Powers & Abilities Is Kaido the strongest character?

Do you (still) think that Kaido is the strongest?

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I think if Enma's Fire was Blue Fire it could be a good excuse . Otherwise if it was just usual Orange Fire + Advanced Armament then it's not a good one

But if Kaido gets hurted by Luffy's Advanced Armament + Zoro opening his scar / injuring him with Enma's Orange Fire , these will be the last nails in WSC's coffin


I think if Enma's Fire was Blue Fire it could be a good excuse . Otherwise if it was just usual Orange Fire + Advanced Armament then it's not a good one

But if Kaido gets hurted by Luffy's Advanced Armament + Zoro opening his scar / injuring him with Enma's Orange Fire , these will be the last nails in WSC's coffin
Nothing will stop kaido from being strongest
Until oda comes out and says otherwise

Also his title is legit.
I'm saying they're just people's misconceptions based on whatever thing he's supposed to be.
Or it could be a fact.
No, those sayings exist because Kaido is unkillable and from an unknown species.
Baseless, none of that was specified in the intro or implied to be why people say that about him.
You didn't hear that for Whitebeard, yet he's stronger than Kaido. Ace Novels confirmed people still bet on Kaido when Whitebeard was around. You're making this into something more.
He already had the WSM title he didn't need that to be said. Kaido however had that hype placed at his feet. And it wasn't Oda intent for u or anybody else to dismiss it as just some random dude talking.
Okay, but it's still just people's opinions.
that doesn't negate the hype tho, that dude said that phase like it's commonly know/said. No other top tier bar old gen has hype comparable.
Or obviously because he's unkillable and from an unknown species, which gives people the idea he's the strongest creature (they're technically not wrong).
Or he's just the strongest..
Baseless, none of that was specified in the intro or implied to be why people say that about him.
His intro was all about how he's unkillable. You're seriously not going to tell me that doesn't link to his "strongest creature" title, are you?

He already had the WSM title he didn't need that to be said. Kaido however had that hype placed at his feet.
Kaido had that placed on his feet when Whitebeard was around. It means nothing except as a grain-of-salt hype tool.

And it wasn't Oda intent for u or anybody else to dismiss it as just some random dude talking.
No, it was Oda's intent to take it with a grain of salt.

that doesn't negate the hype tho, that dude said that phase like it's commonly know/said. No other top tier bar old gen has hype comparable.
Doflamingo, more insightful than "they say," doesn't regard Kaido as the heir to Roger's "throne." To him, he's just another Emperor. Big Mom, who actually knows Kaido, doesn't elevate him over the other Emperors like she does with Whitebeard. These characters are more reliable than "they say."

Or he's just the strongest..
Kaido is not even the final villain. He doesn't even have significance like Shanks, Akainu, or Blackbeard. He's either equaled to Shanks and Big Mom, or he's slightly below Shanks.
I used to doubt Kaido's title myself but the thing that convinced me he is really the strongest is Oda's reply in the SBS

In a question where it was asked if a mother was stronger than Akainu, Oda used his title to justify a mother is even stronger than Kaido, let alone Akainu

That was the moment i was sure his title was legit. With that said, i have an exception to that title. It's Blackbeard. Unlike the other top tiers, he is in the worst generation, who keeps improving, was already a yonko a year ago.

I suspect he grew even stronger with an additional year, but just like when people weren't accepting him as a yonko until he overwhelmed Marco, i believe Oda is waiting for Blackbeard next demonstration of power to show he is actually the strongest character currently, but since it's speculative as of yet, i place him in a tie position with Kaido right now
Agree with this completely, it’s the sbs that also sealed the deal for me. If it weren’t for it, id be doubtful, and I don’t blame anyone for doubting it.

Blackbeard has either surpassed him or will soon, but until he truly demonstrates his power, we’re supposed to consider Kaido as the strongest.

I’m more forgiving towards him when it comes to Luffy pushing him down and drawing blood than I am with all of Big Mom’s mishaps, because while his being drunk is merely an excuse, he recovered from it swiftly. His attack on Luffy was brutal. Luffy exhausting himself out of being able to use FS is on Luffy and doesn’t diminish Kaido’s prowess. It just shows that Kaido was so fearsome that Luffy had to go all out from the offset to stand even a sliver of a chance.

The difference between BM and Kaido is that BM embarrasses herself if she’s not fully serious, while Kaido can goof off and still effortlessly crush his opposition.

I don’t think he can quite measure up to WB, but he’s the closest thing until BB peaks.


I think if Enma's Fire was Blue Fire it could be a good excuse . Otherwise if it was just usual Orange Fire + Advanced Armament then it's not a good one

But if Kaido gets hurted by Luffy's Advanced Armament + Zoro opening his scar / injuring him with Enma's Orange Fire , these will be the last nails in WSC's coffin
strongest doesn't mean he remains same forever.....

Kaido is current strongest like it or not....and if you believe WSC is false, then WSM, WSS are also false because ultimately they were "given" by people....

Kaido lost 7 times but WSS holder Mihawk didn't win in his duels against Shanks and WB as a WSM is the only one equalled/rivalled Roger in strength who doesn't have WSM.....

Kaido got legit introduction box just like other title holders.....only thing that is rumored is "1 vs 1" bet
strongest doesn't mean he remains same forever.....

Kaido is current strongest like it or not....and if you believe WSC is false, then WSM, WSS are also false because ultimately they were "given" by people....

Kaido lost 7 times but WSS holder Mihawk didn't win in his duels against Shanks and WB as a WSM is the only one equalled/rivalled Roger in strength who doesn't have WSM.....

Kaido got legit introduction box just like other title holders.....only thing that is rumored is "1 vs 1" bet
WB and Mihawk got official titles , Mihawk was stated to be the strongest in actuality and in name or something like that , and WB's box was designed like Mihawk and actually got more characters to support his title than Mihawk's

Kaido's one that is confusing , but let's see , personally if Luffy damages him with Advanced Armament and Zoro damaged him too with Enma , i will see them as last nails in his WSC
Kaido being "the strongest creature" is true, but it doesn't mean other top tiers can be stronger. It sounds contradictory at first. Fish-man are stronger than humans, but it's possible for A human to defeat a fish-man. Whatever Kaido is supposed to be, it's stronger than any other creature. He can survive just about ANYTHING. No creature we've seen in the OP has that durability, not even Roger and Whitebeard. No one knows where Kaido hails from, but he's the only one of his kind, which is why his title is "strongest creature" as if he's a separate species rather than an individual.


Indeed imo you gotta be as powerful as an admiral to damage him considerably if you have no Enma or so
Enma is just a sword which gave kaido his only scar because of it's master strength... so even if you can bring the best weapon it doesn't matter if the user has no knowledge how to use it and if someone is really on Kaido league and a swordsman, then they can damage Kaido with their own sword
He might be beaten by an alliance. On the other hand, Luffy has a tremendous growth rate and is supposed to surpass even Roger. When is he supposed to do so, if he can't even beat a Yonko in one of the latest arcs from the manga?
I dont have an issue with Luffy beating Kaido in a group effort though. I just believe that there are others who are overall stronger. Whether thats with a crazy devil fruit or insane mastery of Haki. We still have several years for One Piece to end.