Fanclub Critics Club

Poll #1 — Which Arc is Worse?

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I've seen Wano as a massive improvement in that sense, whereas I expected none.

Yamato and Ulti are pretty cool and tough, and it's the first time Nami got hurt since the time skip. I'm here for it :steef:
Yamato is hardly an improvement, personality-wise, and every progress Oda made with her and Ulti was cancelled and dragged to the bottom of the ocean by Oda's even more disastrous treatment of Big Mom and her daughters than during WCI arc.
Yamato is hardly an improvement, personality-wise, and every progress Oda made with her and Ulti was cancelled and dragged to the bottom of the ocean by Oda's even more disastrous treatment of Big Mom and her daughters than during WCI arc.
Yamato is a huge improvement, she's tough as nails and smart enough to do crucial things during Luffy's fight while none of the other SHs are. We can't say the same for anyone.

Why would Ulti progress be cancelled? BM's treatment is never going to change, she's a half monster and half comic relief.

I think you're too hung up on BM's daughters lol, I don't even remember how they look like, nor do I care. The only relevant BMP is Perospero :catblush:


Yes I mean him, which says a lot about how low Oda is in his treatment of female characters.
I actually agree lol, even though i think most are shit

but there's a few shines in there

Tsunade is my favorite i think

Pretty, strong, awesome flashback, has an actual personality, gets an important role in the story being the Hokage for most of it and taking very important decisions in the story

My favorite Tsunade scene is early on, when she says to Lee that the surgery there's only 50% chance of working and 50% of him dying

But she then gets inspired by watching Guy and Lee talk about his future

Then Shizune walks on her sleeping after studying more to make the odds of the surgery better for Lee

I think Oda has done fantastic work with Nami during the East Blue Saga and Robin from Alabasta to Enies Lobby

but since then, both characters have been completely thrown to the sides and are mostly used for fan service

it also kinda pisses me off that Oda can only make two types of women basically: the hot young one that shows the body constantly, even if they are strong and have actual character, or the old hag that has actual power and agency, but usually is also a massive gag and usually drawn as fat and crazy

It shows a lot how Oda sees women really

even Yamato right now, those boobs and cleavage are insane, especially when she rips off her original clothing style to look like that now
I actually agree lol, even though i think most are shit

but there's a few shines in there

Tsunade is my favorite i think

Pretty, strong, awesome flashback, has an actual personality, gets an important role in the story being the Hokage for most of it and taking very important decisions in the story

My favorite Tsunade scene is early on, when she says to Lee that the surgery there's only 50% chance of working and 50% of him dying

But she then gets inspired by watching Guy and Lee talk about his future

Then Shizune walks on her sleeping after studying more to make the odds of the surgery better for Lee

I think Oda has done fantastic work with Nami during the East Blue Saga and Robin from Alabasta to Enies Lobby

but since then, both characters have been completely thrown to the sides and are mostly used for fan service

it also kinda pisses me off that Oda can only make two types of women basically: the hot young one that shows the body constantly, even if they are strong and have actual character, or the old hag that has actual power and agency, but usually is also a massive gag and usually drawn as fat and crazy

It shows a lot how Oda sees women really

even Yamato right now, those boobs and cleavage are insane, especially when she rips off her original clothing style to look like that now
Tsunade had so much potential in Part 1.

Even the initial plan to have her fight Pein could have been amazing.

But... She basically did very little as Hokage :josad:
Yamato is a huge improvement, she's tough as nails and smart enough to do crucial things during Luffy's fight while none of the other SHs are. We can't say the same for anyone.

Why would Ulti progress be cancelled? BM's treatment is never going to change, she's a half monster and half comic relief.

I think you're too hung up on BM's daughters lol, I don't even remember how they look like, nor do I care. The only relevant BMP is Perospero :catblush:
Not to me, and yes any progress that she and Ulti bring is cancelled by Oda's treatment of Big Mom and her daughters and other female characters.

