for me Renpa is still better than Gyou'un
Renpa weight will still be greater than Gyou'un and in a fight Renpa will def sweat and be hurt but he will ultimately win this.
Ouki explained us the weight and I think that a Great general like Renpa with decades of experience will have more weight than Gyou'un.
Renpa the great general will have more weight. More responsabilities, he carried more lives on his back etc.
Renpa weight will still be greater than Gyou'un and in a fight Renpa will def sweat and be hurt but he will ultimately win this.
Ouki explained us the weight and I think that a Great general like Renpa with decades of experience will have more weight than Gyou'un.

Renpa the great general will have more weight. More responsabilities, he carried more lives on his back etc.
Shin had more weight than Houken but Houken was clearly stronger, you yourself pointed this out yesterday lol.
Gyou’Un was strictly a martial General while Renpa was a General who also fulfilled the role of grand strategist. In Sanyou for example, Renpa didn’t even start fighting until the very end of the battle. Gyou’Un would’ve been fighting on day 1 since this is the only role he is made for on the battlefield. Gyou’Un’s battlefield role necessitates him being stronger than Renpa, which is consistent with his hype being above Renpa’s and Gyou’Un directly being compared to Gaimou who reached the rank of Great General literally only because he was so colossally strong lol.
Gyou’Un was stronger than Shin who fought pretty evenly with Houken for a time, while Shin was more wounded and tired than Houken was. Let that sink in.
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