to world, than boring time where rly nothing happening for several chapthers and etc this,
  • Oden flashback wasn't rly so fun and interesting, and was mostly disaspoiment
  • Big Mom and Kaido alliance is nothing to Alliance as they don't rly react to it or describe it and are all like :ah okay she is here never mind her..
  • So many gags!
  • This all feel like revenge for Oden and no to free Wano or defeat tyranical leader,
  • And so on which many were already mentioned and some i can’t get it into head right now
Because of power levels? Oda already showed that when post Udon Luffy needed to break out the big guns (G4) against Ulti.
Not just powerlevels but the majority(80%) of the problems is Luffy being much more immature, less intuitive in a fight and dumber about the outside world than he was pre timeskip.

Compare Luffy in the Enel fight vs Luffy in the Cracker fight, look at that decrease in intelligence. Vergo, Sanji. Zoro would never be stopped by Cracker. Luffy was incredibly stupid in that fight.

Look at how Luffy used to use his devil fruit pretimeskip to how he uses post timeskip. He is much worse at utilizing his devil fruit potential post timeskip than he was pre timeskip.
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Maybe I am repeating myself but this waterfall storyline is real BS storywise with Prometheus being conveniently absent when King intercepted the Queen Mama Chanter.

Also Perospero could have easely used his devil fruit from the start to lift the QMC with one of his candy constructs.

And he's not the only Big Mom Pirate who could have allowed the crew to cross the waterfall as Mont d'Or could have used his power to lift himself and siblings to Wano or taken the ship and his siblings in a book while he would use his other books to levitate and release them inside Wano territory.

Daifuku could have used his Genie to carry the QMC above the waterfall.

And Smoothie could have used her power to become a giant and throw the QMC above the waterfall if she isn't already strong to do that in her normal form.
The crew get separated at Sanbondy, two years TS then at Dressrosa separated again. From a small crew who fight against the odds, thing become so big new characters keeps coming the main crew get fewer and fewer interactions. The villain every arc are mostly pirate. Too much of sichiukai. Need more fight with marines since from early chapter marines just as bad as pirates. Replacing one of the sichiukai with one corrupted vice admiral will be good.

What Zoro doing in Wano make no sense to the story. Wandering arround getting caught then killed the magistrate broken his promise, still wandering around killed gifters and take their sake, saving Otsuru meeting Luffy fighting Hawkins got complicated then fighting Holdem. Luffy goes with Law, Zoro still wandering alone, lost his sword, hungry and drinking polluted water, fight Killer, causing trouble in gambling. The whole alliances were preparing for war and this guys give nothing shit cared about alliances secery. The only good thing Zoro done was saving Otoko during Otoko father execution. Saving Hiyori and Otoko from killer doesn't count he negotiated with Hiyori and asked to be paid after that then he agreed. I can understand with Luffy and Luffy basically being imprisoned in most every arc. Nothing new for Luffy. The sole purpose Zoro wandering around alone just to get his sword stolen and replaced with new one. He is right hand man yet he didn'nt give a darn care about the crew and just wandering arround. Calling Luffy stupid captain when Drake asking to join yet he doing nothing from early wano arc.


Time progresses too slowly in OP. Pre timeskip took place over the course of a few months, and the post timeskip has only been over a month as well.

The two year timeskip was over twice as long as the Straw Hat Pirates’ existence as a crew, and we’re supposed to believe that these are life long nakama? Lol
Strawhats are like those friends you make in high school then never see again once you graduate.


Lazy is the way
Just dropping to say that WCI >> Wano.

I always thought it would have been better to have larger time gap between big arcs. Like you could imagine straw hats mostly visited islands where nothing eventful happened in-between. Harder to do it post-ts due to every arc since Punk Hazard being being tied together tho
Agree, and even more time inside the arcs, like multiple days, weeks, a month, to travel through the island, to make plans, to hide, to heal from previous fights etc.
This you shall not kill rule causes many absurd situations such as X-Drake and Law letting Hawkins live and so to completely blow Drake's cover in a stupid way orDenjiro tying Sasaki instead of slicing his throat which will backfire on the alliance sooner or later.

It's also kinda stupid that X-Drake wasn't attacked over his betrayal at least during the meeting between Kaido and the Flying Six.
I dislike it, especially the way Oda handled Sanji’s situation. He’s also been offscreening most of Jinbei’s fights, I guess some things never change...
Didn't Oda say something recently though that, He's limited on pages so he's scrambling on how to fit everything onto panels etc...?
Probably Why everything is such shit now, Dude should just be able to use as many panels as needed in a way or so. Jump is probably the reason.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Didn't Oda say something recently though that, He's limited on pages so he's scrambling on how to fit everything onto panels etc...?
Probably Why everything is such shit now, Dude should just be able to use as many panels as needed in a way or so. Jump is probably the reason.
Oh yeah he said he needs at least 30 pages to get all his ideas in one chapter but is limited to only 17 pages maximum.