And Big Mom isn't even treated as a monster half of the time, it's only at a few occasions that she's treated as such. And as for a comic relief, it's a very bad one, one that never made me laugh. What Oda does with BM makes me far less want to laugh than throw up.
Not to me, and yes any progress that she and Ulti bring is cancelled by Oda's treatment of Big Mom and her daughters and other female characters.

And Big Mom isn't even treated as a monster half of the time, it's only at a few occasions that she's treated as such. And as for a comic relief, it's a very bad one, one that never made me laugh. What Oda does with BM makes me far less want to laugh than throw up.
Lol it's called progress because it's getting better in this arc rather than worse. WCI is over and gone, and so is BM. It took a lot of nerfing and two captains to bring her down and she's an absolute monster, 'tis a pretty good bargain.

Maybe you can't appreciate how funny BM is, but she's had this same treatment for years and years so not sure why you're expecting it to be any different. The woman makes tea parties
Lol it's called progress because it's getting better in this arc rather than worse. WCI is over and gone, and so is BM. It took a lot of nerfing and two captains to bring her down and she's an absolute monster, 'tis a pretty good bargain.

Maybe you can't appreciate how funny BM is, but she's had this same treatment for years and years so not sure why you're expecting it to be any different. The woman makes tea parties
I can't call the "I am Oden" shit, and Big Mom getting amnesiac, the O-Lin situation, waterfall issue, BM getting rolled over by Franky, thrown away by Robin, her not even being able of using her true power and the Big Mom vs Kid and Law "fight" improvements. That was even worse than Mother Carmel picture and the Wedding Cake chase from WCI arc.

And no I certainely don't appreciate BM being constantly humiliated and stopped from using her powers, even when she should have shown her badassery many times during these last two arcs, at all. That's not a comic relief, it's a cringeworthy-relief.


I actually stopped caring about one piece.

I definitely read it every week but it's mainly because I am on this forum and also because I want to know story will unfold.

Not taking much part in discussions as I used to simply because I don't give a damm anymore.

Oda won't change his way of writing. He is at the top in his field and I don't think any editors can come upto to him and say what's going wrong

As story is progressing, he is adding more and more characters in the arc but not doing justice to them. Wano and WCI are classic cases.

Heck, we are few years in wano with 140 odd chapters

And the main antagonist kaido isn't fleshed out till now.

King and Queen got done in few chapters

BM got done in without going all out.

We didn't learn anything about mysteries. Infact, more mysteries got piled up. Don't know how he will resolve all these mysteries in future without compromising the quality

Haki became more complex but he still didn't dedicate few chapters to explain how haki works and what are the levels as if he himself doesn't know and is making things up while moving forward

Awakening isn't explained and fuck explanation - two yonkous went down without awakening lmao

I just want wano to be over and have Blackbeard and shanks come into picture. I have some hope because Oda delivers when it comes to these two but then who knows


Those months of reading the first 60 volumes are special, it's like playing Dark Souls for the first time, you can't get it back

But then the timeskip arrives, and slowly but surely, arc after arc

you start seeing the cracks and they start building up, but you can still just rush past them because of binging reading or watching

and then when you're caught, the weekly release absolutely fucks the manga, because all the cracks and shit that has been built up over caughting up, now you can't unsee them, you can't rush past them, you're stunlocked into reading it and seeing people talk about it for the entire week

and then after a few years of following weekly

you're just done

that's where i am

i've only been following it weekly for 4 years, since the end of Whole Cake

i can't believe the people that have done this over a decade

i don't know if i could do that

but i will stay with the series to the end

mostly because i wanna see Zoro vs Mihawk, no matter how disappointing it's going to be, because i know it will
I can't call the "I am Oden" shit, and Big Mom getting amnesiac, the O-Lin situation, waterfall issue, BM getting rolled over by Franky, thrown away by Robin, her not even being able of using her true power and the Big Mom vs Kid and Law "fight" improvements. That was even worse than Mother Carmel picture and the Wedding Cake chase from WCI arc.

And no I certainely don't appreciate BM being constantly humiliated and stopped from using her powers, even when she should have shown her badassery many times during these last two arcs, at all. That's not a comic relief, it's a cringeworthy-relief.
Yamato will learn!

