Questions & Mysteries If Zoro’s attack had connected in chapter 1002 would he have killed/grievously scarred Kaido without acoc?


Kitetsu Wanker
For luffy to pull of red hawk in G3 means he improved his strenght/speed(g3 is fast enough to produce fire)!
Red Roc is nothing than simply G3 move with haki flow added...
It is not "fast af boi" to produce fire...
It is simply added visually to distinguish it from regular G3 hits.
It is literally the same thing that PageOne was hit with, minus the haki flow.
It wouldn't have killed Kaido but it would have at least created a permanent scar equal to his Asura mode attack. I believe that for four seasons.

1 - Big Mom was very concerned about the attack and even told Kaido to not underestimate him. There's no reason for her to be concerned if that attack wouldn't have left a permanent scar.

2 - the attack not only completely cut the horn off at that distance but it had so much power it shook the entire Island.

3 - Zoro was in very poor condition when he performed his Asura mode attack. Yes, we have seen Zorro in bad shape before but the manga has never went out the way to show us the severity of Zoro's injuries. He was also running low on haki. All of that would have affected the strength of his attack.

4 - advance CoC is not needed to injure Kaido. The more strength and haki placed into an attack the stronger it becomes.
Ashura >>
And even that couldn't bring Kaido to his knee
If it brought Kaido down, that'd mean Zoro >> Kaido and straight up defeated him.

Cuts/slashes aren't punches and shoves, m8. 99% of the times when Zoro's opponent touched the ground off of his cuts, they lost the entire fight. Getting downed from a cut means you're too hurt to stand anymore, not that its force sends you rolling back.