As for BM (and this goes for Kaido as well), Oda made them too strong. They cannot be defeated without nerfing.


Yamato will learn!

As for BM (and this goes for Kaido as well), Oda made them too strong. They cannot be defeated without nerfing.
Two Yonkou going down without Awakenings is a fucking shame really :josad:

especially when they get defeated right after their enemies show their awakening

in a way, Big Mom and Kaido feel like the Underdogs in a sense, because even if we know they are stronger, we know Luffy and CIA will win no matter what

so we know there's gonna be bullshit incoming to defeat them
Yamato will learn!

As for BM (and this goes for Kaido as well), Oda made them too strong. They cannot be defeated without nerfing.
Well he could have nerfed her without depriving her of her seriousness and of real moments of badassery and danger, and without using such silly and stupid plot devices or mistreating her so much.

It could have been far better if he gave her the same treatment than other Yonkos, or even of Blackbeard before the timeskip but instead he made her, and her daughters, go through the trash.
Post automatically merged:

And as others had pointed out, Oda could have entirely avoided to make Big Mom come to Wano, but instead he made her come and trashed Wano story because he can't handle two Yonkos at once, nor even her even without any other top tier present.


Your avy reminded me of poor Jack

the first character with 1 bil bounty, an actual scary villain in Zou for a while

turned into a complete joke

whacked by Zunesha

lost to Ashura at the start of Wano

gets destroyed by sulong forms on the rooftop

gets backup

hybrid form appears off screen and has no hype to it, looks weird asf

doesn't show a single named attack

gets soloed by Neko, not even both Neko and Inu


He deserved better


I will never forgive Oda
Your avy reminded me of poor Jack

the first character with 1 bil bounty, an actual scary villain in Zou for a while

turned into a complete joke

whacked by Zunesha

lost to Ashura at the start of Wano

gets destroyed by sulong forms on the rooftop

gets backup

hybrid form appears off screen and has no hype to it, looks weird asf

doesn't show a single named attack

gets soloed by Neko, not even both Neko and Inu


He deserved better
It's an Inuarashi avi smh
Well he could have nerfed her without depriving her of her seriousness and of real moments of badassery and danger, and without using such silly and stupid plot devices or mistreating her so much.

It could have been far better if he gave her the same treatment than other Yonkos, or even of Blackbeard before the timeskip but instead he made her, and her daughters, go through the trash.
She was smarter on the rooftop than Kaido was. And she was pretty serious and ruthless towards the Ladd duo. Page 1 and Ulti had a horrible time running into her. For the comedic female, she did plenty.

Lol well the whole issue is that Oda doesn't treat women the same as men, he won't start with this because she's a Yonko.

Maybe Yamato wishing she was Oden is the only way he'll be able to pull it off, and I'll support it :catblush:
Big Mom being in Wano made sense. Wano is the climax of the Yonko saga and both Kaido and Big Mom have to go down in this arc

problem is how he butchered her because he realized how broken he made both her and Kaido
Oden is such a forced and overhyped and overrated character, by his own author none the less.

It doesn't make sense frankly that his followers and Yamato idolize this guy, dude was a dumbass who totally wasted his chance to save Wano and made an utter fool of himself for naught.
Big Mom being in Wano made sense. Wano is the climax of the Yonko saga and both Kaido and Big Mom have to go down in this arc

problem is how he butchered her because he realized how broken he made both her and Kaido
Yup, a lot of bullshit nerf has to happen for them to go down :milaugh:
Your avy reminded me of poor Jack

the first character with 1 bil bounty, an actual scary villain in Zou for a while

turned into a complete joke

whacked by Zunesha

lost to Ashura at the start of Wano

gets destroyed by sulong forms on the rooftop

gets backup

hybrid form appears off screen and has no hype to it, looks weird asf

doesn't show a single named attack

gets soloed by Neko, not even both Neko and Inu


He deserved better
Only real fans recognize the true greatness of master Jack